Planet Rebirth

Chapter 177

() Elus shook her head helplessly and said: "My master, you are still the same, nothing has changed."

Yang Rui took Elus's hand and walked down the deck and asked, "How is your father? I miss him so much."

"He's fine," Elus said.

Yang Rui asked, "Still so stubborn?"

Elus said: "Of course, I have rejected all high-tech products. I had to build a wooden house for him in a jungle so that he can live there. He still rides a saber-toothed tiger to hunt in the jungle every day."

Yang Rui asked in surprise: "Is there a saber-toothed tiger on Sagar?"

Elus laughed and said, "We took a lot of good things with us when we left."

Yang Rui said, "You didn't tell me about this."

Elus stared at Yang Rui and said: "Aigner loves that planet too much, so we took many samples of creatures and returned to Shaka for reproduction. Even the geography and climate of this planet are based on your planet. And reformed."

Yang Rui took a deep breath of fresh air and said, "It's true, the air smells exactly the same."

Elus then asked Yang Rui to explain her subordinates, and Yang Rui asked after politely saying hello, "Are you Queen of Aigner now?"

Elus said: "Yes, the responsibility on my body is great, so I don't spend every day in a busy way."

Yang Rui said, "It's a bit unfair to you."

Elus sighed and said, "I have no choice."

Speaking of this, Elus changed her smile and said: "Stop talking about these things, I will take you to see my father, he mentions you every day."

Yang Rui snorted and said, "He shouldn't have left."

Elus led Yang Rui into another aircraft of Aigner, and she drove it herself. She asked: "My master, you are so powerful that you actually transformed that planet into a super warship. Just now I was almost scared to death, thinking that some alien civilization had come to attack us, and that battleship was so huge that we couldn't resist it at all."

Yang Rui said: "The reason why I left my hometown was to find the truth."

"the truth?"

Yang Rui nodded and said: "Yes, the truth, that is who I am, I have to set out on the road to find, but I don't have a specific goal, the only thing I can think of in this universe is you and Iger Guys, all my first stops here."

While chatting, the two thought about flying into the jungle in the distance. After passing through the towering giant trees, the aircraft deftly landed in a clearing. Stand in front of the door and wait for the aircraft to land.

When Cesarian saw Yang Rui, he was in tears, knelt down in front of Yang Rui and said, "My master, I finally see you again."

Yang Rui was also very excited. He helped Cesarian up and said, "I said a long time ago that the last parting is by no means a farewell."

Cessarian said: "But after all, it has been [-] million years."

Yang Rui said, "Tell me about what happened in these years."

The three walked into the cabin happily, and Elus personally offered Yang Rui a lot of Aigner's delicacies. Even though Yang Rui didn't need these to replenish his energy, he still ate a lot because it reminded him a lot the past.

While the three were talking happily, Eigner suddenly appeared outside the door and motioned for Elus to come out. He had something to say.

Yang Rui saw Elus' complexion changed drastically, and walked out of the cabin quickly, and came back in a short time and said: "My master, you should stay with my father first, I still have things to do."

Yang Rui sensed the fear and anxiety in Elus' heart, and he asked, "What happened?"

Elus hesitated for a while and said, "It's nothing, just some trivial matters."

At this time, Yang Rui's face also sank, and his tone was unrestrained, but he said with irresistible majesty: "Eluth, don't lie to me, I can see your heart and tell me what happened."

Elus was so frightened that she quickly knelt down and said, "Yes, my master, let me tell you, they are the people of Ke Gonglin, a civilization on a larger planet three light years away from Shaka. They are counting An attack was launched on us a hundred years ago, and we were unable to contend with it. We had to surrender and sign an agreement to dedicate the resources on SaGa on time to ensure our safety. Their envoys came just now, and they may be enshrining us now. The amount of resources is not enough, we need to increase the supply.”

Yang Rui yelled at Cesarian: "Where did your blood go back then? Could it be that you, Aigner, are going back to the time when you were enslaved by the Jalans?"

Cesarian also knelt on the ground and said: "We were defeated. In order to avoid being slaughtered, we had to sign an agreement. If we fight to the end, Aigner is no longer in this universe, and you will never see our father again." Girls."

Yang Rui felt very angry, he said: "Since you still call me master, then I will solve this matter for you today!"

Elus asked: "My master, what are you going to do?"

Yang Rui stood up and said, "Take me to see that messenger."

Elus didn't dare to neglect, she bid farewell to her father hurriedly and took Yang Rui out of the jungle and returned to the city. In the queen's meeting hall, there stood three arrogant Ke Gonglin stars, the middle one was the messenger, when When he saw Elus walking in, he said loudly: "Stupid Aigner, you are really lowly creatures, why haven't the resources my king asked for been delivered yet?"

Elus said cautiously: "The transport fleet has already set off, and I believe it will arrive soon. Please rest assured, your king, Aigner will abide by the agreement."

The envoy took a step forward and said, "This time I have brought my king's new order. Starting next year, the offering of resources will be doubled."

Elus was taken aback when she heard this and said, "We don't have the ability to carry out such a large-scale mining, and it's already the limit."

The messenger snorted and said, "This is not my problem, it's your problem. If you don't make offerings on time, the Kegonglin star fleet will come here again, and every inch of land here will be burned by war."

While the envoy was talking impassionedly, he suddenly found a different creature standing behind Elus, similar in appearance to Aigner but quite different from it.

He pointed to Yang Rui and asked, "Who are you?"

Yang Rui didn't wait for him to finish, he drew the long sword from Elus' waist, raised the sword with both hands and chopped off the messenger's head.

All Aigner and the two envoys in the meeting hall were stunned, and even Elus had a look of fear.

Yang Rui bent down calmly, picked up the head from the ground, threw it to the two messengers and said, "Go back and tell your king that his fleet is about to be wiped out. If you want to start a war, then come!" To be continued.)

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