Planet Rebirth

Chapter 108 Historical Mission

Before the words fell, a red light appeared in the dark sky. This red light tore through the sky like a sharp knife, and gradually a huge whirlwind formed, covering the city of Sodom in the sky full of yellow sand. middle.

And the red crack in the sky is getting bigger and wider, almost like a monster opening its scarlet mouth and preparing to swallow this human city in one gulp.

Countless huge fireballs fell from the sky and smashed into the brightly lit city of Sodom.

Suddenly a fire broke out in the city, and all the buildings were burning hotly. Men, women, old and children ran out, but there was nowhere to hide, because the fire engulfed everything.

Those greedy people were slow to run because their bodies were covered with gold, and they were overtaken by the fire, and their bodies were burned to ashes together with the gold, and dissipated with the strong wind.

Those who ran fast without gold staggered out of Sodom, crying and looking for their lost relatives. They saw a white light shining on the hillside in the east of the city, so they walked over.

Gradually, all the surviving people gathered here, and behind them was Sodom in the sea of ​​fire.

Until dawn, Sodom, the first great city of mankind, was burned to ruins.

Someone asked: "Where is our king and queen?"

The guard who escaped from the palace replied: "The king and the future refused to give up his treasury, and were burned in it."

At this time, someone shouted again: "Look, there is a holy light on the top of the hill."

Everyone saw the holy light on the top of the mountain, Yang Rui stood there with a calm face surrounded by this light, and he said to the people on the hillside: "Sodom was burned to ashes, as a warning for future generations of ungodly gods. I only rescue those who are willing to follow God’s will and live peacefully in this world. Those who are unrighteous remain under punishment and wait for the day of judgment. Yes, more so."

Everyone knelt down at Yang Rui's feet and cried out: "Almighty God, please forgive our mistakes. We are willing to abandon evil and do good, and no longer try to gather those ill-gotten gains in vain."

Yang Rui walked down to the top of the mountain and came to the crowd. With a stick in his hand, he said: "Go back to your respective hometowns, and from now on, cultivate and raise animals well, and use your wisdom and hard work to enrich your life." During the harvest season every year, send one-seventh of the grain you get to the Hanging Garden of Daxue Mountain as your token to God, so that I can see that you are indeed working. Instead of gradually travel far."

Nu Xin asked: "My master, how can we experience your existence? We have deviated from the right direction."

Yang Rui put the wooden stick on Nu Xin's shoulder and said softly, "Nu Xin, you will be the guide of these people's beliefs. I hope you will be able to take on this difficult task."

Nu Xin raised her head, looked at Yang Rui hesitantly and asked, "My master, how can I do what you have done for us."

Yang Rui kissed Nu Xin lightly on the forehead and said, "You can definitely do it."

Afterwards, Yang Rui said to the crowd: "From today onwards, this woman will become my messenger. She will convey my will and your wishes to each other. Anyone who follows her will receive the grace of God, and those who continue to do evil They will be punished more severely."

People complied with Yang Rui's will, and returned to their homes one after another with the old and the young.Yang Rui looked at the dust from the crowd, with a smile on his lips.

in the following days.Yang Rui traveled all over the world, and human beings had already spread to every corner of the world, but what surprised him was that the speed of human degeneration was indeed beyond his imagination.

While continuing to enjoy the luxury of life on Mount Olympia.On the plains, humans also started the same behavior.Crime and violence are everywhere, and rape and looting never stops.

people in their respective cities.Temples and miracles were built, and they worshiped all kinds of gods they thought devoutly inside, and they were extremely devout.

But when they walked down the high steps of the temple, facing the vanity of this world, their weak hearts left and fell.

At the same time, the further corruption of the Sumerians and the paranoia of the Canaanites also filled the world with war and tyranny.

The release of the energy field has brought infinite power to Yang Rui, but he needs to control all of this, and after going through this period of time, there must be an end.

At this time, it spoke again: "It seems that you have to do something to prevent everything from getting out of control."

Yang Rui said: "That's true, I need a chaos to exchange for a great order."

It asked: "What? You want to destroy the Sumerians and Canaanites?"

Yang Rui said: "Everything in the world has its beginning and its end. The Sumerians and Canaanites have completed their historical mission, and it is time for them to withdraw from this stage."

It said in a relieved tone: "I am very happy that you can make such a judgment, which proves that you are growing and exceeding my expectations."

Yang Rui said: "I will keep some human beings. After all, I still need them to do things for me and provide energy fields. In addition, I want them to help me find the truth."

It asks, "What truth?"

Yang Rui said: "If you don't answer my two questions, then I will have to reenact the scene and see what happened on the day I died."

It smiled and said: "This requires thousands of years of operation, and every detail must be careful. Once the past history is changed, Yang Rui will not appear, and the ending will be changed."

Yang Rui nodded and said: "Of course I know this. I will be careful, just like playing a game, and I will devote myself to it. Because too many puzzles bother me, and I need answers."

It asks, "If that's the case, where do you want to start?"

Yang Rui walked to a hillside and said, "Then start with destruction."

After standing upright for a long time, Yang Rui walked down the hillside.

Under the hillside is a vineyard that can't be seen at a glance. It is already autumn, and the purple grapes are lying on the pergola, shining seductively, exuding a faint fragrance, which looks very gratifying.

Yang Rui was walking in the vineyard when three strong boys ran past him, playing and playing. This pastoral style warmed Yang Rui's cold heart.

The three boys noticed the stranger in the vineyard, they stopped chasing and surrounded Yang Rui, the tallest and oldest one asked Yang Rui: "Who are you, why are you in my vineyard?"

Yang Rui said kindly to the three boys: "I passed by here without any malice, if you don't mind if I can ask for a drink."

The tall boy showed a friendly smile and said, "Of course you can, passer-by, you must be exhausted from your appearance, come quickly, my house has the sweetest well water."

Yang Rui followed the three boys and asked, "What's your name?"

The tall boy said, "My name is Shem. These are my two brothers Ham and Japheth."

Yang Rui smiled and said, "Then let me guess, your father must be named Noah?"

The three boys looked at Yang Rui in amazement and asked, "How do you know our father's name?"

Yang Rui said: "I am a storyteller for a living, so naturally I know a lot of things."

The three boys brought Yang Rui to a farm. There was a short, fat middle-aged man standing at the gate of the farm. Yang Rui knew at a glance that this man was Noah.

The three sons told their father Yang Rui's background. Noah kindly smiled at Yang Rui and said, "Passer-by, please come to the house and drink a glass of water before leaving."

When Yang Rui entered the house, he found that Noah and Fu Fu had many servants in the big house.Although it was a master-servant relationship, Yang Rui found that the servants treated Noah with respect, without the slightest fear.

Noah treated them very well, he spoke in a gentle and soft tone, and never gave orders, which made Yang Rui feel relieved.

Yang Rui took the water glass, took a sip of cool well water, and praised: "This well water is really delicious."

Noah smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliment! These are all gifts from God."

Yang Rui asked curiously: "Do you believe in God?" (To be continued...)

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