Planet Rebirth

Chapter 198 My New Home

Standing in the foyer, it took me a long time to make sure I hadn't entered the wrong door.Afterwards, I hesitantly affirmed that this is my home.The reason why I am sure is that first of all, the key fits perfectly into the keyhole, and the collision of these two things is like an old couple living a life with a tacit understanding.Moreover, when I stepped into this building a few minutes ago, everything was still the same, the ground that had not been cleaned for a long time, the dust on it seemed to have fallen on a thick layer of snow, and the original white walls were covered with some The footprints of people venting their anger and the graffiti of the street artist above me.There is an elevator in this building, but I hardly take it because I don't trust its safety factor. In the few days I have moved here, this cute guy Tin Guy has imprisoned people in it several times , and one poor fellow of them spent the whole night inside because there was no emergency call system.

I climbed up the stairs to the 7th floor where I lived. During the whole process, I almost closed my eyes. I had no strength to toss about a series of things just now, and I groped my way up in the dark according to my previous intuition.I remember something turning around every corner, old clothes boxes, broken flower pots, old cheap furniture, all these were clearly identifiable in my mind, allowing me to dodge easily and accurately without looking where I was stepping. Open these things that don't belong here.When I was on the 4th floor, I also greeted my neighbor. I know him very well. He is a small employee of the company like me. The scent of perfume blends into the embrace of this magnificent city.

Excluding those tiny details, this... can prove that this is indeed my home, but I still don't have the courage to take a step.Because I'm hesitant that it doesn't look like where I live.The dark solid wood floor is as bright as a lake in the dark night, and the aroma of floor wax is still lingering in the air above.The milky white furniture exudes the quietness and low-key of the frugal style, and a few postmodernist oil paintings hang irregularly on the walls as far as the eye can see.The chandelier above the head pours soft and warm light into the room, which makes me feel soft and happy.This is really the Nordic style that I have always yearned for. Compared with the complicated French style, in my opinion, the frugal Nordic style is easier to clean.I've had enough of the annoyance of the cleanliness in me where the carved furniture tends to hide.

Apart from the change in decoration, another thing that confuses me is the area, as far as I can see, it already exceeds the area of ​​the entire floor, and the height of the rooms is not the same as this old building decades ago Symmetrically, the floor height here is almost the height of a two-story building.There seems to be more space waiting for me to explore those extensions that cannot be seen.The open kitchen opposite is big enough for an elephant to take a leisurely stroll.There are all kinds of metal utensils on the large bar, and the furnishings are so high-end that I can't afford any of them.

I was confused for a long time before I took a small step tentatively, leaned out and looked into the depths of the room, more furniture appeared in front of my eyes, the sofa in the living room was wide enough to accommodate two couples of adults having sex.I listened carefully to the faint music surrounding my ears. It was an Italian opera, ethereal and transparent, and the sound must be good, I thought.

"Mom? Have you been here?" I asked softly.

My mother is a more diligent person than I am. She often visits my place when I am working during the day. where things are placed, regardless of whether I can find them or not.It makes me feel surprised to break into other people's residence every time I go home.However, this time I don't quite believe that these are my mother's masterpieces.

The door on the other side of the living room opened, which startled me, and the small man I met in the diner, wearing a black tuxedo, walked towards me very visibly, his oily hair reflected in the light Shines like a diamond.

"Good evening, sir! Welcome home." The little man walked up to me and bowed very visibly.I hurriedly took back the steps I just took, stared at him and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I am your housekeeper, sir, and I am responsible for everything about your residence."

"You're not in that restaurant..." I'm still not sure, even though the old man told me that this is my world, but I'm still not used to such a change.

The little man didn't mind my master's answer, he stretched out his hand sideways and said, "Please come with me, sir, the bath water is ready for you."

He led me into the door he just walked through. On the other side of this door is a larger space. What I saw just now is only a small part. Complex layout, uniform decoration, and doors everywhere , I was led by him through several doors like a maze, and entered a larger living room. At that time, I was thinking that if all the furniture were removed, an indoor football game could be held here , what happened in front of my eyes was beyond the scope of my imagination, and there were so many furniture items at hand that I couldn't think of their uses at all.At the far end of the living room, I saw the stairs extending upwards. The little man led me through the living room and went straight up the stairs. His movements were very interesting. His legs jumped up the stairs. , making the two hems of the tuxedo flutter up and down with his steps, exposing his round buttocks.

The second floor was still spacious, he opened a double door, pointed inside and said, "Your bedroom is here."

This room is the most concise bedroom I have ever seen, with black floors and white walls. There is only a large bed directly opposite, which is the only furniture here. The bed sheets are red, and there is a kind of aura that is about to come out and slowly floats towards me. Come on, let me be inexplicably excited.The only thing that surprises me is that there is no light here, but where does the light source come from? It seems that the whole room is a luminous body. When I was still using the little scientific knowledge to deduce this matter, the little man had already walked to the wall. He stretched out his hand and pushed lightly, a door appeared on the wall, and the door opened obediently. He stood sideways at the door and said, "The bathroom is here."

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