Planet Rebirth

Chapter 176 Elus

The huge spaceship has entered the final stage of preparation before space folding, and there are constant turbulence around the huge ship, making the spaceship appear a little bumpy.

Just after 12 hours of preparation, the external power system of the spacecraft was first activated, and the spacecraft continued to accelerate under the huge thrust. After the proton ray, the folding channel is formed in the distance, and the distance of 45 billion light years is like origami, so that the distance is no longer far away, and the two sides of the origami will soon touch each other under the constant folding in half.

It takes about a year for space to fold over a distance of 45 billion light years. The folding channel is grotesque and lonely. planet.

Therefore, the entire spaceship has entered a recuperation period, but the recuperation period is only relative to civilians, and in the huge building outside the spaceship, countless space battleships larger than the size of asteroids are under construction.

Ron asked Yang Rui: "Our spaceship is big enough, why do we need to build these small warships?"

Yang Rui said: "We have to make various preparations. You think we are big enough now, but when we will encounter many unpredictable dangers and difficulties in the future, by then, our spacecraft may be so small that it can almost be ignored. .”

Not long after Yang Rui said this, the space was folded, and this huge spaceship officially entered the Tiannv galaxy. When everyone saw the magnificent space scenery in front of them, they were all stunned. Also including Yang Rui.

Ron nodded and said, "My master, you are right, our spaceship is really not that big."

Yang Rui said: "From now on, I need to learn more knowledge just like you, and there are some things that I can't explain."

Said here.Yang Rui turned his head and asked the operator on the bridge: "Have you locked the Saga star?"

The operator replied: "The target is locked, and the outer atmosphere can be reached in 48 hours."

Hearing this sentence, Yang Rui was a little excited. In the next 48 hours, he just watched Saga Star appearing in front of his eyes, gradually expanding from a small white spot to a huge star. The azure planet, compared to his deformed planet, Shaka is like an elephant, and he is at best a zebra.

Just as the spacecraft gradually approached Shaka.Suddenly the alarm blared.

The radar monitor shouted: "An abnormal band was found, we have been locked."

Before the words fell, countless fast-moving bright spots appeared on the screen, and these bright spots all rushed out of Shaka's atmosphere.The bright spot is getting closer and closer, and Yang Rui has already noticed that those are Aigner's Phoenix fighters. Although I haven't seen them for so many years, the Phoenix fighters have undergone countless changes, but Aigner's style has penetrated into every place. within the details.Yang Rui would not admit his mistake no matter what, those are Aigner's masterpieces, the Phoenix fighters that he once fought side by side with.

Compared to Yang Rui's spaceship, the Phoenix fighter is as small as a bacterium.The spaceship force system is already in place, and although there are so many Phoenix fighters, they have all been locked.

Ron asked Yang Rui: "Have you ordered the attack fleet?"

Yang Rui waved his hand and said, "Stop moving forward."

After Ron quickly executed the order, he asked, "What should we do next?"

Yang Rui turned and left the bridge and said, "Get me an aircraft. I'm going to talk to Aigner."

Under the close surveillance of the Phoenix fighters, an aircraft took off from the huge spaceship, and this aircraft sailed steadily towards the Phoenix fighter fleet.Very quiet and harmless.

Yang Rui sat on the driver's seat, the dashboard in front of him received the final warning from the Phoenix fighter, and at the same time the computer also deciphered Aigner's communication band.

After Yang Rui adjusted the band to the audio track synchronized with Aigner, he said in Aigner language: "We are not enemies, repeat, we are not enemies. We are here for peace."

Aigner's answer came from the microphone: "Got it, please report your specific information."

Yang Rui replied: "I want to see Elus!"

After a long silence in the microphone, he asked again: "Please report your specific information."

Yang Rui said: "Go and tell Elus, just say that Rui is here, and she will definitely meet me."

Afterwards, the two sides had a long silent confrontation, and it was not until a few hours later that Aigner's answer came out of Yang Rui's microphone: "Entry is allowed, please follow our pilot plane."

"Thank you."

Yang Rui saw that the Phoenix fighters in front of him turned to give way one after another, and one of them stopped in front of the aircraft driven by Yang Rui, signaling Yang Rui to follow him closely.

Yang Rui carefully drove the aircraft and followed the Phoenix fighter into the atmosphere of Star Saga.

This is definitely a beautiful planet, with vast land, mountains and rivers intersecting each other, jungles and grasslands are thousands of miles away, and waves are rolling on the blue ocean. Although separated by a protective cover, Yang Rui seems to have already smelled the fresh air.

Immediately afterwards, Aigner's city appeared in front of his eyes, everything remained the same, every building was carefully crafted like a work of art, without any flaws.

At this time, a landing platform appeared on the ground, and the leading Phoenix fighter gave way. Yang Rui knew that it was the place where he wanted to land, so he pushed the joystick to slowly lower the height of the aircraft.

As the height decreased, he saw many Aigners on the landing platform, and the one standing at the front was a beautiful figure. The moment he saw that figure, Yang Rui almost shed tears. At this moment, his Human emotions were used again, he hurriedly restrained his emotions, wiped away his tears, and put on his usual stern expression.

The aircraft slowly landed on the platform, and just as Yang Rui stepped out of the deck of the aircraft, Elus ran up, spread her slender arms and threw herself into Yang Rui's broad chest, choking and saying: "I thought I shall never see you again, my master!"

Yang Rui asked with a smile: "I have been away from my planet for [-] million years, why haven't I got rid of human emotions?"

Elus looked up at Yang Rui seriously and said, "I can never change it!"

Yang Rui finally said something serious: "Eluth, you are still so beautiful."

Elus smiled and said, "Drinking the water of that holy lake will not only make me live forever, but also never grow old!"

Yang Rui joked again: "It's not good news for those who have ulterior motives." (To be continued...)

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