Planet Rebirth

Chapter 116 The Surviving Child

In the wilderness outside the city of Athens, Homer followed Yang Rui on a difficult journey. He asked, "Are you sure we can climb that mountain?"

Yang Rui said firmly, "Of course."

Homer pointed to Mount Olympia in the distance and said, "But there is no road ahead of us."

Yang Rui said, "Take another look, the road is right under your feet."

When Homer looked again, there was indeed a narrow path under his feet, which meandered and went straight to the distant mountain peak.

Yang Rui said, "Go on."

Homer asked, "Who the hell are you?"

Yang Rui walked in front and said, "Many people have asked me this question, but I don't want to answer it, because even if I tell you, you won't believe it."

The two walked up to Mount Olympia along the path, where countless magnificent temples and temples appeared, tall and strong Sumerians were everywhere, which made Homer dumbfounded.

Homer said to Yang Rui: "These are the protoss? They have appeared in human mythology."

Yang Rui said: "For you humans, these Sumerians are indeed different and can become gods, but for me, they are no different from you."

Yang Rui found that the Sumerians were gathering their troops and they were advancing towards the bottom of the valley.There were shouts of killing and loud noises from time to time.

The two stood on the cliff and raised their eyes to watch.Homer insisted that these protoss were fighting another group of astonishing creatures.

Yang Rui smiled and said to himself: "These Sumerians still don't forget to compete with the Canaanites at this time."

"Follow me." Yang Rui led Homer down the cliff, towards the battlefield.

Homer said timidly, "We will be killed."

Yang Rui said calmly, "It's not certain who will die."

The Sumerian army is attacking the stone gate guarded by the Canaanites.The phoenix warrior flew out from the ground, using the power of spiritual belief to fight the Sumerian magic army in the narrow valley.There were corpses everywhere, mutilated, blood flowing in rivers.

Yang Rui stepped on these corpses and came to the center of the battle. He saw Austin, the leader of the Canaanites, fighting with Zeus, the new leader of the Sumerians.Every time a weapon collides, there is a rumbling noise.

Yang Rui said, "Are you going to fight endlessly like this?"

When Austin saw Yang Rui, he jumped out of Zeus' attack range, knelt on the ground and said, "My master, Austin listens to your instructions."

Yang Rui turned his head and asked Zeus, "What about you?"

It was the first time for Zeus to meet Yang Rui, but he had heard about God's deeds from his mother. Seeing such a powerful Austin kneeling in front of this humble human being, he knew that this man's power was profound. unpredictable.

He looked at Yang Rui hesitantly and said, "You are the master of this world?"

Yang Rui said: "I created this world, but you are always trying to destroy her."

Zeus also knelt on the ground and said: "We have no way to retreat, so we have to reach out to the Canaanites for land."

Yang Rui said: "You can go down the mountain to fight for human land. Why do you have to catch the Canaanites?"

Zeus was at a loss for words for a while, and Yang Rui replied for him: "I think everything is caused by the desire in my heart. You don't pay attention to human beings. You think Canaanites are your real enemies, but I want to warn you, human beings. The era of the world has come. You cannot stop their rise. I am very sad that you are still killing each other here! Didn’t you think that you were all the same kind.”

At this time, the valley became silent, and the soldiers on both sides knelt on the ground, listening to Yang Rui's instructions: "Your time is over. I will remember the contributions you have made. However, this does not mean that you will be able to fight in the future." Do whatever you want in my world, put away your weapons. Your mission now is to help human beings grow, if you don’t follow my orders, I will cut you off immediately.”

Both Zeus and Austin prostrated themselves in front of Yang Rui and said, "We will obey your will."

Yang Rui turned around and pointed to Homer and said, "This is the poet I invited, and he is also one of the human prophets I selected. I will give him some stories so that he can complete his work."

finished.Yang Rui led Homer back to the Sumerian temple, and Homer asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Yang Rui said: "Create a fantasy world and let human beings indulge in it. To generate belief, this is your job."

Homer said, "Show me how to write about you."

Yang Rui said: "Writing truthfully, we must convince people of this story and make them feel that gods do exist in this world."

After finishing speaking, Yang Rui walked out of the temple without looking back, and Homer chased him out and asked, "Where are you going?"

Yang Rui said without looking back: "There are still many people who need to know the truth."

Yang Rui left Greece and returned to Egypt. At this time, the Hebrews of the past and the Israelites of today have blossomed everywhere in Egypt.

Through their hard work, they took root in this land, mastered a lot of wealth, and occupied the main social status in Egypt.

All these changes aroused the dissatisfaction and jealousy of the Egyptians, so Pharaoh persecuted the Israelites.

Walking on the streets of Memphis, Yang Rui saw Egyptian soldiers hunting around, and the Egyptian general read out the orders of the Pharaoh.

"All male babies born in the Israelites will be executed, and those who hide the babies will be killed immediately. All the Israelites will go to the construction site to work and complete the construction of the two big cities for the Pharaoh. Those who do not go will be killed immediately."

The streets were in chaos, and the crying Israeli boys were snatched from their mothers by the Egyptians and thrown alive into the river to feed the crocodiles. The water of the Nile was stained scarlet by the blood of the babies.

Yang Rui walked across the street expressionlessly, watching what happened in front of him with an expressionless face.

He suddenly heard a woman moaning in a house.So he turned invisible and entered the house.It was found that a pregnant woman was about to give birth on a simple bed.

The midwife was by her side, and the pregnant woman shouted: "Pua, my noble man, if I give birth to a boy, please don't give it to the Egyptians, he is my blood and blood."

Pua frowned and said, "There is nothing I can do about it, and no one can but obey Pharaoh's will."

The woman cried, "Joseph had already become the prime minister of Egypt. Why did the Egyptians treat us Israelites like this?"

Pua said: "The times have changed, Joseph is dead, and the new pharaoh will not follow the example of the sages. They want to destroy the Israelites, and we can do nothing."

The woman continued to cry: "But what about my child who is about to be born?"

At this time, the child came into the world. It was a handsome and healthy baby boy, and his crying made his mother feel sad and happy.

She continued to plead with Pua: "Good people, please don't hand him over to the Egyptians."

Pua picked up the child and shook his head, saying, "If you don't hand it over to the Egyptians, you will die, and I will die too. I have no choice."

After speaking, Pua picked up the child and walked out of the room.

As soon as he went out, Pua saw Yang Rui appearing in front of him, his whole body was full of divine brilliance, and he asked, "Who are you?"

Yang Rui said: "As an Israeli, do you really want to hand over the descendants of Israel to the Egyptians and let them throw this child into the pond to feed the crocodiles?"

Pua said, "Then what else can I do? I am a midwife. If the Egyptians know that I have delivered an Israeli baby boy and don't call him out, I will be executed too."

Yang Rui said: "Death is not terrible, but how do you face your soul."

Pua said, "Then what should I do?"

Yang Rui said, "Leave this child to God to decide."

Pua said, "How to hand it over to God?"

Yang Rui said: "Just do what I say. Not only will you not be executed, but the child will also survive." (To be continued...)

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