Planet Rebirth

Chapter 19 The Secret of the Holy Lake

() Yang Rui, led by Cesarian, walked through a large area of ​​dense woods and came to the place where he and the Aigners parted ways.

It's a very different place now.Among the tall trees are houses with strange shapes, pointed roofs, round doors and windows, and the walls are covered with purple patterns.

In addition, he looked up and found more magnificent buildings standing on the trees. These big trees had lush branches and leaves, and their thick trunks were strong enough to withstand these huge buildings.These buildings are connected by suspension bridges, and countless colorful moths are flying in the canopy, making this place colorful.

Cesarian asked Yang Rui: "Are you surprised?"

Yang Rui was almost stunned by the scenery in the forest, and he said after a long time: "You are right, I am really shocked by the wisdom and perseverance of you and your people."

Cessarian said with a smile: "I believe those old people who have seen you before will be shocked when they see you again."

The return of Cessarian caused commotion here. Yang Rui saw countless Aignars coming out of the buildings in the forest. They were dressed exquisitely, and the shapes of their costumes were different. It seems that the social division of labor here is quite clear.

Men and women, old people and children appeared in front of Yang Rui one by one. He felt that they should be called intelligent creatures instead of treating them as inferior creatures.

Suddenly there was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, and some older Aigners recognized Yang Rui. Although he looked no different from them, the divine brilliance that shrouded Yang Ruizhou's body evoked the initial panic of Aigners. memory.

Yang Rui was surrounded by cheering crowds, and the Aigners rushed forward to kneel and worship him, expressing their respect to God with Aigner's unique face-to-face salute.

Yang Rui felt that this happy scene sounded funny.He has always believed that as a god, he should descend from the sky under the eyes of everyone, exuding golden light all over his body, so that these Aigners should worship him.

But the fact is that at this time, he is like a people's leader who goes deep into the masses, surrounded by people who love him, he seems a little at a loss.

Cesarian welcomed Yang Rui into the largest building in the forest. There were only simple furnishings, no tables and chairs, and the floor was covered with thick animal skins.

Yang Rui sat on the ground, in the middle of the house, Cessarian sat on the side, and people with prominent positions in the Aigner tribe sat around.

The grand welcome dance began immediately.The female Aigner performed a charming dance beside the bonfire, and a sumptuous forest meal was piled up in front of Yang Rui. Aigner and the others had already mastered the technology of wine making.Cesarian bought a glass of sweet wine for Yang Rui, and the tempting smell filled Yang Rui's nasal cavity, which not only made him feel refreshed, but he hadn't drank for hundreds of millions of years.

Yang Rui took a sip of the fine wine and felt as comfortable as floating on his body. He smiled and said to Cesarian: "This is life!"

Cessarian said: "This is also thanks to your gift."

Yang Rui asked: "Tell me quickly, how did you spend the time I was away?"

Cessarian stretched his eyes to the bonfire outside the door, and said faintly: "The first days were hard, and the food we brought from the wreckage of our mothership was running out at that time, so we could only share food in rations." , some weak companions soon died of starvation."

Yang Rui sighed and said, "This is really unfortunate."

"However, there was a turning point later." Cessarian continued: "In order to survive, we had to choose to eat some roots and fruits of plants that we could find at hand, instead of simply eating meat. Later, in the holy lake forest It is full of life, more and more animals, inexhaustible. We believe this must be a gift from you, so that we can survive. So our life has changed a lot.”

Cessarian drank all the wine in his glass, let out a long breath, and said in a cheerful tone: "The abundance of food allows us to have a stable life. So we established a permanent residence here. More new The birth of life also made us Aigner feel the beauty of life for the first time."

At this moment, Yang Rui saw the woman named Elus Aigner walking into the room with a tray in both hands, on which were the hind legs of the baked night-scaled leopard, exuding a strong aroma.

Yang Rui didn't eat or drink for hundreds of millions of years, they didn't feel anything about food, he just paid attention to the beautiful Elus.This woman, Aigner, changed out of her hunting attire just now, and now she was wearing a floor-sweeping robe, with her blond hair coiled up high, looking extraordinarily noble.

Cesarian said to Yang Rui: "This is Elus, my daughter."

Yang Rui watched Elus walk in, knelt down in front of him and put the hind legs of the roasted night scale leopard in front of him. Those beautiful eyes stared straight at him, and felt a little embarrassed. He smiled and said: " Thank you, daughter of Thessarian, Eluth Nightsong."

"It is my honor to serve you, my master." Elusi moved her body closer, put a light touch on Yang Rui's cheek, and said, "Thank you for your kindness to me and my people."

In Yang Rui's memory, these Aigners were full of stench, but now when Elus approached him, the mysterious fragrance emanating from his body made his heart tremble suddenly.He hadn't felt this kind of throbbing for a long time, and his face turned red inadvertently.

Cesarian smiled and said to Elus: "Go, my child, lead your companions, and dedicate Agna's most beautiful dance to our master."

Elus stood up and walked out of the house, and led the other women, Aigner, to dance passionately again in front of the bonfire. They shouted cheerfully, and their light dance steps were real and illusory under the shroud of firelight.

Yang Rui was stunned for a while.

After a long time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly drank a big sip of wine to suppress his gushing emotions, turned around and asked Cesarian: "You haven't told me yet, why did you become It looks like this."

"Follow me, my master." Cessarian stood up.

Yang Rui followed the tall Aigner to a deeper forest, and after spending about a meal, they came to a lake.

The lake is quiet and deep, with a faint light shining in the dim light.

Cessarian pointed to the lake and said, "Do you still remember this lake? My master."

Yang Rui nodded and said, "Remember, this is the water source I dug for you."

"That's right." Cessarian bent down and took up the clear lake water with both hands, drank it in one gulp, and said, "This lake water has completely changed us."

Yang Rui was a little puzzled and asked: "This is just lake water, nothing special."

"It's the lake water that you bestowed on our people that made us change today." Cessarian's tone was a little excited: "At first, we didn't find anything special about this lake, but we just felt that once we drank this water, the hunger It will be relieved. However, gradually, we have noticed changes. Our bodies are no longer bent, but straight and straight, and our skin is no longer wet, dirty, and foul-smelling. Instead, it becomes smoother and whiter, with facial features and appearance There has also been a big change. At first we didn't know why. But later we found the root of the problem. When our offspring were just born, they were still the same as us, but once they started drinking the lake water, they changed their appearance and physique. So we know that this miraculous power comes here and this lake, which is your gift to us."

Speaking of this, Cesari settled down for a while, obviously to calm down his excited emotions, and then said: "Later, not only did the appearance change, but the lake water also gave us wisdom. Let us learn to use fire and make fire. Tools and building houses. Now we have surnames and first names, and even words have been created. Isn’t this God’s blessing on us?”

After finishing speaking, Cesarian suddenly knelt down in front of Yang Rui, losing control of his emotions. He cried and sobbed and said, "My master, we Agna were originally some of the most despicable creatures, and we were slaves all our lives to be driven by others Having fun, being killed arbitrarily. It is you, my master, who gave us a second life, and I don't know how to repay your kindness."

Yang Rui quickly helped Cesarian up and said with a smile, "Don't do this, I just did what I should do."

Cesarian looked at Yang Rui with firm eyes and said: "We will never forget your compassion and kindness, and your achievements will be praised from generation to generation. We, Aigner, will always be your servants and serve you. Please Believe. My master."

Yang Rui felt a little overwhelmed by these words, he patted Cesarian's generous shoulder with a kind smile and said: "Once I feel lonely, it is already the greatest treat for me to be a guest at your home." rewarded."

Cesarian laughed and said, "The door of Aigner's home is always open for you."

Aigner's carnival is still going on, everyone's face is full of excitement and joy, amidst the roar of laughter, the wine is drunk and the food is eaten, until late at night, Aigner and the others sleep happily go.

Although Yang Rui drank a lot of fine wine, he was not drunk at all.And he does not sleep,

Therefore, the desertedness after the banquet made him a little restless.He walked out of the drunken crowd and returned to the lake.

The top of the head is the gap between the branches and leaves, and the white moonlight shines in, shining on the lake, making this place even more mysterious.

Just when Yang Rui knelt down and wanted to take another sip of the pure lake water, suddenly, a figure flashed not far away.

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