Planet Rebirth

Chapter 36 The Secret of the Box

() When approaching the atmosphere, the landing spacecraft adjusted its flight attitude so that it calmly entered the atmosphere at a perfect angle. This was the most wonderful flight maneuver Yang Rui had ever seen.

After the landing spacecraft entered the atmosphere, the surface of the cabin body glowed fiery red due to friction, and there was a long tail of light trailing behind it.Yang Rui followed closely behind it, never falling behind.

Wind Lord Quiris asked Yang Rui: "Do you want to destroy it?"

Yang Rui said: "They are here to find the wreckage of the mothership! We still need to buy a little more time for Aigner and the Protoss to make better preparations. In addition, I need to observe these Erin people for a while, I need more information to find their weaknesses."

The mothership lowered its flight altitude slowly, and it was looking for a suitable landing place.Finally, a large enough area without vegetation was found in a bay area. After that, four air-cushion landing brackets were released from the bottom of the spacecraft, and the aircraft carrier-sized landing spacecraft landed firmly on the ground.

The hatch at the bottom dropped slowly, and the jet-black springboard stretched out and poked straight into the ground.

A tall Erin came down slowly. He was wearing a heavy space suit, but his steps were not clumsy at all.Yang Rui stopped not far away and watched the Ailin's further move quietly.

At this time, a spherical life detector flew out from the landing spacecraft, it hovered beside the Erin man, scanning the surrounding environment with a green spectrum, after that he seemed to be talking to the Erin man comminicate.Finally, the Erin took off the helmet covering his head, revealing his true colors.

The Erin man bent down and picked up a handful of sand with his hands, observed it carefully, and then smelled it attentively. Yang Rui could see the joyful expression on his face.

Afterwards, more life probes poured out of the spaceship, flying in all directions quickly, and the green spectrum instantly covered the surface of the planet.

Yang Rui could feel that the green spectrum was extracting the basic elemental information of all substances on the surface, and even landed at a certain place to extract some soil and water samples, and conduct the most detailed monitoring of the respective animals wandering on the grassland.

Yang Rui didn't act rashly, but stayed where he was and looked at the Ailin man coldly. At this time, more Ailin men got off the spaceship. Yang Rui couldn't understand their language, but it could be seen from the tone and expression. , they seemed to be arguing about something.

While these people were chattering and making noise, a short, slimy, ugly humanoid creature appeared in Yang Rui's field of vision. Holding a container in both hands, he was timidly approaching the Ailin people. An Erin took the container, drank the liquid inside, and then threw the container away.

The ugly guy rushed over like a dog and wanted to pick it up, but he was too slow, and the container fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The Erin was a little annoyed, and kicked that guy fiercely. The ugly humanoid screamed and rolled aside, waiting for those big eyes to look at the Erin in horror.

Yang Rui knew in his heart that that ugly humanoid monster was the former Aigner.The same creature, but because of encountering different environments and things, completely went in two directions.

At this time, the Ailin seemed to have received the call of their companions in the spaceship, and they hurried back to the spaceship.That Aigner also followed them, but before he entered the cabin, he was kicked down by an Erin.

When it was about to return, the hatch was closed, and the noise of the propulsion system of the landed spacecraft was rumbled, and it slowly rose into the sky amidst the flying sand and stones, leaving that poor Aigner on the ground, no matter how it called, Just take a look, and fly to the east at high speed.

Yang Rui followed, and the trajectory of the landing spacecraft was flying in the direction of the wreckage of the mothership.Sure enough, at the edge of that deep fissure, many spherical life detectors gathered there, circling anxiously, and the sound of Didi's alarm kept coming back, like a group of dogs who found a bone and went crazy.

The landing craft landed steadily next to the crack in the ground, and the Erin people drove the small airship out of the cabin, carefully drilled into the crack in the ground, and stopped at the edge of the wreckage.

A spherical life detector got in first, and after confirming that there was no danger inside, Erin walked in.

Yang Rui turned into a transparent prototype, and entered to cover the aura emanating from his body, so as not to be discovered by these Ailin people.From within the wreckage, he closely monitored every move of the Alyns.

After the Erin people entered the wreckage, they were familiar with the road, opened many modules on the broken bulkhead, and began to transmit data.

After the data transmission, they learned the situation before the crash of the spaceship. The people of Erin seemed to be very excited. They entered the interior of the mothership again and stayed in the cabin with two boxes.

Now there is only one box left here, and the Erin people summoned a spherical life detector. The detector opened the top cover according to the owner's instructions, and an Erin man reached out and took the box from the high platform, and put it carefully. Into that life detector.

Just as they were about to turn around and leave, Yang Rui appeared in front of them.

This time Yang Rui used the appearance of a human being, and that face was exactly what he had in his previous life. He wore a white linen robe, stood in front of the group of Erin people, and asked calmly, "Can you tell me, this What's in the box?"

Startled by Yang Rui's sudden appearance, the Erin people retreated instinctively and took out their weapons from the parallel modules on their legs, while the life detector with the box faithfully blocked the outsiders forward.

Yang Rui took a few more steps forward, trying to keep his tone calm and serene, not giving others an aggressive aura, and he continued: "There used to be two boxes here, and I took one of them. Aigner and I It is said that the thing in there is called the Holy Source. I put it deep in the core of the earth. The strange thing is that it activated the entire life system of this planet like a key. And I have been guessing about another box What's in it."

Looking at those Ailin people, Yang Rui continued to say with a smile on his face: "Actually, I can guess what's inside, but today its owner is here, so I want a definite answer."

After analyzing Yang Rui's voice, the Ailin began to communicate with him in human language. The leader of the Ailin stepped forward and asked, "My name is Sieh, who are you?"

Yang Rui said: "Hello, my name is Yang Rui, and I am this planet."

Siye nodded and said: "Our life detectors have detected the existence of low-level intelligent creatures on this planet. In addition, we have also found some clues in the memory module of this wreckage. This planet has a subjective consciousness. You just talk about that consciousness."

Yang Rui said: "That's right, you can call me a conscious body. Now answer my question, what's in that box?"

"The holy source can conceive life, and in some specific circumstances, we need to destroy all life, so another box has its role," Seye said.

Yang Rui nodded and said, "It seems that my guess is right, everything has two sides."

Siere asked: "Consciousness, answer my question, where did the Aigners in this mothership go? We haven't found any trace of them."

Yang Rui felt very disgusted with the attitude of these Ailin people, and he replied patiently: "Those Aigners have not disappeared, on the contrary, they live freely and happily under my rules, instead of being driven by others, having fun, or even It's killing."

"Give us back these inferior creatures, they are our property," Sieh said.

Yang Rui turned around and walked out of the wreckage. Hearing what Sie said, he smiled and said, "They used to be, but they are not now."

"Pay attention to the way you talk to me." Sie raised his voice and said, "You are just a low-level consciousness."

Yang Rui turned around and looked at Sie and his subordinates coldly, and said calmly, "Then tell us the purpose of your trip."

"Either be enslaved or destroyed," said Seye.

After listening to the irresistible words, Yang Rui nodded calmly and said, "In this case, I only accept destruction, not slavery. And there may be a third possibility."

"What's the third possibility?" Seye asked.

Yang Rui said loudly: "You are destroyed."

Siere heard the murderous intent in Yang Rui's tone, and it suddenly issued an order for the spherical detector to attack Yang Rui.But when this round-headed guy shot a terrifying beam of light.

Yang Rui tried to catch the light beam with his hand, he felt a slight tingling pain in his palm, and the light beam gradually disappeared in his palm.

When the spherical detector was about to attack again, Yang Rui held it deep in his palm, controlled it with his mind, and concentrated his power at one point. The detector couldn't withstand such a powerful attack, and it exploded instantly and fell apart.

Seeing that the box was blown out, Yang Rui hurriedly caught it in mid-air.

Sie roared: "Conscious body, return the box to us quickly, otherwise..."

Yang Rui had teleported out of the wreckage, and he said loudly: "No, otherwise, since you have come to this planet, you will stay here like your ancestors."

After finishing speaking, the ground began to tremble, the mountain in the cracks in the ground began to collapse, and countless gravels poured down, completely sealing the wreckage inside.

Yang Rui flew out from the cracks in the ground, using divine power to merge the cracks together forever.

Many life detectors on the ground felt the presence of danger, and they started shooting at Yang Rui. While quickly dodging these laser beams, Yang Rui also detonated all the non-life detectors, turning them into a pile of scrap copper iron.

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