Planet Rebirth

Chapter 20 I am the master of my site

() Under the bright moonlight, Elus is holding a pottery pot on the distant shore and is filling the pot with lake water.

Yang Rui walked behind her quietly, looked at her graceful back and asked, "What are you doing?"

Elus turned around abruptly, saw Yang Rui standing behind her, and said with a smile: "My master, why didn't you rest?"

Yang Rui smiled and said, "I don't need to eat, drink, or sleep."

"Why didn't you rest?" Yang Rui asked back: "Is it rare that you didn't drink?"

"I still have work tonight, so I can't drink."

"What job?" Seeing Elus filling the pot with water, Yang Rui reached out to help her get it.

Elus put the pot behind her and said, "My master, this is my job, please let me do it."

"What do you fetch water for?"

Elus stood up, held the clay pot in her arms, walked towards the forest with long legs and said, "Fill the lake with water for the holy grail of the temple."

"The temple?" Yang Rui asked curiously beside Elus: "What kind of god do you enshrine?"

Elus stopped, turned to look at Yang Rui and said, "Of course it's you, my master."

"Me?" Yang Rui smiled.

"Of course." Elus nodded: "You saved us, of course we must enshrine you as our main god."

Yang Rui thought for a while and said, "If you don't offend me, I'm curious if you can take me to the temple to have a look."

Elus couldn't help laughing and said, "The temple is your place, of course you can go."

"Your father didn't tell me about the temple just now."

Elus said: "The true god is already in front of us, so why bother talking about the temple?"

The two walked into the depths of the forest side by side. Although the dense branches and leaves on the top layer blocked all the light, all the trees were covered with glowing bugs, making this place look very quiet and mysterious.

"Look at those bugs." Yang Rui said with a smile, "I created them. Isn't it fun that they can glow?"

Elus bowed her head and said: "My master, you are omnipotent, and we in Aigner enjoy your favor every moment of our lives."

After hearing this sentence, Yang Rui sighed and said, "But there are some things I can't do."

"What's that?" Alice asked curiously.

Yang Rui shook his head and said, "I don't want to talk anymore. Lead the way."

Elusi led Yang Rui to an extremely thick tree, which was as tall as a pillar of the sky, and even hundreds of people could not surround him.

Yang Rui looked up and sighed: "This should be the first sapling I planted here, and it has grown so big now."

"This way, please." Elus continued to guide the way.

A wide hanging ladder coiled upwards around the big tree, and the two walked up the tree slowly.On the thickest branch, the Aigners built a magnificent building.

Elus walked to the door, put down the clay pot, then raised her arm, and took off the suspenders of the robe. The robe was as smooth as silk, and fell off to the end.

Elus stood naked in front of Yang Rui.

Yang Rui blushed, quickly lowered his head and asked, "What are you doing?"

Elus smiled and said: "You can't wear any clothes or jewelry when you enter the temple. Only naked body is the greatest respect for God."

Yang Rui shrugged and said, "This rule is too peculiar."

Elus was not ashamed of being naked in front of Yang Rui, she generously folded her clothes and put them aside, then picked up the clay pot and walked into the temple.

The temple was empty, except for a cup made of metal in the center of the temple. This cup was big enough to accommodate a baby to take a bath in it.

Elus knelt on the ground holding the clay pot, bowed her head and prayed silently for a long time.Yang Rui didn't dare to disturb her, but just stood aside and watched quietly.

It was a perfect body, with maddeningly elegant lines.Although Yang Rui has repeatedly warned himself that Elus is not a human being, they are Aignars, aliens from the distant depths of the universe, facing such a body, Yang Rui is still a little burned.

After Eluth prayed, she suddenly turned her head and glanced at Yang Rui who was staring at her obsessively, and then showed a charming smile.

Knowing that he was losing his composure, Yang Rui smiled awkwardly.

Elus gently poured the water in the clay pot into the Holy Grail, and said at the same time: "I am the priestess of the temple. I have been instilled in me since I was a child by the greatness and wisdom of God. He saved us. Then At that time, I thought God was proud and unattainable. But today, when I met you, my master, you gave me a new understanding of God."

"What new understanding? Yang Rui hurriedly asked."

Elus put the empty clay pot in the corner, turned around and walked in front of Yang Rui, looked at Aigner's god tenderly, and said with a smile: "After meeting you today, I realized that gods also have ordinary ones. On the one hand. Just like my father, although he has great power, it makes me feel full of warmth."

When Yang Rui heard what Elus said, he seemed a little discouraged, and thought to himself: "I am really ashamed of God."

He kept reminding himself: "Pay attention to the image, pay attention to the temperament, the aura must be strong, and it must be worthy of the title of God."

But facing such a charming Aigner, Yang Rui still revealed his weaknesses as a human being, especially as a man.In order to cover up the uneasiness in his heart, he found a topic and said, "Your arrows are very accurate."

Elus didn't answer Yang Rui's topic, she looked at Yang Zhong obsessively, and muttered to herself: "Great God, if you can come to my side today, I can feel the pain in your body." Boundless divine power, please donate your blessings to me."

Yang Ruixin said, "I'm not the leader of a cult, so there's no need to do this."

He saw that Elus, who was close to him, was trembling slightly, her chest was heaving violently, and her twin peaks were trembling with her heavy breathing, which looked extraordinarily attractive.

Yang Rui stepped back hurriedly and said: "I don't know what I can give you. Everything I did to Aigner was out of my instinct and my kindness. You can regard me as your best friend, But there’s really no need to treat me like a god.”

Hearing Yang Rui's words, Elus quickly knelt at his feet and said in fear: "My master, I didn't intend to offend you. I was just inspired by your power. Please forgive my rudeness."

Yang Rui helped Elus up, and after his palm touched Elus's smooth skin, he quickly retracted and said with a smile: "Don't do this, Elus Yege. I never put you As slaves with your people, you are all my friends. Let me, a lonely person, have sustenance for my soul."

After finishing speaking, Yang Rui took Elusi's robe, put it on for her, and said, "Put it on."

Elus hesitated and said, "No clothes are allowed in the temple."

Yang Rui winked mischievously at Elus and said, "My territory is up to me. God lets you wear it, so you can wear it."

Elus laughed at Yang Rui's words, she said: "In Aigner's group, including my father, they are all lifeless, and no one can make me laugh like you."

Yang Rui smiled and said, "I'm not Aigner, I'm a human being."

"Human?" Elus asked curiously, "Are humans protoss? They also have boundless divine power like you?"

Yang Rui's thoughts seemed to be pulled back to the fantasy of his previous life. He sighed and said: "They are just like you Aigner, they are very ordinary, they love life, and they also have joys, sorrows and joys. The most important thing is that human men can make women laugh of."

Having said this, Yang Rui walked out of the temple station.

Elus chased him out and asked, "My master, where are you going?"

Yang Rui stood on the steps and said, "I'm leaving."

"Go?" Elus asked: "Why do you want to go? Could it be that our hospitality is not kind?"

"No, Elus." Yang Rui said: "Your hospitality is quite kind, I just need to do my own thing."

Upon hearing this, Elus showed a look of reluctance, and said, "Let me tell my father and the clansmen."

Yang Rui stopped Elus and said, "No need."


Yang Rui said with a smile: "What I hate the most is saying goodbye, and let me go quietly alone. I don't want to disturb those Aigners who have already fallen asleep."

Elus knelt down on one leg again and said, "Then let me give you a ride."

Yang Rui flew up suddenly, and his avatar of Aigner disappeared immediately, and he returned to a transparent state, with a faint light shining around Elus and said: "It's almost dawn, God asks you to rest .”

Elus raised her head and looked at Yang Rui in front of her with a smile and replied, "Of order, my master."

"My apologies to your father, I will come back to visit him again! And you, Elus Nightsong, beautiful female Aigner."

Elus nodded slightly and said, "I will convey your meaning."

Yang Rui stopped on Elus' forehead, injected his divine power into her body, and said softly: "I hope you can do more for your people and become a great Aigner like your father. "

After finishing speaking, Yang Rui flew into the sky after passing through the thick canopy.

Yang Rui bid farewell to Elus and flew aimlessly in the sky.Gradually, the sun smiled from the horizon.The earth was splashed and turned into a piece of golden yellow.

Flying over the holy lake forest, there is already a boundless grassland in front of you.Countless creatures were bathed in the morning light and crowded together, embellishing the verdant land with more beautiful colors.

The huge group of herbivorous animals stretches for thousands of kilometers. Their marching pace shakes the world, and the team will be chaotic if they encounter it occasionally. It is because the sharp-toothed beast attacked them. Although it is extremely bloody, it is an extremely harmonious scene in Yang Rui's tears. screen.

After the sun had completely risen to the sky, Yang Rui flew over the majestic mountains.On a towering mountain peak.He listened.

This mountain is tens of thousands of meters above sea level, and Mount Everest is like a toddler compared to her.The mountains are covered with thick snow.

Yang Rui hovered above the snow, stared into the distance, and remained silent.

At this time, Air felt Yang Rui's presence and asked, "My master, what do you want to do?"

Yang Rui violently exerted his divine power and said, "I want to build a paradise in my dreams!"

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