Planet Rebirth

Chapter 14 Box

() This problem really stumped Yang Rui. This problem is very difficult. If you want these Aigners to survive, you must have enough food, but where can you find food?

Yang Rui smiled awkwardly and said, "If you want, those corpses may keep you going for a while. All I can do now is provide you with some clean water."

The big man said: "We thank you for everything you have done, my master."

When Yang Rui returned to the ground, he first went to the forest of volcanic stone pillars on the seabed, where black gas was still gushing out day and night, but there was no special change in the surrounding water.

Those single-cell bacteria are still there, and they are growing crazily, but they are so small that a drop of seawater can hold thousands of them.Yang Rui guessed that these must not be enough to feed the meat-eating Aigner, and they would not be able to make a living by drinking this dry sea water every day.

After that, Yang Rui returned to the wreckage of the mothership, where there were still many corpses of intelligent creatures. Yang Rui estimated that these corpses would be enough for those Aigners to last for a while, but the number of corpses is limited after all.What about when the corpse is finished?You can't watch them kill each other and cannibalize each other.

Yang Rui whirled aimlessly inside the huge wreckage. The place had cooled down and became dark and cold.He wasn't worried that ghosts would pop out of here suddenly.Because he felt that he was the only ghost on this planet.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a mysterious wave coming from the deepest part of the wreckage.Yang Rui looked over there, and there seemed to be a faint light flickering there.

Yang Rui followed the light and flew over.

Here is a huge passage leading to the interior of the mothership, and the light is at the end of the passage.Yang Rui came to the end and found that this is a du li cabin.The surrounding walls are also engraved with strange patterns, and on the pillar in the middle of the cabin, there are two delicate boxes.

The material of this box seems to be metal, but Yang Rui doesn't know what kind of metal it is made of. Anyway, they are extremely beautiful and emit a faint light.

Yang Rui will try to open one of the boxes, the lid of the box is slowly lifted, and in the center of the box is suspended this green glowing substance, trembling slightly as if alive.

Without being sure whether the substance was harmful, Yang Rui walked around cautiously, carefully observing the strange things.I didn't lean on it until I estimated that there was no change in this thing.

He tried to change this substance with his mind, but he didn't expect him to succeed.This tiny substance is controlled by Yang Rui, and it can float around with him, as if it is tightly held in the palm of his hand.

After Yang Rui grasped the shiny substance firmly, he wanted to open the other box, but that box seemed to be locked, and he couldn't open it no matter what.

Yang Rui finally gave up.He returned to the outside of the wreck with the shiny substance, and found the big man and asked, "What is this? It was found in the cabin of the wreck of the mothership."

When the big man saw the substance, he trembled and prostrated himself on the ground and said, "My master, you can actually control this thing?"

Yang Rui felt very curious: "Can you tell me?"

The big man said: "We call it the holy source, it is the driving force for the germination of life."

Yang Rui said, "Can you elaborate more?"

The big man said: "Our previous owner carried this substance, traveled through the starry sky, came to a suitable planet, implanted this holy source into the planet, and opened the door of life like a key. Only then can this planet be full of vitality. .”

Yang Rui said: "At that time, did those intelligent creatures take a fancy to my planet and wanted to implant this holy source?"

The big man nodded and said: "As far as I know, yes, but they found that this planet is different from other planets, it is a planet with life, and that life is you, my master. So only after you are eliminated, can you plant Enter this holy source."

Yang Rui smiled triumphantly and said, "Unexpectedly, your former master was wiped out by me."

The big man said: "I have witnessed them transforming more than a dozen planets, and this is the only place where they lost."

Yang Rui said: "Since this is the case, then this holy source is for my use."

Speaking of this, Yang Rui asked again: "Do you know how to use this thing?"

The big man shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Yang Rui returned to the interior of the earth's core with this thing called Holy Source, and came to the front of the spiral column. After the holy source felt the existence of the spiral column, it immediately became agitated, almost trying to get rid of Yang Rui's control, thinking To plunge headfirst into the interior of the cylinder.Fortunately, Yang Rui tried his best to control the holy source with his thoughts, so that it didn't escape his control.

At this moment, the spiral column that had been silent for a long time also changed, and it seemed to become active, and the luminous bodies around it were constantly speeding up, as if they were echoing the holy source.

Yang Rui also felt the change, because his body was closely connected with this planet, and he had never felt so active since the collision of heaven and earth.

Sheng Yuan slammed around in his control, like a bird that just broke out of its shell.Dazzling and peculiar substances are continuously left from its interior, and gradually spread out in the interior of the earth's core, making this place more agile.

Yang Rui felt the changes in himself, as if a disabled person who hadn't moved for a long time was suddenly shocked by an electric shock and could move his limbs.

He concentrated his mind to perceive the power of this holy source.Gradually, those dazzling and peculiar substances fused with the luminous body around the spiral column to form a powerful spiritual substance, gathering around Yang Zhong, and slowly entering his transparent body.

Yang Rui felt a substantial change. Although he closed his eyes, he could see a complete picture. Countless creatures passed before his eyes, some of which he could name, and some of which he had never seen before. passed.

Finally, when a person stood clearly in front of him, he suddenly understood that all the biological images that passed by just now were a complete map, and that person stood at the top of the map, showing his status as the spirit of all things .

However, the voice appeared again, and it said: "I am very glad that you have a preliminary understanding of the meaning of life."

Yang Rui asked, "Is this an evolution map?"

"Wrong, my child!" it said, "This is a creation map."

Yang Rui didn't understand and said, "Could it be that all the evolution theories I've accepted since I was a child are all wrong."

"It takes your own experience to draw conclusions," it said.

Yang Rui said: "Can you make it clear once, why is it always like this every time?"

It said: "I really think that if I tell you all at once, I am afraid that you will not be able to accept this reality. You have to practice step by step and experience it yourself before you can accept it calmly."

Yang Rui sighed and asked, "What should I do now?"

It said: "Don't ask me, ask yourself what needs to be done now."

After Yang Rui felt that the voice would no longer answer him, he fell into meditation again.The first thing he determined was that this planet, that is, his own body, was too lacking in vitality, and the barren planet looked very boring.

Although he has calmly faced the fact that he is a planet, in order to make his life less boring, he also needs to do something.

Thinking of this, he released the restraint on the holy source, and this mysterious substance immediately went straight to the spiral column. The moment the two combined, the whole planet trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the core suddenly burst out with magnificent light, which was filled with energy and slowly flowed into Yang Rui's body.Although he has no form, he can already see these rays of light concentrating and congealing around him, until finally disappearing.

Yang Rui felt like a fully charged mobile phone, and his restless heart really made him want to have a big fight.

When he came in front of those Aigners, these creatures were enveloped by Yang Rui's brilliance, and they all surrendered at his feet.The big man said: "My master, what do you need us to do for you?"

Yang Rui smiled and said, "What I'm thinking now is, what can I do for you! Otherwise, you will all starve to death."

The big man looked quite moved, and it said, "Thank you for your generosity."

Yang Rui said: "I think those corpses will be enough for you to eat for a while. However, this is not a long-term solution after all. I need to create a world so that you can survive."

After speaking, Yang Rui brought these poor Aigners back to the ground, and placed them in the crack where the mothership fell.The big man asked Yang Rui: "Master, what do you want to do?"

Yang Rui hesitated for a while and said: "I haven't made up my mind yet. In short, you should stay here and try to control your appetite. After all, food is limited, and I can't guarantee what I will create in a short time. You need to be patient!"

The big man said: "My master, if you need us, please speak up, and my clansmen and I will serve you!"

"thank you all!"

After speaking, Yang Rui soared into the sky and rushed out of the crack in the ground.

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