Planet Rebirth

Chapter 21 The Creation of Humans

() When Yang Rui's words were still echoing on the top of the mountain, this tall mountain changed.

The snow on the top of the mountain gradually melted away, exposing bare rocks.The mountain was trembling, these rocks changed their original position and shape, as if an invisible big hand was carving them, they gradually became angular, with exquisite patterns all over the surface of the rocks, and then one by one pierced from the ground to the sky. The stone came out, supporting the heavy roof, and the first temple rose from the ground.Driven by divine power, the mountain continued to tremble, and more buildings rose from the ground as if they had spirits, standing on the top of the mountain in a patchwork pattern, dotted with corridors, fountains, attics, and corridors.

A magnificent palace appeared on the top of Daxue Mountain.

Yang Rui floated on the highest platform of the palace, and he could see the scene thousands of miles away through the thick clouds.The fresh air made him feel extremely comfortable.

At this time, clusters of colorful clouds appeared in the sky and were rapidly drifting towards the palace.When I got closer, I realized that it was not clouds, but countless birds flying towards here rapidly.

They all held the seed in their mouths, and when they flew above the palace, they threw the seeds everywhere.

Yang Rui shouted to the sky: "I need rain!"

The air and water droplets heard Yang Rui's instructions, and the rain soon began to fall.The rain that flows everywhere nourishes the scattered seeds.They began to take root and sprout, towering trees grew, and vines also covered the walls. After that, countless flowers competed to bloom, and the intoxicating fragrance of flowers wafted around in the cool air.

Yang Rui inspected every detail of this palace, continued to carve it tirelessly, never tired of it.

He received a salvo in Aigner's hometown.He thinks that he should also have his own home on this planet, so that his heart can have a place to rest his heart.

So he built this sky garden standing on top of the world according to his dream.Everywhere is condensed with his hard work and strength, and he injected his divine power into it, making this majestic and beautiful garden full of mystery.

He built a well in the main temple, and this well went all the way to the depths of the earth's core. Warm and magical water gushed out from the ground and filled the well.

The rippling water waves shone brightly and scattered in all directions, moistening everything here.More beautiful creatures gathered here, and they wandered around, taking their favorite plant fruits as food.Some birds even made their homes here, jumping on the branches and chirping cheerfully.

At this moment, the voice appeared again, and it said, "I am glad you have a home of your own, my child."

Yang Rui wandered around in the garden, and replied: "I have been traveling for hundreds of millions of years, and it is indeed time for me to settle down in such a place."

It asks, "What do you want to do next?"

Yang Rui said: "I created everything, saved Aigner, and made this planet beautiful. This is a selfless dedication. Next, I want to do something for myself."

"Selfless devotion?" It smiled: "Everything in the world is the source of your divine power. They are continuously supporting your life and making you stronger every day. How can this be considered selfless devotion?"

Yang Rui has his own theory. He said: "I created them and let them enjoy the beauty of the world. Although they serve me in the end, they still get a lot."

"I'm glad you recognize that," it said.

"So, after being busy for so long, I'm going to do something for myself."

"What do you want to do?"

Yang Rui looked at the flowers, plants, birds and animals in the garden, and said in a very sad tone: "I am so lonely. I am a human being, but there is no companion for me on this planet."

"But you are not human now."

"I used to be!" Yang Rui raised his voice to emphasize this point.

Speaking of this, Yang Rui went on to say: "This planet already has all the conditions, and I think it's time to create my own kind."

"I hope you can think about this issue carefully." There was obviously some worry in its tone.

"Why?" Yang Rui asked.

"As advanced intelligent creatures, human beings are the last link in the creation system of creatures." It said worriedly: "Although human beings are indispensable, they are a double-edged sword. Harness them well and they will bring the heaviest disaster on this planet."

Yang Rui sneered and said, "I am also a human being. I understand all the thoughts and behaviors of my kind, and I can control them."

It said, "May it be as you say."

Yang Rui had already made a decision in his heart, and he said loudly: "Thank you for your suggestion, I will consider it. But, I don't want to live alone on this planet."

It said: "I hope you will use your power carefully. Because there are still many unknown dangers that may come soon."

Yang Rui didn't want to listen to it anymore, so he flew out of the garden and came to the temple.

He plunged into the well water, went against the water flow and drilled into the earth's crust, passed through the vast underground space, and returned to the earth's core.

Here, all kinds of cells are floating around, these are the creatures that Yang Rui didn't have time to conceive.

He picked out the fullest and strongest cell among the countless cells, implanted it into his body, and took good care of it.After sensing Yang Rui's divine power, this cell immediately became extremely active. It was rapidly dividing and giving birth to embryos.

Yang Rui took the embryonic cell out of the earth's core and returned to the hanging garden.

That embryo seemed to be moving around, he was the most restless of all the embryos created by Yang Rui, bumping around, always wanting to be restrained by Yang Rui.

He put the restless embryo into the water well in the temple, and gently waved the clear water in the well with his own power.Embryos grow rapidly under the gentle touch of well water, from embryos to embryos, from embryos to fetuses with heartbeats.The well water gave him the nourishment that allowed him to thrive.

At the end, a new life is born.

This is a beautiful and healthy baby boy, staring at a pair of innocent big eyes, with a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, heaving and falling in the water, happily enjoying the nutrition given by the well water.

When Yang Rui saw this baby, it was as if he had been shocked by an electric shock. He had no eyes, but his vision was already blurred, and he knew it was tears.

He lifted the newborn out of the water and held it high above his head, letting the sunlight outside the temple shine on his shiny skin.The baby laughed even more, twitching in the air on all fours and giggling.

Yang Rui decided to name the baby: "Guy."

Guy grew up happily and rapidly in the garden. Yang Rui provided him with endless food, gave him wisdom, taught her how to think, and let him learn to use tools.

Until one day, Guy said to Yang Rui: "My master, thank you for bringing me into this world. Although I enjoy all the best things, I still feel lonely."

Yang Rui smiled and said, "You really need a partner."

After speaking, Yang Rui returned to the temple and created a new life in the well. This was a baby girl named Kuiya.

Yang Rui endowed Kuiya with beauty and tenderness, and asked her to accompany the young Adam.

He wants to find a land suitable for growth and reproduction for the newborn human beings.

This piece of land was soon discovered by Yang Rui, just at the foot of Daxue Mountain, his hanging garden.This is a beautiful place with abundant water and grass and plenty of food.The settlement of human beings is nonetheless suitable.

Yang Rui also needs more new lives in order for human beings to grow up prosperously.He took another cell from the earth's core and transformed it into a life seed.

Then, the seed was implanted in a deep, huge and boundless cave.This kind of seed quickly took root and sprouted, and grew up in the cave, and the branches and leaves that spread everywhere were covered with drop-shaped fruits.

These fruits are translucent, filled with the water of life, and the new life of human beings is conceived in the water of life.

Soon, the first fruits ripened, and they gave birth to the first human population.

Yang Rui called Guy and Kuiya to his front, and he said to Guy: "You have grown up and possessed wisdom and character. I will make you the king of the world and lead your people to live in the most beautiful place." .”

Guy knelt in front of Yang Rui and said piously: "My master, I will obey your will. I hope you will grant us more favors in the future."

Yang Rui smiled and said: "This is for sure. I hope you can live happily. You are the spirit of all things, and all my hard work has been condensed in your body. I hope you can take care of everything in the world for me."

After finishing speaking, he said to Kuiya: "You are a beautiful and gentle girl. I hope you can reproduce more offspring. This is the result I want to see most."

Kuiya also knelt in front of Yang Rui and said, "Thank you for the grace of my lord, and I will also obey your will."

Watching Guy and Kui Ya lovingly walk down the mountain, Yang Rui suddenly felt lonely again. Before he had time to feel emotional, the sound of air came from the sky.

"My master, something strange has happened, I think you should find out."

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