In this operation by Feng Jun, a total of 250 American nationals and [-] diplomats were rescued from the United States without any casualties. As a large number of nationals were sent to Harbin, the US Consul General Baker represented the US government , came to greet him in person.

In addition to the U.S. government, a large number of reporters also came to inquire. These rescued people told the situation in Russia, and then talked about how they escaped safely. All Americans expressed their high appreciation for Fengjun's actions. As a reporter, Elena also received a lot of attention.

"The squadron rescued us from hell. Our part is very safe because we are closer to China. I heard that Russian bandits appeared in other directions. They tried to rob us, but these guys were repulsed by the brave Chinese knights who saved the citizens of the United States and let us escape unharmed, for which we are eternally grateful..."

It is also a big deal for the U.S. government to allow American expatriates to escape quickly. Therefore, under their promotion, the reports on Fengjun swept up like a whirlwind. One of the few positive reports has won Fengjun considerable public favor and international reputation.

"Zhuoyan, you are all honored as Knights of the Far East. This is famous all over the world. I want to congratulate you!" In order to rescue these expatriates, Yang Yuting also ran to Harbin. The rifle production line he dreamed of has also won respect in the world, which makes him very happy.

"Linge, haven't you seen that the Americans are so publicizing this matter, and to put it bluntly, they want to pull us to their side. Why are the Americans unwilling to send troops to interfere in Russia immediately? In the final analysis, it is because they are beyond their reach. They want to take Fengjun Hold it in your hands, and then let us act as pawns and take chestnuts for the Americans."

Yang Yuting also nodded: "Zhuoyan, you see it clearly, but who said that we are weak and have to rely on the great powers to survive."

Zhang Tinglan frowned, and then said with a smile: "Lingge, it doesn't matter how strong or weak you are. As long as you choose to attach yourself, you can only act as a slave. We are cooperative with any big power, and no one can think of us as slaves. 5000 Over the past few years, the state of China has always ruled the world. But in the past two or three hundred years, it has been down and out. But you can't let mermaids!"

Yang Yuting also smiled and said, "Speaking in humble words is arrogance. Do you have any plans? Tell me quickly."

"Ning Ge, you said that we can save the American nationals, but shouldn't our own nationals be saved. There are nearly 100 million nationals in the Far East, and they are also very threatened. Can the Fengjun just sit back and watch?"

As soon as Zhang Tinglan's words came out, Yang Yuting thought for a moment. He finally saw the purpose of Zhang Tinglan's action. To put it bluntly, Zhang Tinglan was looking for an excuse to send troops to interfere in Russia.

In this era.Protecting overseas Chinese is a common excuse used by various countries to send troops to fight. The Japanese frequently create troubles with this. China has a large number of overseas Chinese in the Far East. In fact, it can also use this excuse to send troops.However, China's strength is weak, and if it sends troops rashly, the big powers will definitely oppose it.

But after this incident, the U.S. government can greatly appreciate Fengjun's protection of American nationals. They can't object to China's protection of their nationals. Isn't this slapping themselves in the face!

Without the opposition from the United States, there would be no biggest obstacle for Fengjun's actions. He could send troops to Russia in an open and aboveboard manner, saying it was to rescue the nationals, but he could also do a little private work, depending on Fengjun's plan.

After Yang Yuting figured out the key point, he couldn't help showing his thumbs up: "Humble words are clever, and the United States can't object if they want to. It's just that if we use the name of sending troops to protect overseas Chinese, to When Russia sends troops, it has to weigh the following chain reactions, and I am afraid that the Japanese will use the same excuse to send troops.”

Yang Yuting's judgment is correct, the Japanese will definitely intervene, and the Far East will really be messed up by then, Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "Linge, if you say that if we don't send troops, will the Japanese ambitions be restrained? Sooner or later they will There will be actions, so let's make the water in the Far East a little bit muddied, so we can fish in troubled waters."

"There are also people who say this, but I am still a little worried. We have offended Russia by rashly interfering in Russia. If Russia recovers in the future, won't it become our number one enemy? How to deal with it is also a question. big trouble."

"Ling Ge, worrying about Russia, worrying about Japan, in fact, I don't think it is necessary." Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "It's going to rain, mother wants to marry, this is not our business, the Japanese are ambitious, and they will never let go of expansion However, Russia and us are each other’s biggest neighbors. The two land-bordering powers are natural enemies. It’s not a day or two since Russia covets China. It has become our number one enemy, and we have to fight!"

Any two big bordering countries are bound to be full of conflicts, not to mention Europe, where France, Germany and Russia have fought bloody battles, and the war has not been interrupted for hundreds of years.The Chinese governments of all dynasties and the northern nomads have been fighting for thousands of years. Even if there is peace occasionally, it is only because of the balance of power.

When the Central Plains Dynasty becomes stronger, it will sweep the grasslands and let all directions come to surrender. After the Central Plains Dynasty weakens, these northern tribes will move towards occupying the Huahua World in the Central Plains.

In fact, this is also the fate between China and Russia. They are wary of each other. Even in later generations, China and Russia have very friendly relations and the border issues have been resolved. In the final analysis, it is only because the strengths of the two countries have reached a balance. Moreover, there is a more powerful enemy eyeing it. The two countries have to back to back to keep each other warm. It is still extremely difficult to achieve real peace.

Zhang Tinglan sees this very clearly. Sooner or later, the Russians will be enemies on land. They simply take advantage of this opportunity to weaken Russia as much as possible, and then use this period of weakness of the polar bear to quickly strengthen themselves.

Yang Yuting bowed his head for a while, and then said: "Zhuoyan, what you said is correct, but there is a difference between a potential enemy and a direct confrontation. With Feng Jun's family background at this time, if he devotes all his energy to interfering in Russia If it’s not good, you will be smashed to pieces, so you have to weigh it carefully.”

"Because of this, I played the banner of protecting overseas Chinese. This also leaves us room for detours, and after we act, the Japanese will definitely follow. It is best to let the Japanese and Russians fight in the Far East." Choke it to death, and then we will reap the benefits of the fisherman."

In fact, in the three-party game, it is often easier to be the third child, because the boss and the second child will concentrate their energy on the other party, pay little attention to the third child, and will vigorously buy them off.

In this game of chess in the Far East, Russia will definitely regard the great powers as the main opponents, and Feng Jun will become the third insignificant.

"Lin Ge, if we send troops late, we can only serve as helpers to the big powers. If we send troops first and seize the opportunity, we can stir up the development of the situation and change from chess pieces to chess players."

Listening to Zhang Tinglan's analysis, Yang Yuting also felt that it made sense: "Zhuoyan, your idea may be good, but you have to be cautious, formulate a comprehensive strategy, and act after making a decision!"

Zhang Tinglan also expressed his approval, and then the entire border guards were mobilized to make up the shortfall. The officers and soldiers who returned home from vacation immediately returned to the team, and all the troops entered a state of first-level combat readiness.

In addition to the border guards, other units of Fengjun are also being mobilized. Lao Zhang transferred the 28th brigade from the 55th division to go north. In addition, Sun Liechen assigned a reinforced regiment of Guo Songling to Zhang Tinglan from the direction of Rehe. .

In addition to these troops, the two divisions of Zhang Jinghui and Zhang Haipeng also mobilized most of them to go north together. Together with the original troops in Heilongjiang and Jilin, Zhang Tinglan had more than 5 troops at once, which can be described as strong and strong.

Lao Zhang also made suggestions to the Beiyang government, and promoted Zhang Zuoxiang to the deputy tour envoy of the three eastern provinces, the military chief of North Manchuria, and sent Zhu Qinglan to become the military deputy of North Manchuria.

Such security is obviously paving the way for Zhang Tinglan to interfere in Russia. After Zhang Tinglan entered Russia, Zhang Zuoxiang took charge of the North Manchurian area, fighting brothers, father and son soldiers.There is absolutely no problem with the two men joining forces, one in charge of the front and the other in charge of the backup, and this will also strengthen the control of the border guards.

The army is almost ready, the management organization has been straightened out, and the dispatch of troops is imminent.On this day, Fengjun soldiers were patrolling along the front line of Heilongjiang, and suddenly they saw a black shadow running towards this side from a distance, and there were several people chasing after them, which immediately attracted their attention, and Fengjun immediately finished Ready for battle.

At this time, the other party had already entered the line of sight, and the people running in front kept shouting for help. Zhao Yongqing, who was in charge of the command, immediately recognized that the man was shouting in Chinese, and he should be Chinese without a doubt. The tall guy is the Russian soldier.

He immediately raised his pistol, fired a shot into the air, and issued a warning to the Russians. When the Chinese heard Fengjun's gunshots, he was also very happy, and he hurried towards this side.Those Russians were taken aback for a moment, and then rushed over recklessly, with a look of indifference.

At this moment, Zhao Yongqing clicked the trigger, and a Russian soldier fell to the ground. The others were a little stupid and prepared to fight back, but Feng Jun moved faster than them, and two more Russian soldiers were killed in a blink of an eye. , and the remaining two turned and ran.

Zhao Yongqing and the others chased after them, and they stepped across Heilongjiang in a blink of an eye. At this time, the land under their feet was Jiangdong 64 Village... (to be continued...)

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