Planet Rebirth

Chapter 15 Activating Life

() Yang Rui flies in the air, looking down at the desolate land like an eagle.

The air is everywhere, and it senses Yang Rui's arrival.He hurriedly chased after him and asked, "Master, what do you need me to do?"

Yang Rui said: "I need more rain! We already have new customers."

Air said, "You mean those ugly little monsters?"

Yang Rui said with a smile: "I hope you don't hold prejudices. After all, they are living things, and they may bring new changes to me."

Air replied with some unease: "I have been to the wreckage of the mothership and seen these monsters. They really stink!"

Yang Rui had already flown to the surface of the sea at this time, he lowered his altitude, and continued: "I hope you will like them, after all, they are not malicious, and they are all poor fellows."

"I hope so!" The air still seemed a little worried.

Yang Rui comforted it: "Don't worry, if they really want to destroy my planet like those intelligent creatures, then I will kill them without hesitation. If they are really kind creatures and come to my planet, Maybe it will make this place prosperous soon, and I don't think you want to face nervous water droplets and silent soil all day long."

At this time, the water drop jumped up from the sea and shouted: "I'm not nervous, I'm just restless."

Yang Rui laughed and said, "Okay, guys, let's start working. I need more rainwater to water the earth and make it moist."

The air receded, and in a short period of time, dark clouds gathered in the atmosphere, blocking the sun's rays.The entire land becomes dark and hot, and more water is evaporated, forming thick cumulonimbus clouds.

After the first bolts of lightning split the sky, a torrent of rain poured down.The dry soil was soaked by the rain, becoming muddy and slippery, and then countless pools formed in the rain converged into small rivers rushing to the low-lying places.

Yang Rui kept inspecting every corner of the planet's surface. He had seen those Aigners who were attracted by the heavy rain and came out of the wreckage one after another. everything.

Yang Rui didn't have time to talk to these creatures at this time, because he needed to hurry up and create more creatures.

In his previous life, as a scientist, he has always adhered to the scientific point of view, believing that this world was not created by God, but evolved through billions of years of great evolution.

But after all, science has its limitations, and so far many questions have not been answered at the moment of his death.For example, where did the world's first plant come from?Where did the first animal come from?What happened to the sudden prosperity of the Cambrian population?Why did dinosaurs become extinct?The most important thing is where humans come from.Many scientists believe that humans came from ancient apes, but so far we have not found a fossil specimen of a transitional population between apes and humans.

In addition, there is what is going on with aliens. Human beings have only a short history of 1 years of civilization, but how to explain the discovered relics of prehistoric civilization.

Now, Yang Rui, who is a young planet, thinks in his heart that maybe these answers will be revealed soon.

According to his estimation, this planet has already passed [-] million years. What a long time, but to Yang Rui, it is like a flick of a finger.

In theory it would, if his body were the earth.There should be nothing on the earth in this period, but the fact is that this planet has successfully resisted an invasion by an alien civilization, and even hosted a group of extraterrestrial visitors.

All these events reminded Yang Rui that if this planet can successfully evolve to 45 billion years later, he must write what is happening now into the children's textbooks.

While thinking about it, Yang Rui rushed into the bottom of the sea. He dived to the volcanic lime column forest deep in the bottom of the sea. It was very dark here, only the light of the ground fire occasionally flashed, and it was soon swallowed up by the cold sea.

To Yang Rui's disappointment, although the single-celled bacteria here have appeared for many years, they have not changed. After a long period of time, there has been no change in the changes of the environment.

At this time, the foundation of the building of Yang Rui's evolutionary theory began to loosen.It's like the soil will never grow a plant by itself, it needs a seed.

But where is this seed?

Yang Rui stays in the water, because he exists in a unique form, so his interior is hollow.While thinking about the problem, he inadvertently caught a drop of water inside himself.

This drop of water was not controlled by gravity, but suspended in Yang Rui's body, enveloped by his divine light.

Suddenly Yang Rui noticed the change of this drop of water, it began to change from clear to cloudy.This is not because the drop of water has been polluted by his own form, but because the drop of water has become crowded.

Yang Rui found that the bacteria in this drop of water had changed. They no longer devoured others of the same kind, but began to divide.

One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight.More divisions lead to more bacteria.And even more curiously, these dividing bacteria came together to form new life forms.

"Isn't it amazing?" The voice came again.

Yang Rui asked: "Is this caused by me?"

It smiled and said: "Of course, it's just that you haven't fully understood your ability. The Holy Spirit comes from your mixing together to make your strength stronger. At first you only had the ability to destroy everything, but now you also have the ability to destroy everything." The ability to create everything."

Yang Rui asked: "Then you mean that I can conjure a dinosaur now?"

It said: "Dear child, although you are alive, you are not a juggler. The growth of the universe must follow her laws, and your growth may need to follow this law. It is like building a house. The foundation and the walls, how do you put the roof in first?"

Yang Rui said: "Then what is this? You gave me all these abilities? Or I have it myself, but I don't know it myself."

It says, "Yes and no!"

Yang Rui said, "You're talking nonsense again!"

It said: "You still need time to recognize all this, and a new world will be created in the process of recognition. At that time, we will discuss this issue."

Yang Rui ignored the voice, but focused all his attention on the drop of water.At this time, the competition here has become extremely fierce, and the battle has also escalated.The multicellular bacteria start to engulf the single-celled bacteria until they are all wiped out, and then the multicellular bacteria also fight and eat each other.

Yang Rui happily observed this tragic battle, until after the corpses were scattered all over the field, he found that the strongest multicellular bacteria became the only victor.

It's full and round and full of life.

Yang Rui put it back into the sea, and it instantly became the most powerful existence here. While continuing to devour single-cell bacteria, he also completed his own transformation. It no longer divides, but begins to multiply. Massive breeding.And combine with each other to form larger multicellular bacteria.

Their number rapidly expanded in a short period of time, and soon filled the entire sea area, and a large number of multicellular bacteria began to rise to the water surface.

They encountered the sun for the first time, and the nourishment of the sun made them grow faster.

Yang Rui knows that the first thing a prosperous world needs is the prosperity of species.The map he had seen showed that life had a huge system at the very beginning.

And these multicellular bacteria are the foundation of the whole system, so they can continue to develop upwards, just like building a house, Yang Rui has the soil, he can lay the foundation.

He plans to further test whether these multicellular bacteria can be upgraded into higher organisms.

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