Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 403 Far Eastern Knights

In a remote small courtyard in Vladivostok, there are a total of more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground, some men and women, some lost their arms, some had their limbs cut off, some had their heads chopped off, some Some of them were disembowelled, and the worst was the mother and daughter, who completely lost their human form and were tortured like rags.

There were stumps and broken legs all over the place, blood soaked the ground, and a thick bloody smell condensed in the air. Fortunately, it was frozen at this time, and the corpse did not rot, but was frozen.But this adds to the sense of terror, as each corpse retains its dying state.

They were struggling and shouting, their eyes were full of fear and anxiety, they were so helpless, they turned into a pile of tattered corpses in a foreign land, God did not protect them, neither did the US government protect its own citizens until the second day. God, a passer-by passed by here and discovered such a miserable scene.

It quickly attracted the attention of reporters. At this sensitive time, more than a dozen Americans were brutally murdered, which immediately ignited the attention of public opinion, and everyone focused on it.Especially those American expatriates and those who were anxious to get the news, all boiled up.

When they saw George's desperate eyes and the mutilated limbs of the mother and daughter, these Americans were startled and terrified. They all knew that Russia is in such chaos now, and they might become the next targets of being tortured and killed.And all kinds of rumors are spreading in the Far East. They say that the majority party is a bloodthirsty demon. They will kill all the foreigners they catch, and then freeze them as army rations. They will take all the women away. In the barracks, Let the lonely soldier vent his animal desires.

These rumors and gossips, coupled with the fuel of the newspapers, spread an unprecedented panic among the American expatriates.They were terrified and eager to leave this damned land and return to the United States.

U.S. diplomatic agencies quickly reported the situation to the country, not only the expatriates, but these diplomats also hoped to withdraw from Russia.President Wilson of the United States was also reported. As the only president in American history with the title of Doctor of Philosophy, Wilson was not as belligerent as other American presidents.

However, during his second term, the United States was inevitably involved in World War I, and millions of American youths had to go to Europe to fight for victory for the Allied Powers.From the heart, this violates Wilson's concept, but in order to prevent the bonds in the hands of the Americans from becoming waste paper, the United States must take action to save the Allies.

Just at this time.There was another problem in Russia, and a huge problem was posed in front of Wilson.Whether the United States should send troops to intervene.Fierce debates have also taken place in American society, and Wilson is also vacillating.

But at this time, the incident of brutal torture and murder of American nationals suddenly appeared, which immediately caused public opinion in the United States to boil. All major newspapers stood up and demanded that the US government use its own power.To protect those expatriates, the voices calling for troops to be dispatched have been louder and louder.

Wilson, who is on the cusp of the storm, cannot ignore the raging public opinion. He must take decisive measures, otherwise he will be accused of cowardice and incompetence.Regardless of the life and death hat of American expatriates, he is in trouble as a president.

Therefore, Wilson hurriedly mobilized the U.S. Navy to go to the Far East to bring back American nationals.At this time, two more attacks against foreigners occurred in the Far East. Three Americans and two Frenchmen were killed and all their belongings were looted.

Bloody incidents happened one after another, and the cloud over the Far East became thicker and thicker. Republicans also stood up and accused Wilson of being indecisive and unable to truly protect the interests of the United States. The angry American people also began to point the finger at President Wilson, demanding that he must use Rescue all the expatriates as quickly as possible, and there can be no more mistakes. Some congressmen have even threatened to impeach the president.

Not long ago, a German submarine sank an American merchant ship, which finally prompted the United States to enter World War I. Now the American media naturally blames the majority party for the massacre and killing of foreigners, and demands that the U.S. government report to the evil majority party Declare war and send troops to the Far East as quickly as possible.

"Gentlemen, we must come up with feasible measures to save the citizens of the United States in the Far East. The sooner the better, there can be no further delay. As long as there is another accident, those damn reporters may not say anything!"

"Mr. President, our warships and passenger ships are rushing to Vladivostok, but due to the distance, we need at least half a month, and the Far East has also lost order. We want to make tens of thousands of nationals and diplomatic personnel of the United States safe. Withdrawing to Vladivostok is also a very difficult thing."

"Can't the Russian army help?"

The security adviser shrugged: "Their army can't even protect themselves!"

Wilson turned a few times on the ground in distress: "It's too slow, and it's too unsafe. We have to come up with a better way. How about asking the Japanese government for help? They are the closest. Let them help with the withdrawal of overseas Chinese. Easier."

"Mr. President, this is indeed a good choice, but letting Japan send troops is tantamount to agreeing to the Japanese armed intervention in Russia in disguise. The consequences of this may be even more terrible!"

When Wilson heard this, his face turned bitter. It seemed that the situation was indeed worse than he imagined. When he was at a loss, the Secretary of State at the side suddenly said: "Mr. President, maybe I have a way, we can make the Chinese *Team to help."

"Mr. Secretary of State, are you sure you are not joking, can those Chinese with big braids and opium cigarettes help the United States?"

"Of course not. Maybe most of the squadrons are useless, but at least one army has defeated the Russians, and their position is more suitable. They have a long border with the Russian Far East."


Baker ran to the commander-in-chief's mansion in a panic and asked to see Zhang Zuolin. As soon as he met Baker, he said, "Your Excellency, the inspector, the government of the United States asked me to come here, and wanted the Fengjun to assist us in evacuating the overseas Chinese from the Far East."

Looking at Baker's appearance, Lao Zhang knew that the Americans were indeed in a hurry, but on the contrary, Lao Zhang looked like an old god, neither in a hurry nor in a panic.

"Mr. Consul General, of course I am willing to help the United States, but this kind of thing is the responsibility of the border guards. You should go directly to Zhang Tinglan."

Lao Zhang's words obviously meant prevarication, and Bai Keer was not a fool, he immediately understood that to get Fengjun to work, he had to provide enough benefits.Bai Keer immediately thought of the Mosin Nagan production line that Zhang Tinglan had mentioned to him. Now it seems that this is the only thing that can impress Feng Jun.

Saving overseas Chinese is not only about a few lives, but also reflects the national strength and international image of the United States. It must not be sloppy and deliberate.Only by handing over the production line to Feng Jun can they help solve this trouble.

After asking for instructions from China, Baker sent a telegram to Zhang Tinglan, asking the border guards to help rescue the American nationals.At this time, Zhang Tinglan had already arrived in Harbin, and the senior generals of the border guards gathered together.They are discussing how to deal with Russia's problems.

After Baker's telegram was delivered, Zhang Tinglan suddenly showed an uncontrollable joy.The long-awaited production line has finally arrived.

"Everyone. It's time for us to uphold the humanitarian spirit and help the Americans solve their troubles. The chief of staff will immediately draw up an action plan for the evacuation of overseas Chinese. Remember that not only the Americans, but China has the largest number of overseas Chinese in the Far East. Use this opportunity. Withdraw back together."

Jiang Dengxuan hurriedly nodded in agreement. He is also a full-fledged activist, and he came up with the plan in less than a day.Then the United States was notified.

According to Fengjun's plan, a total of four retreat routes were set up. One was to start from Chita and enter Manzhouli, and the other was to cross Heilongjiang directly from Hailanpao and other places. Now the river has been frozen and pedestrians can pass through.The third retreat route is to take Khabarovsk to Fuyuan and other places, and the last one is to take Vladivostok and enter Suifenhe.

After these American expatriates evacuated to China, they met in Harbin, then sent to Dalian, and directly returned to the United States by boat.This route is the fastest and most efficient, and there is no sea ice in Dalian Port, so the transportation is convenient. After the Americans saw it, they immediately expressed their approval.

After the plan was finalized, the Feng army immediately organized personnel on various retreat routes to welcome the American expatriates. At the same time, the U.S. government also issued instructions to the diplomatic agencies and expatriates in the Far East to gather them to the four nearest retreat locations.

At this time, Zhang Tinglan also used his network in Russia to find all the Americans, and then arranged special bodyguards for them under the banner of a security company. Facing the wind and snow, it was difficult to walk towards China.

They stepped on the thick ice and walked on Heilongjiang. Yi Lianna was a female reporter, and her father was a diplomat. He happened to work in Hailanpao, and she was doing an internship here. Like thousands of American expatriates, they walked tremblingly on the frozen Heilongjiang.

Suddenly her foot slipped and she fell on the ice. This fell very hard. She tried to stand up, but tried several times, but it didn't work.At this time, a guard on the side helped her up, and then motioned for her to go by herself, but Yi Lianna only felt a burst of sharp pain in her right leg. fell on the ice.

At this time, the other party had no choice but to stretch out his arms, hold her firmly in his arms, and then walked quickly towards the opposite bank.Although the two sides did not understand each other, Elena seemed to be instantly attracted by this oriental face. She knew very well that these people were all sent by the Chinese side. She never thought that the arms of the Chinese people were so warm and safe. ...

After passing Heilongjiang, they entered the territory of China. At this time, there were already a large number of squadrons waiting. They boiled hot noodles and eggs. The American didn't care about anything anymore, and quickly ate all the noodles, and finally regained his strength.

Another specialized doctor came to help them check their bodies. There was also a carriage that had been prepared long ago. The elderly, women and children were safely loaded into the carriage and slowly evacuated towards the inland.

They finally got rid of Russia, a place of right and wrong. Elena sat on the carriage. Although she was extremely tired, she still kept reminiscing about the warmth just now. She barely struggled to take out her notepad and wrote this on it. times of experience:

In the days of Russia, we live in fear every day, there are gunshots in the city from time to time, dead bodies can always be seen in the streets, either beaten to death, or frozen to death, I pray God bless these people , also pray that God can take care of us living people.

The killing finally inevitably fell on the Americans. Mr. George's family was brutally murdered, and many Americans were robbed and stolen. We were all terrified.

Finally at this time, we got the order to retreat, but the route surprised us, and we had to pass through the strange and mysterious China. I was even worried before that it was a place more terrifying than Russia.

Turns out my idea was completely wrong, we were secretly protected by some Chinese armed men, and left the Russians, although they won't admit it, but I know very well that they are the best soldiers, these people protect us , sent us safely to China all the way, everyone got the best care, they are like the knights in every girl’s dream, rescued us from the disaster... (To be continued.. )

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