Planet Rebirth

Chapter 106 The Curse of Gold

() Yang Rui walked in front and said: "To live is not necessarily to enjoy happiness, and to die is not necessarily to suffer. Cain will live forever in this world and suffer all the hardships. His descendants will also suffer because of He suffered with him for the crimes he committed. Although Abel is dead, he can get my gift and live happily in the palace forever. And this story will be passed on, so that later people will know the two Brothers have different fates."

Samuel asked: "This is all manipulated by you, what is this for?"

Yang Rui smiled and said, "This is for human beings to know how to respect and believe in God."

After speaking, Yang Rui strode away from Cain's house.

At this time, Michael came to Yang Rui and reported the news from Fangorn Forest. Michael said: "The war between the Sumerians and the Canaanites has been going on. The Sumerians can no longer resist the Canaanites." Counterattacked and retreated to Mount Olympia. At this time, Mount Olympia was surrounded by the Canaanites and was in danger of being destroyed at any time. The sons of Moli, Kerry and Anos, have arrived at the shrine and want to see you. "

Yang Rui smiled and said, "The robbers from back then also came to accuse others of their crimes?"

Yang Rui returned to the shrine and met the brothers Kerry and Anos who came to ask for help on the high steps.

Yang Rui said: "You came to find me now that you have nowhere to go? Isn't it a bit late?"

Anos leaned on the steps and said: "Almighty God, my master, the Canaanites have arrived at the foot of Mount Olympia, and the destruction of the Sumerians is just around the corner. Please see that we are your creation. Help our poor Sumerians."

Yang Rui said: "But the Canaanites were also created by me. I helped you and defeated the Ghanaians. If Austin also came to ask me for help, would I still have to help them?"

Kerry said: "My master, for the sake of children without fathers, please help us through this difficult time. The Sumerians will forever be grateful for your kindness?"

Yang Rui asked: "Has Rhea given birth?"

Kerry said: "Yes, Rhea gave birth to a healthy and strong boy named Zeus. According to the law, he will establish the throne of Irber and become the new king of Sumeria."

Yang Rui said: "On this land, new intelligent races have appeared. You can seek their help. They are numerous and smart and eager to learn. Although they are not yet civilized, I believe that with your help, they will It will soon become your most powerful helper."

Anos said: "But right now, how to deal with the siege of the Canaanites, they will rush to Mount Olympia at any time."

Yang Rui said: "A hurricane will be suspended on Mount Olympia soon, and the Canaanites' attack will be blocked. They will receive the apocalypse and return to Fangorn Forest. You will have a chance to breathe. After that, follow my instructions to Do it, and you will have a turnaround."

Before the words were finished, a hurricane blew up around Mount Olympia. The hurricane swept away everything and the confidence of the Canaanites.

Austin prayed in the wind, seeking God's will, and finally he got God's will, and accepted it gladly, and retreated to Fangorn Forest.

The siege of Mount Olympia was lifted, and the Sumerians panted proudly. They bowed on the mountain facing the direction of the shrine, and all praised the glory of the god. Continuously flocking to the shrine, Yang Rui got all the energy on the platform, but there was no wave in his heart.

According to Yang Rui's will, the Sumerians found human beings who were struggling to survive, and taught them more knowledge. Human beings gained knowledge, established societies, and even city-states. They regarded Sumerians as gods and described their deeds Teleportation, deeds become stories, and stories gradually turn into myths.

Yang Rui stood on the Daxue Mountain and said to the angels: "This is the result I want. Human beings have blossomed everywhere, and their energy fields are constantly increasing. Greed will make this world more prosperous than ever before."

Remiele said worriedly: "The greed of human beings will cause them to degenerate quickly. How will we control these evil deeds?"

The breeze blew over Yang Rui's cheeks, he smiled confidently and said, "Everything is under my control."

Many years later, Yang Rui left the snow-capped mountains and came to the world. He felt that human beings really chose a good place to settle.Many human footprints have appeared on the ground.

Seeing a village appeared at his feet, he came to the ground and turned into a shepherd, wearing a white robe with a hood that dragged the floor, straw sandals on his feet, and a cane in his hand.

He strolled into the village, and saw no smoke, no sound, only a few octogenarians who were about to die sitting shivering in the sunshine in front of the door.

Only an old man who seemed to be able to walk was sitting beside the collapsed blacksmith shop, carefully polishing a rusty pickaxe with a stone.

Yang Rui walked up to him, but before he could speak, the old man said, "Go quickly, shepherd, there is no food for you to eat here, but your sheep can eat enough, because there are weeds everywhere."

Yang Rui asked, "Where did everyone in the village go?"

The old man went all the way to the mountains in the north and said, "Where did you go to dig for gold?"

Yang Rui glanced at the mountain pointed by the old man, and asked again: "Are there no one to take care of those old people in the village who can't live alone?"

"They?" The old man snorted, continued to sharpen the pickaxe in his hand and said, "Who cares about their lives? With gold, you can get the best food, fine wine, and women in Sodom. "

Yang Rui said, "Didn't your leaders tell you that if you dedicate the fruits of your labor every year to God, God will bless you?"

The old man raised his head and asked Yang Rui dismissively: "Where is the god? I haven't seen it in my life for so many years! It's more practical to hold gold in my hand, gold will bless me."

After finishing speaking, the old man stood up, picked up the decently polished iron pick and went back to the house. When he came out again, he was burdened. He glanced at Yang Rui and said, "Shepherd, take advantage of the golden The mines have not been robbed, you go too! Maybe you can still dig some, it is much better than you herding sheep."

Yang Rui asked: "Old man, are you also going to dig for gold?"

The old man said without turning his head, "I'll go while I can still move. Even if I dig a little bit, I can exchange for food and wine."

Looking at the back of the old man going away, and looking at the barren farmland around him, Yang Rui was expressionless.

Afterwards, the farms he passed were all deserted and overgrown with grass, and animals were allowed to roam the streets, devouring the rotting bones from time to time.

He came all the way to the foot of the mountain in the north, and here is indeed another scene.

When Yang Rui first created the mountains and rivers, it was a dense forest and lush mountains, the scenery was as beautiful as the holy lake forest.

But now there are only bare mountain ridges left here, caves are everywhere on the hillside, thick black smoke is floating around, the river is stinky, and countless dead fish are floating on the water.

Countless gold diggers gathered here. They cut down trees and built ugly wooden houses in order to shelter from wind and rain and store gold.

Suddenly a man with a dirty face ran out of a cave, holding an even dirtier bag in his hand and shouting frantically: "I dug gold, I dug gold!"

He ran all the way down the mountain, and before he could warm the gold bag in his hand, a cold arrow struck from a distance and pierced his chest.

The man fell to the ground in response, trembling all over, his eyes fixed on the gold bag in his hand, clutching it tightly, and did not let go until he died. (To be continued.)

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