Planet Rebirth

Chapter 197 Chapter Family

I turned my gaze back to the road ahead, taking deep breaths helped me to force my body to relax, the blood circulated normally, and my brain was no longer squeezed by a nameless force and almost burst like before , I don’t look at what’s going on behind me, even my peripheral vision shrinks to the smallest range, just the range in the car, I keep hinting to myself to calm down, as if this is an ordinary road trip, in fact, I used to drive a lot Traveling to other places, my relationship with my girlfriend was still very good at that time, we enjoyed this time very much, also at night, she sat next to me and fell asleep, I was alone listening to soothing music, driving the car in the dark Let's go, to our destination.

Suddenly, I saw my girlfriend sitting next to me, sleeping soundly with her head tilted to one side. A refreshing body fragrance wafted from the darkness, which made my heart contract suddenly. The surroundings were quiet and there was no longer any In the chaos just now, the air conditioner was turned on and there was a bit of cool air, accompanied by her body fragrance, which made me feel a strange calm.The girlfriend seemed to be in a dream, she muttered something, moved her body, and fell asleep again.I reached out and stroked her soft long hair, a complex emotion came to my heart, which made me a little sad.

"They finally disappeared." The old man's voice interrupted my thoughts, he knocked off my hand on his head, and gasped and said, "Although you were thinking wildly, you still managed to do it. "

I turned my head and looked back through the shattered car window. The police car and helicopter were gone. I could only hear the roar of the car I was driving on the dark ground.The old man threw the still smoking machine gun onto the back seat, then took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped the sweat from his forehead.

My heartbeat has returned to normal, a cool breeze blows in from the broken car window, and there is a scent of green grass. I asked him: "What should I do next?"

The old man loosened the tie around his neck, put his arm on the car window, and stared at the darkness in the distance with his glasses and said, "I don't think you have an appointment yet?"

"A date?" I suddenly thought of Xiaoxue, and I felt a little twitch in my heart, and I said with a trace of embarrassment on my face, "Is that true?"

The old man was amused by my words. He shook his head and said, "Dreams that people have every day in the real world are just fragments, and they cannot be pieced together. But you are now in a dream. Relatively speaking, that date Of course it's real and it's coherent, and you can enjoy the whole process."

Street lights appeared on both sides of the road, illuminating the road ahead, and buildings flashed by from time to time.In the distance, the lights of the city have already reflected the sky red, and the warmth returned to my body, and the muscles all over my body felt a little achy after being completely relaxed.

The car drove to the street where I lived, and I parked it on the side of the road. It was still early, and pedestrians and vehicles on the street passed by my eyes continuously. A battered car.

The old man turned and looked at me and said, "Go home and take a shower, change your clothes, go on a date, and enjoy your world."

"How would that be?"

The old man replied quite proudly: "It's very exciting."

After I got out of the car, the old man changed to the driving position. He stopped me and threw me something. I caught it with both hands. It turned out to be a mobile phone. I had never seen this type of mobile phone before, and it was not me. Any well-known brand, its layman is very fashionable, very beautiful, and feels good in the palm of the hand.

The old man poked his head out of the car and said, "I will call you when the time comes."

"Where are you going?" Before I could finish speaking, the old man had already driven his car and disappeared at the corner of the street. I stood silently for a long time before I recovered and took a look at the place where I lived.

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