Planet Rebirth

Chapter 118 Rescue

Moses walked alone in the wild.He didn't know where he was going, he just watched the place where the sun rose and kept walking like this.

He drank some sweet river water when he was thirsty, and ate some fresh berries when he was hungry, until one day he came to a grassland. The scenery here made him forget the fear and exhaustion of fleeing.

A shepherd passed him with his flock, and he asked the shepherd, "What's the name of this place?"

The shepherd said, "This is Midian."

Moses asked again, "Is there a village here?"

The shepherd said: "Go straight to the east and you will see a village. Maybe you can give you poor man a piece of unleavened bread to satisfy your hunger."

Moses thanked the shepherd and continued towards the east, but after walking for a while, he felt someone staring at him from behind. He looked back and saw the shepherd was standing there staring at him, with a smile on his face .

After bowing to the shepherds in the distance, Moses continued on his way.

Sure enough, he saw the village not far away. It was very quiet and harmonious here. He walked to the well at the entrance of the village, drew some well water and drank it, and then sat by the well to rest, thinking about where he would go next. , To be honest, he doesn't know either.

This well may be the only source of water in this village, so it is very noisy here. There is a barn next to it, which is full of cattle and sheep. The screams of animals can be heard endlessly. Many people from the village come here to fetch water, but no one cares. Moses, the passing stranger.

It wasn't until a burst of laughter from a woman caught Moses' attention.

Seeing seven girls walking towards the well with buckets each, Moses found that the youngest of the seven girls was indeed the most beautiful. He was immediately attracted by this girl and stared at her intently.

The girl also noticed that a disheveled guy was staring at her, and blushed without notice.

The girls came to the well and started to draw water, but a rough fat man stopped them.

The fat man yelled, "Get out of the way. You lowly women, my cows need water."

The beautiful girl retorted: "We came first, we should fetch water first, and my sheep also need water."

The fat man pushed the girl away and said, "I don't care. When I come, I have to fetch water first. Go away!"

The girl said, "Why are you so rude?"

The fat man stared at the girl and threatened the girl: "What? Do you want to be beaten?"

At this moment, Moses stood up suddenly, pointed to the fat man and said, "The girls came first, and they should fetch water first!"

The fat man turned his head and looked at Moses with disdain and asked, "Who are you? You are not worthy to talk to me in Midian."

Moses walked up to the fat man without showing any sign of weakness.He said solemnly: "Although I am not from Midian, everyone has the right to speak before justice! Today you must let the girls fetch water first!"

The fat man took a step back and looked at Moses and said, "What? Are you trying to hit me?"

Moses grabbed the fat man by the collar and said, "If you bully these girls again, I'll let you know how powerful my fists are."

Moses was tall and burly, and that fat man was no match for him at all. Moses' pair of powerful hands tightly gripped the fat man's neck, almost making him breathless.

The fat man was timid, and he didn't dare to be tough, so he said, "It's up to you, just don't hurt me."

Moses really didn't want to get into any more trouble.He let go of Fatty and threw him aside.Then he came to the girls and said with a smile: "If you want, please let me work for you."

The beautiful girl handed Moses the bucket and said with a smile, "Thank you very much. Stranger."

Moses helped the seven girls to draw a lot of well water, and also helped them to drink the flock.All this happened in a very short time.

Finally, the girls left thankfully, and Moses stared at the back of the beautiful girl in a daze.The girl turned around suddenly and gave Moses an intoxicating smile.

After the girls left, Moses fell into deep thought again, and he continued to think about his future.But after thinking for a long time, there was no answer.

It wasn't until a shadow blocked the sunlight on his face that he came back to his senses and looked up, only to find that the girl was standing in front of him.

Moses smiled wearily and asked, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

The girl said, "My father wants to see you?"

"Your father?"

"Yes!" The girl nodded and continued, "His name is Reuel, and he is the priest here."

Moses asked, "Why does your father want to see me?"

The girl said: "To thank you for helping our sisters."

Moses waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I don't know how the old man rewards you for these small things."

The girl pulled Moses up and said, "Go, stranger, my father said that he must see you today."

Moses was dragged by the girl to the village. In a courtyard, he met the girl's father, the old man Reuel who claimed to be the priest of Midian.

Reuel was an old man with a kind face, and Moses had a very friendly feeling when he first saw him.Reuel also warmly entertained Moses, and he ordered his girl to slaughter a sheep as food for Moses immediately.

Moses declined and said, "There's no need for this. I didn't do anything. If you can, just give me a bowl of water."

Reuel said: "Young man, there are not many people like you in this world. No matter what your purpose is, if you help us, we must thank you. This is the staff that God gave us."

Moses asked, "Do you believe in the existence of God?"

Liu Er smiled and said, "God is everywhere. Today's incident may have been deliberately arranged by God, so that you and I can be together now."

Moses laughed at himself and said, "But I don't feel the existence of God."

Reuel asked, "Looking at you like this, you must have encountered some kind of trouble?"

Moses honestly told Reuel what happened before, and finally he said: "I don't know where to go now, God has not given me any guidance, I am like a stray lamb, maybe soon will be eaten by wolves."

Reuel said, "Young man, there must be a place for you in this world, maybe it's here."

Moses asked, "Old man, what do you mean?"

Reuel said: "I believe in the existence of God. Maybe God really brought you here. You are an honest man. I trust you very much. If you want, you can stay with me. I am old and cannot Looking after the sheep, you can help me."

"Is it really possible?" Moses could hardly believe his ears.

Reuel pointed to his simple and poor hut and said, "As long as you don't dislike this place, you can stay here."

Moses smiled and said, "Of course I don't dislike it. I'm tired of fleeing. It's just that I'm afraid it will cause trouble to you and your family."

Reuel said, "This place is far away from Memphis, and the Egyptians don't care about this place. Besides, why would an Israelite submit to Pharaoh?"

Moses smiled and said, "Old man, I am also an Israeli."

Reuel nodded and said, "Although you are wearing Egyptian clothes, I can still see that you are my kindred. You are really lucky to survive, but my three sons were all killed by Pharaoh's paper." Order to kill."

Moses wanted to say something comforting, but Reuel stopped him, saying, "No need to comfort me, I am strong! The Israelites are not so easily crushed!"

The beautiful girl brought up the roasted lamb. Moses was really hungry. He ate like a hungry wolf and almost ate the whole roasted lamb. Reuel's seven daughters crowded at the door to watch the man gobble it up. They all kept laughing.

Reuel also had a smile on his face. He handed Moses a cup of goat milk and said, "Young man, if you eat my roast goat, you must take care of the flock for me!"

Moses said, "But I don't know how to shepherd sheep."

Reuel called the beautiful girl into the house, pointed it out to Moses, and said, "This is my youngest daughter, Zipporah, and she will teach you how to take care of the sheep."

Moses looked up at the beautiful Zipporah, and couldn't help being stunned.Zipporah smiled and said, "From today onwards, I will be your teacher!" (To be continued...)

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