Planet Rebirth

Chapter 107 The Destruction of Sodom

After a while, a tall man came from a distance, holding a bow and arrow in his hand, and walked quickly to the side of the dead body.He knelt on the ground and wanted to take the gold bag away, but the corpse's hand was unwilling to let go.

So the tall man drew the ax from his waist, and without hesitation cut off the hand holding the gold bag.Just as he was about to leave, several hideous-looking guys came up, each holding a weapon in his hand.

The tall man realized that they were after the gold as well.While backing away, he raised the sharp ax in his hand, with an almost distorted expression on his face, staring at his two fire-breathing eyes, as if warning these people not to act rashly.

However, at this time, the flash of gold was faintly visible in the bag, which undoubtedly stimulated those people. They rushed forward recklessly, and ruthlessly hacked the tall man to death on the ground with all kinds of weapons in their hands.

Then they fought for the bag of gold again, and a scuffle broke out on the hillside.

Yang Rui walked up the hillside slowly and watched these people fall to the ground one by one to die. Only the last one barely survived, but he was covered in blood and could hardly stand up. He shook the blood-stained body The gold bag wanted to be put into his bosom.But Yang Rui held it in his hand.

There was no pity or sorrow on Yang Rui's face. He lightly looked at the man's forehead with a wooden stick, and the man fell to the ground dead.

Immediately Yang Rui gradually crushed the gold bag, and the hard and attractive gold turned into dust that disappeared with the wind in his hands.

He looked down again at the gold diggers who died tragically on the ground, and poked a shallow hole in the soft ground under his feet with a stick.Not long after, countless ants sprang up from the shallow pit, and they quickly climbed up the corpses and gnawed away their flesh and bones in a very short time, leaving only a pile of white bones.

At this time, countless fungi grew underground, surrounding the bone, and gradually the silkworms ate it away.Until it disappears without a trace.

Finally, there was a loud noise, and suffocating gas came out of all the mines. Those crazy gold diggers all ran away, but they still held heavy gold in their hands.

Yang Rui calmly walked through the fleeing people and left the mountain.He continued to march westward, passing through patches of fertile but barren land, and continued westward along the footprints left by humans.

When he came to a wide river, he stopped to watch, and found that there were still countless men, women and children standing waist-deep on the river beach.All kinds of sprinkler irrigation will lift up the fine sand at the bottom of the water and filter it carefully, hoping to get more golden sand.

The crowd was all focused on panning for gold, and no one noticed that the shepherd around him could walk across the big river to the opposite bank.

When Yang Rui got to the other side, still no one expressed any objection to how he crossed the river, because they didn't care at all.

When Yang Rui stepped on the river beach, he saw Sodom, the first city where human beings gathered.

It was the city established by the Sumerians under the leadership of Anos and Sites back then. Now, the Sumerians have left this rich land.And humans occupied here, and renovated and expanded the original Sodom.

Yang Rui raised his eyes and saw that the city was even more majestic and spectacular.

Sodom was built on a low hill.Under the scorching sun, countless laborers are pouring tall city walls under the scorching sun.And outside the city of Sodom, countless barracks have been established, and groups of soldiers stand with weapons in their hands for training.

He walked slowly into the city, and the air was filled with the smell of stinky salted fish.Dirty water runs rampant, sick livestock hide dying in corners, and once-broad streets become crowded and narrow.Because too many hungry poor people knelt on the ground and blocked the road, begging the passing people to give them some food to survive.

There is crime everywhere, robbery, theft, rape abounds.But the law enforcers turned a blind eye, as long as the gold was given, even killing someone was nothing more than a trivial matter.

Yang Rui passed between them, expressionless.When he came to the barn, piles of grain were tightly locked inside the gate, and the guards at the gate forbade everyone from approaching here.

Yang Rui stepped forward and asked, "Why isn't the food in the barn distributed to the hungry poor?"

The guard said sternly: "This is to be offered to the gods, and no one is allowed to eat it without authorization."

But Yang Rui saw that on the other side of the barn, as long as you pay enough gold, you can get countless food from the barn.

Along the way, he saw not only the hardship of the poor, but also the extravagance of the rich.The fine wine is consumed in large quantities at the banquet, and the leftover food, even though it is moldy and smelly, is willing to give alms to the poor who are dying.A treacherous laugh and a lewd gasp came from the magnificent palace.

He left the palace and crossed the dirty streets expressionlessly, just as he was about to fly away, a soft hand stretched out in front of him, only to hear a woman asking: "Excuse me, do you have any food? "

Yang Rui turned his head and followed the sound, and there was a beautiful girl standing beside him, she was wearing a blue linen robe, her black hair was tied back, and she was holding a clay basin in her hand. There are several hard bran cakes in the basin.

Yang Rui asked, "What's your name, and what would you do?"

The girl replied: "My name is Nu Xin. Your Excellency, if you have any leftover food, please give me alms so that I can help the poor who are about to starve to death."

Yang Rui asked: "Who are these people who are about to starve to death? Why is there no food?"

Nu Xin said: "These are the people who gave up their homes to go digging for gold. They failed to dig gold and became starving people."

Yang Rui said: "A few bran cakes can't save them. He needs to work. Only by farming and animal husbandry can he get a stable harvest and live on. Besides, these people lost their wealth and land because of greed, which is not worth it at all. Pitiful."

Nu Xin nodded and said, "I just want to help these poor people. Although they used to be desperate for gold, now they really need a bran bread to survive."

Yang Rui looked at Nu Xin's beautiful face and said, "Nu Xin, you are a kind person. Let me tell you one thing. This city will be destroyed tonight. You leave this city before the moon rises above your head. When you arrive at The hillsides to the east of the city will be spared."

Nu Xin felt a little baffled when she heard Yang Rui's words. Yang Rui saw that she didn't believe her words, so he pointed at the clay pot.Nu Xin looked down and saw that the few bran cakes inside had all turned into golden and fragrant unleavened cakes.

Nu Xin covered her mouth in shock and stared at Yang Rui in a daze.But Yang Rui said with a smile: "Please believe me, this is God's will."

At night, the cold flying flies around, Yang Rui stands on the hillside in the east of the city, staring at the bright lights of Sodom city in the distance.

When the moon appeared from behind the mountain, he saw a faint figure, not a single person, but a group of men, women, old and young, supporting each other, walking towards this side.

The leader of the team is Nu Xin.

A calm and relieved smile appeared on Yang Rui's face, and he asked Nu Xin: "I only told you one person, why did you tell so many people?"

Nu Xin knelt down in front of Yang Rui piously and said, "My master, I know that you are the incarnation of God! I thank you for your care. However, I don't want to enjoy the grace of God alone. I hope that all who are willing to believe in you Existence, those who are willing to believe in you will receive your favor together."

Yang Rui helped Nu Xin up, nodded and said, "Nu Xin, you are a kind girl. Your deeds have given me hope for human beings. You and your followers will be pardoned, while those who remain Those in the city who are greedy and enjoy life without repentance will eventually be punished as they should."

Nu Xin raised her head and looked at Yang Rui in the evening wind and said imploringly: "My master, can you also pardon the people in the city! Give them another chance to reform themselves!"

Yang Rui ignored Nu Xin, walked to a higher place on the hillside and stood still, he said loudly: "The guilty people in this world must be punished as they should be." (To be continued...)

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