Planet Rebirth

Chapter 31 A New Beginning Part 1

() Every sleep of Yang Rui is a long time passing. Like an unborn baby, he is curled up in the warm water deep in the core of the earth, drifting with the waves, and under the brilliance of the double helix column, he looks extraordinarily quiet , but it contains boundless divine power.

At this time, it spoke again: "Are you still asleep, my child?"

The sound awakened the sleeping Yang Rui, and he gradually regained consciousness, seeing that the world was filled with countless flashing cells, they collided, fought, and even devoured each other.

Yang Rui replied: "I have exhausted too much energy, I really need to rest."

It said: "Now is not the time to relax, my child. You should go outside and see how the world has changed during your absence."

"What?" Yang Rui asked with a smile: "When I was away, Aigner and the Protoss started a war with each other?"

"As an observer, I will not interfere with anything on this planet." It said kindly: "However, I will still give you some suggestions, because these are the experiences and lessons of the predecessors."

"Predecessors?" Yang Rui asked curiously: "So, I am not the first owner of this planet? Or there are many people like me in this world I don't understand?"

Speaking of this, Yang Rui laughed at himself and said, "By the way, I almost forgot that I am no longer a human being! Let's call it a thing for now."

It smiled and said: "This world is really too big, there are too many fantastic and incredible things happening, or about to happen. And you, my child, you are a fresh and energetic new life, you need Keep growing, use your eyes to see the problem, and your heart to think about the problem, so that you can unlock all the truth."

Yang Rui asked: Who are you?You are everywhere and know everything.who are you? "

In this short conversation, it said the last sentence: "I am just an observer."

Seeing that it stopped talking, Yang Rui moved slowly so that more water could infiltrate his body and wake up all consciousness in time.

He himself listened to the movement on the ground.It wasn't a rumbling sound coming from the surface. Although the sound was nothing to hear here, it was definitely a loud noise on the ground.

However, Yang Rui is not worried about something bad happening, because so far, he doesn't feel any uneasy factors disturbing his thinking and consciousness, in other words, he is currently in a good state.

He left the depths of the earth's core and returned to the bottom of the ocean along the pouring sea water.In the process of gradually rising, he saw a complex and rich ecosystem.

The shoal of fish coming from the pavement almost covered the entire realization, they gathered together, moved in unison, and acted in unity.And it made a deafening sound.

Yang Rui passed through the fish and returned to the surface of the water. It was raining finely on the surface of the sea, and the brilliance of the sun was covered by a large group of dark clouds in the sky.

A huge female toothed whale suddenly rushed out of the water. Its big mouth was like a huge net that opened, and countless small fish were netted into the mouth, and then half of its body exposed to the water suddenly slammed into the water. Flicked in the monstrous waves and concealed in the water.

Yang Rui flew away through the thick dark clouds to the uppermost layer of the sky, where the air is thin, and his whole body shone with an indescribable aura under the blazing sun.

He heard the rumble again, felt the tremor of the earth.The huge sound came from the direction of Daxueshan.So he followed the sound and ran over.

Earth-shaking changes have taken place in the Great Snow Mountain. During this period of time, the Protoss has repaired the big city at the foot of the Snow Mountain incomparably brilliantly. Not only has the area expanded by more than ten times, but more beautiful and spectacular buildings have also sprung up.

Yang Rui didn't want to disturb their normal activities, but just turned into a very ordinary bird, sometimes soaring in the sky, sometimes taking a nap on the building, watching the protoss people living in an orderly manner under their feet.

In every corner of the city, a name is constantly being proclaimed: "Gomorrah, great city, the city God gave us! She will bring glory and splendor to the gods."

There was a constant rumbling sound from the mountains in the distance.At this time, Yang Rui saw that the warriors of the Protoss were building mountains and cities there, continuing the miracle of Gomorrah.

At this time, there was a pious sound of praise from Tongtian Tower.Yang Rui spread his wings, flew to the tower, and stood firmly on the window. In the hall at the highest point, countless protoss people were kneeling and sitting around, guarding the high platform in the middle of the hall. A crystal stone bestowed with divine power.

Moli was the closest to the crystal stone. He closed his eyes slightly and muttered words, and everyone was praising along with him.In the hall, strange auras are constantly flashing, and bright white halos emerge from the heads of each clansman, slowly approaching the crystal stone until it connects with it, and endless power is also gushing out from the crystal stone , Through this halo, it is continuously transmitted into the bodies of the clansmen.

Everyone's face looked hale and hearty because of being instilled with divine power.

At this time, Yang Rui discovered that the souls of these Protoss people were separated from their bodies, and they were free to wander in the hall, singing happily, and even dancing lightly.

Yang Rui was very surprised, during this period of time, the Protoss actually evolved a strange technique that could allow the soul to enter and leave the body freely.And it is constantly making itself stronger through crystal stones.

The fact is, after careful observation, Yang Rui found that these Protoss tribesmen were stronger than when he first created them, and the biological energy emitted from their bodies was unprecedentedly abundant.This made Yang Rui feel that his body was continuously receiving this powerful biological energy during the time he stayed at the window, making him feel very comfortable physically and mentally.

After watching the protoss worship ceremony, Yang Rui flapped his wings and flew back to the sky.He didn't want to disturb the normal life of these Protoss people.

Since he created them and they are developing according to their own will, let them go.Just be a silent spectator.

It suddenly occurred to him that for Yang Rui, the mysterious voice that often guides him is an observer, but for all creatures on this planet, he is both an observer and a creator at the same time, so according to this Logical deduction, is it that it is its own creator?Under certain circumstances, will it intervene in the operation of this world?

While flying aimlessly, Yang Rui was thinking about a series of questions, but so far, he has no answers.

After leaving the great city of Gomorrah, Yang Rui continued to fly southward, and his next destination was Aigner's territory - Holy Lake Forest.It has been gone for many days, I don't know how the visitors are doing these days.He hopes to see welcome changes.

Aigner is worthy of being a great race, all this did not disappoint Yang Rui.

A huge city rises from the depths of the holy lake forest. The tall buildings surpass those towering old trees, and they look extraordinarily magnificent under the sunshine.

What's even more gratifying is that Aigner's evolution is completely different from that of the protoss. On the premise of following Yang Rui's rules, they tried their best to return to their original living conditions.

They did not use the stones and wood bestowed by Yang Rui to repair the city, but used their superb wisdom to continuously build their own city.The countless shiny buildings are not at all obtrusive under the cover of trees, but they can better complement everything around them.

All the buildings are made of metal, and their style is very similar to the wreckage of the crashed mothership, which makes Yang Rui feel that this nation is an extremely nostalgic nation.

What made Yang Rui curious was that these metal buildings required countless ores to be processed and smelted, but there was no smoking chimney in the whole city, and the air was unusually clear with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers everywhere.

He flew in the forest, looking for the answer he wanted.

Suddenly, a high-speed flying thing passed Yang Rui's head in an instant, and the disturbed air flow knocked Yang Rui's changing bird aside.

Yang Rui hurriedly stabilized his balance, and found that it was an aircraft that passed over his head just now, so he quickly chased after it and observed it carefully.

After Yang Rui's observation, the aircraft did not find any fuel propulsion system in the tail, so it flew silently in the forest.

Yang Rui followed closely behind him, and saw that the aircraft perfectly met all the definitions of aerodynamics, dexterously shuttling through the forest.It made him have to step up and flap his wings in order to keep up.

After a while, the aircraft turned a corner in the forest clearing, and continued to fly deep into the jungle along a forest path.On the ground, Yang Rui saw more Aigner.

Their decorations have long since changed, and instead of using animal skins and plants as clothing materials, they are now wearing more gorgeous clothes, which also makes them appear so noble.

A huge deep pit appeared in front of it. The edge of the pit was covered with metal. The big pit extended underground at a thirty-degree angle, and the aircraft rushed into it like the inside of the deep pit without hesitation.

After wandering around the pit for a while, Yang Rui followed in.

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