Planet Rebirth

Chapter 117 The Escaped Moses

Pua followed Yang Rui's instructions and returned to his home.She found a box, painted the outside of the box with stone paint and oil, and put the child in it.

At night, she quietly came to the river and put the box containing the child into the river.Seeing this scene, Yang Rui used his divine power to make the river carry the wooden box upstream, heading towards the Pharaoh's palace.

At this time, in the upper reaches of the river, in the palace next to the river bank, the singing of the priestess came out, and the Egyptians were offering sacrifices to the river god.Sith, Pharaoh's sister, was chanting by the river.

Just then, the moon came out from behind the clouds, illuminating the river, and the box containing the child came into view.

He hurriedly ordered his servants to fish up the box, and the child was taken out of the box and brought to Sith.

When Sith saw the boy, she liked the boy very much. She had never become a mother herself, and her motherhood was aroused in the face of this child.

She took the child, kissed and kissed carefully and said, "This is a descendant of the Hebrews, and I make him my son."

The servant said, "However, Pharaoh does not allow the descendants of the Israelites to survive. This is the king's order."

Sith said loudly: "I am the only sister of Pharaoh, he will not refuse my request, I will keep this child."

After Sith said this, no one spoke again.

Seeing the child sleeping soundly, Sis said, "Go and find him an Israeli wet nurse. This child will be called Moses from now on, which means scooped out of the water."

When Sith brought Moses back to the palace, Yang Rui nodded with satisfaction and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

Several years later, an old priest appeared in the royal palace of Egypt, and this priest was the incarnation of Yang Rui.He walked through the palace and found Moses, a grown man, in a garden.

Looking at Moses' strong body, Yang Rui smiled and said, "Sure enough, he has grown up."

Moses asked, "Who are you?"

Yang Rui said, "I'm here to tell you the truth."

Moses was a little surprised and asked again: "What truth?"

Yang Rui looked at Moses in the attire of an Egyptian prince and said, "Didn't you realize that you are a little different from the people around you?"

This sentence seemed to speak to the faint pain in Moses' heart. He was silent for a moment and said, "It's true. I look a little different from them."

Yang Rui said, "Because you are not Egyptian at all."

Moses asked, "Then who am I?"

Yang Rui said: "Your true identity is an Israeli. And when you were born, you should have died, but God saved you."

Moses was taken aback and said, "I am an Israeli?"

Yang Rui smiled and said, "Don't you realize that you look exactly like those Israeli slaves?"

Moses did not accept this reality, and said, "But, I grew up in the palace, and everyone respects me."

Yang Rui said: "Because they only respect your mother, Pharaoh's sister. They all know that you are an Israeli. If one day your mother dies, will they still respect you? They will definitely kill you. "

Moses said, "Since I am going to die sooner or later, why does God save me?"

Yang Rui said, "Because God chose you to save your people."

Moses said, "Save my people?"

Yang Rui said: "Don't you see that the Israelites are suffering every day?"

Moses said, "But how can you let me betray my mother. She raised me and grew up."

Yang Rui said: "Before God, everything is insignificant, and only by acting according to God's will can it be correct."

Moses stopped talking and walked out of the garden silently.

His heart was very depressed, and he came to Chengwai to relax. Outside the city, he saw an Egyptian beating an Israeli who was doing hard labor.

A sense of justice led him to shout, "Stop it, stop beating this poor Israeli."

The Egyptian scolded: "I have nothing to do with you beating this Egyptian! You'd better go away."

Moses wanted to leave, but he couldn't bear to see the whip in the Egyptian's hand lashing the Israelites.Dissuaded again: "As a prince, I order you to let go!"

The Egyptians were not at all frightened by what Moses said. Instead, they said arrogantly: "It is the will of the great Pharaoh to enslave the Israelites, and no one can stop them."

Moses was angry at the Egyptian's behavior. He grabbed the Egyptian and asked, "Don't you obey my orders? I am Moses. The son of Pharaoh's sister! The prince of Egypt!"

The Egyptian laughed: "So you are that wild Hebrew! What kind of Egyptian prince are you!"

This sentence completely angered Moses, and Moses raised his fist and punched the Egyptian on the temple.Unexpectedly, the punch was too heavy, and the Egyptian just fell to the ground and died.

When Moses saw the Egyptian dead, he regretted what he had just done.Also felt fear.Seeing that there was no one else around, he hurriedly buried the dead Egyptian in the sand, and said to the Israeli, "Go away before the other Egyptians find you."

After speaking, Moses left in a panic.

But the beaten Israeli didn't leave, but looked at Moses' back and smiled, and suddenly changed his face, which was exactly the appearance of the angel Michael.

Michael said, "My lord, you can come out, Moses has gone."

At this time, the sand loosened for a while, and the dead Egyptian suddenly emerged from the ground. He let out a long breath and said, "It seems that my trick is not bad."

Michael asked: "My master, why are you doing this?"

Yang Rui patted the sand on his body and said, "I want Moses to completely give up his own ideas and follow my will."

Michael asked, "Will it work?"

Yang Rui said with a smile: "Sometimes small tricks can play a big role."

Moses hid outside for the night, and was relieved to see that there was no major movement in the entire city of Memphis.The death of one person is nothing to the great Egyptian Empire, maybe it is because of my own thoughts.

He took advantage of the rising sun and wanted to go back to the city.On the way back to the city, he saw two Israelites fighting. He couldn't help asking, "Why did you beat your brother?"

One of them pointed at Moses and shouted, "Who wants you to be our judge? Do you want to kill me, just like you killed the Egyptian?"

When Moses heard this, he felt extremely terrified, thinking that others must have known about his murder.He fled in a hurry, never daring to step into Memphis again.

Moses found that he had nowhere to go. He grew up in the palace, not knowing that the world was so big that he could not escape the territory of Egypt alone.

At this time, he saw that the town was covered with notices, and the pharaoh was arresting him and wanted to bring him to justice.He had to leave the crowded place and escape in the wilderness, but he didn't know where to escape. (To be continued..)

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