Planet Rebirth

Chapter 30 Elemental Lords 2

() Yang Rui continued to float on the corpse of the Horror Beast, and he slowly answered the question raised by the air: "I am not worried at all that the Aignars will be in danger and die, they are excellent hunters. I just do this to see Let's see how powerful the top beast I created can exert in front of intelligent creatures."

Air said: "I have also witnessed the whole process. Except for the size and strength of this big guy, other things are almost not worth mentioning."

Yang Rui said: "I have also seen all its shortcomings. It seems that I need to modify it."

Suddenly the air said, "Look, my master, its stomach is still moving."

Yang Rui floated to the belly of the beast, and saw that the belly seemed to be cut open by an invisible knife, revealing a huge wound, exposing the internal organs inside.In this pile of viscera, a round translucent organ was continuously pulsating.

Yang Rui continued to use his divine power to cut open this organ, and as the amniotic fluid leaked out, a little drenched beast rolled out of his breast.

Yang Rui gently lifted the ugly little guy and said, "If it wasn't for the hunting last night, it would have been born today."

Air said, "That's a pity."

Yang Rui wiped off the amniotic fluid from the little scary beast, and blew lightly into its nostrils, and the ugly little guy gave a soft cry and came back to life.

Yang Rui looked at this lively little life moving around under his control, and said with a smile: "I have already passed on more wisdom and better genes to it. When it becomes an adult, it will become a better A terrifying beast."

Air asked: "Why did you do this? Doesn't this make Aigner's life more difficult?"

Yang Rui didn't answer, he said to the air: "Send it to Moli, let him take good care of this little guy."

"Yes, my master."

The air took over the control of the little horror beast, and the little guy was suspended in the air under the control of the airflow, looking a little nervous, and kept screaming in terror.

After watching the little fear beast being taken away by the air, Yang Rui returned to Aigner's gathering place.

He turned into Aignar, standing at the gate of the high temple, watching the underground Aignars welcome their warriors back.

Seeing Yang Rui, Cesarian hurried up to the temple and knelt in front of Yang Rui and said, "My lord, you are welcome."

Yang Rui returned to the temple, paced back and forth and said: "Last night I saw some little inventions of Elus in the small east village, she is a wise Aigner, I hope her little inventions can send Useful."

Cesarian froze for a moment and replied, "Eluth always likes to cause some trouble."

Yang Rui ignored Cesarian's answer, and continued, "Maybe I don't have much time left. The Erin people will come to this planet again at any time, and we must prepare as soon as possible."

"Please tell me, my master, I will do my best." Cessarian nodded and said.

"I prepared a lot of wood and boulders for you in the deepest part of the holy lake forest. You should use these materials as soon as possible to build a city here. In addition, there are inexhaustible ores in the caves to the west. I hope you Use your ingenuity and make good use of these resources to develop your civilization."

Cessarian looked up at Yang Rui who was bathed in the morning light, and said in awe, "Obey, my master."

Yang Rui stopped in his tracks and continued: "I have built a new city at the foot of the Snow Mountain, and created a perfect Protoss. They will join hands with you Aigner to defend this planet with me, don't forget, although this is my Your planet is also your home."

Cesarian knelt on the ground and said, "Understood, my master. Please rest assured that I and my people will complete your will as soon as possible."

Looking at the forest scenery outside the window, Yang Rui breathed out and said, "What a beautiful morning! What a wonderful thing it is to take a walk in the forest with my family at this time and have a hearty meal. But, yes To me, it’s all a luxury.”

Cesarian said: "My lord, you are a god, you can do everything."

But Yang Rui shook his head and said: "The reason why gods are gods is because they gave up the desires of mortals to do things that mortals don't want to do and will not do. I can escape, hide in the depths of the earth's core, let The Erin people are running amok on my land. But I can't do that, and I'm the most powerful person on this planet, so with great power comes great responsibility. I can't escape all of this."

Cessarian said: "My master, I can understand the loneliness and responsibility in your heart. I will share it for you."

Having said that, Cessarian paused and said hesitantly, "If..."

"Go on!"

"If you are willing, in order to express your life-saving grace to Aigner." Cessarian said: "I am willing to dedicate my daughter Elus to you, for you to drive and accompany you."

Yang Rui's figure stood still in the hall, and he turned his back to Cesarian and said: "Eluth is beautiful, kind and intelligent, I love her. But, I love all the creatures on this planet more. .Therefore, I will not accept your offering."

Cesarian pleaded again and again: "My master. Please forgive a father's selfishness. I should have dedicated Elus to you long ago. She is the most beautiful priest and hunter in Aignar, and even the bravest. Warrior. It will be the highest honor of our people to dedicate the best Aigner to you, please be sure to accept my request."

Yang Rui was silent for a long time and said, "Okay, I agree to your request."

After finishing speaking, Cessarian called Elus into the temple, and said to her daughter: "From now on, you are no longer my daughter, but will be offered as Aigner's sacrifice to God." Dedicate yourself to the gods and stay by the side of the gods forever, this is what I told you from the first day you became a temple priest."

Elus seemed to have been prepared for a long time, she knelt in front of Cessarian and said, "Father, I obey your order."

Then, she knelt down in front of Yang Rui and said, "My master, from today onwards, I will dedicate everything to you."

Yang Rui smiled and said to Elus: "Since you have dedicated yourself to me, then promise me one thing."

Alice raised her head and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yang Rui said: "Help your father to develop Aigner's civilization as quickly as possible!"

Yang Rui left the Sacred Lake Forest, with a sense of urgency that he had never felt before so that he did not dare to delay even a second.He has too much to do.

He left the land and flew to a wider ocean.Under the turbulent waves, huge sea monsters appear and disappear from time to time, while even larger schools of fish float around, dyeing the sea water dark green.

At this time, Shuizhu jumped out of the sea and shouted to Yang Rui: "My master, long time no see."

Yang Ruifei faced the water and said, "Come with me."

Shuizhu said, "Where are you going?"

At this time, Yang Rui had already got into the water and said, "Go to the depths of the earth's core."

The water drops followed Yang Rui into the depths of the earth's core.The warm water waves are rippling around.

Yang Rui controlled the water droplet in his body, and slowly poured his strength into the water droplet.

Shui Zhu seemed restless and asked, "My master, what are you doing?"

"You are the first drop of water on this planet, and the foundation of all living things. I hope you can better develop your potential and maximize the power of water."

Under the illumination of Yang Rui's divine power, the water drop underwent a fundamental change.She no longer became random, but gradually condensed the power of water, showing a tangible life.

Yang Rui said: "From today on, all the water on the planet will be under your command. I hope you can obey my rules."

Shuizhu knelt in front of Yang Rui and said, "Obey my master."

Yang Rui thought for a while and said, "Sisela, I will call you that from now on."

The water drop said: "Sisera will always faithfully wait by your side."

Yang Rui said: "Carefully moisten every inch of land on this planet and feed every life. You are their support, and they are also giving you a steady stream of energy."

Water Lord Sisera said: "Thank you for your teaching."

Yang Rui left the depths of the earth's core and returned to the surface of the water. The air said, "Following your instructions, I have given the little fear beast to Moli."

Yang Rui asked the air: "From now on, I will call you Queres. You are in charge of all the gases and winds on this planet. If you follow my rules, I will give you greater power."

The wind lord Quiris showed a shape in front of Yang Rui, and he said reverently: "Thank you, my master, I will obey your rules."

"Take good care of every cloud and wind of the planet, they are your foundation and the source of your strength."

Yang Rui returned to the land without stopping, and the soil felt his coming, so he said, "My master, what can I do for you."

Yang Rui shouted in mid-air: "Come out."

Immediately, the ground trembled, and raging eyes burst out of the ground, turning a large area of ​​land into a sea of ​​flames.

A flaming figure appeared from the ground, and a crackling voice echoed in the air: "My master, I have come here under orders."

Yang Rui said to Soil and Flame: "Albert, Sorena, I will give you another part of my power, treat the life on this planet kindly, and give them nourishment and hope."

The land lord Albert and the fire lord Sorena bowed down in front of Yang Rui and accepted the canonization of God.

Afterwards, Yang Rui felt physically and mentally exhausted, and he returned to the Hanging Garden and soaked his invisible body in the water of the temple well.

He felt very helpless, because he could feel that although the surface of this planet was calm, there was an extremely powerful force that wanted to approach him. He felt that this force could easily shatter the world he had created with his own hands.

Terrible images kept appearing in front of his eyes, people were devastated, mountains and rivers dried up, and the earth collapsed.All this was deeply embedded in his mind like an apocalypse.

Maybe it was a fate that he couldn't escape.The extreme fatigue at this time made him fall into a deep sleep.

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