() When the landing spacecraft saw the emergency situation, it immediately took off forcibly, trying to escape from here.Unexpectedly, it was controlled by Yang Rui's power, unable to continue to rise into the air, but fell extremely fast, and finally crashed on the ground.

At the moment before the crash, countless rescue capsules were ejected from the landing airship. They originally returned to the mothership outside the atmosphere according to the established procedures.

But now the poor men of Erin could never go back.Summoned by Yang Rui, countless giant birds rushed here at a lightning speed. They spread their huge wings and beat the escape pods, smashing them to pieces, and then these birds used their sharp claws to smash those Elin who were about to escape. Someone pulled them out of the escape pod, took them to a high altitude, let go of their claws, let them fall to the ground and smashed to pieces; Splashed in the sky with entrails.

The screams of the Ailin people shook the whole earth, but no matter how much they wailed, these big birds could not stop these big birds from completely eradicating them.

Standing on the ground, Yang Rui watched countless broken corpses fall down, and the rain of blood stained his white linen robe red.

Seeing the Erin people being cut to pieces by these giant birds, he couldn't laugh because he knew this was just the beginning.A life detector that escaped by chance flew to the sky at high speed. It deftly avoided the attack of the giant bird and disappeared out of sight.

Yang Rui said flatly, "It's about to start."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the Great Snow Mountain alone, and at the same time ordered the wind lord Quiris to say, "Call the water lord Sisera, the earth lord Albert, and the fire lord Sognar, and tell them to get ready."

Then, another giant bird was summoned and ordered to say: "Go and tell Molly and Cessarian to gather the army, and the war is about to begin."

After accepting Yang Rui's order, the giant bird spread its wings and galloped towards the holy lake forest.

When Cesarian, the leader of Agna, received his orders, he went alone to the waters of the holy lake.

Many years have passed, and Aigner's life has been turned upside down. Not far away, tall bio-metal buildings have sprung up, but this place still maintains its original appearance. The fresh breath of the woods makes him feel very friendly.

Cessarian sat cross-legged in front of the lake, closed his eyes and prayed silently, and he opened his eyes again when he heard a voice behind him.

An aircraft came out from behind the bushes, and Elus stood on it and piloted skillfully, avoiding the dense branches and coming to the lake.

She nimbly jumped off the aircraft, slid a graceful arc in mid-air, and then landed firmly behind Cessarian.

She asked, "Father, are you looking for me?"

Cessarian stared at the rippling lake water and said: "This morning, I saw a landing spaceship flying over the holy lake forest from the tower of the temple. When I heard the familiar roar again I almost passed out with fear."

Elus hurriedly walked to Cessarian and knelt on the ground, put her slender hands on her father's shoulders and asked, "Father, are you okay?"

Cessarian turned to look at his daughter and smiled kindly, "This is the source of my nightmares, and they finally came."

Elus felt Cessarian's body trembling slightly, and she asked, "Father, what is this..."

"Yes, my body is trembling." Cessarian nodded sincerely and said, "Wherever the Erin people go, no life will be spared. After they frantically dig out resources, they will carry out even crazier massacres." , You can choose to be enslaved, but that is indeed worse than death. Both I and the older generation of Aigner have experienced that kind of time, watching the companions around us being killed at will, and becoming a show at their banquet."

Elus asked softly, "Father, what should I do."

Cessarian patted his daughter's arm and said: "Eluth, my dear child, your generation has never experienced the slavery and suffering we have suffered. Today's peaceful life is hard-won, and it is all given to us by God. .God expressed his determination to never accept slavery and to resist to the end, and we, Aigner, will always stand on God’s side and defend our homeland together.”

Speaking of this, Cessarian tightly held Elus's hand and said, "This time I would rather die in battle than let the Erin people put a collar around my neck again!"

Elus nodded, bit her lips lightly with her white teeth, and said firmly: "Father, I will remember your words. Aigner will never accept slavery from others again. For the freedom we have now And dignity, we have to fight to the end."

Cessarian gently stroked Elus's hair, and said softly: "I am just worried about you, my child. You are still young and so beautiful. But war is boring. Weapons are extremely fragile, and I really can't bear to see you follow us into the battlefield."

Elus stood up, raised her proud chin and said, "Father, I have been trained to be a qualified Aigner warrior since I was a child. It is Aigner's boundless honor to fight and die for my race and life."

Cessarian nodded and said, "Go, my child. I only called you here to tell you something from my heart. There will not be many opportunities like this in the future."

Elus jumped on the aircraft and said to Cessarian on the ground: "Father, don't be so pessimistic. With God with us, Aigner, we will be invincible."

Elus drove the aircraft quickly through the forest, scaring the surrounding birds and beasts to flee.She didn't care to take a look at the beauty of the forest, and flew straight into the largest building in the holy lake forest --- the energy control tower.

Elus walked through the long passage to the central area of ​​the control tower, which is the nerve center of the entire city. At this time, all the monitoring systems are fully operating, closely monitoring the movements of the outside world.

Elus came to the command room, and as soon as the hatch opened, she couldn't wait to ask: "What's new?"

Evia turned back to Elus and said: "There was a small-scale battle just now at the wreckage of the mothership. The landing mothership that entered the atmosphere this morning was destroyed, and all the people of Erin were spared. All were killed."

After finishing speaking, Evia activated the biological phantom system. This system can monitor the fluctuation of the energy field in the air to judge the time and location of what happened. The memory elements in the bio-energy body are transformed into phantoms, so as to complete the scene at that time.

A battle scene appeared in front of Elusi's eyes. The huge landing craft crashed on the ground, and countless rescue capsules tried to escape here, but were intercepted by giant birds, tearing those Erin people to pieces. The scene was extremely bloody.

Elus watched the whole process silently, and she saw Yang Rui at the same time, the white linen robe was stained red with blood, it looked bloody and aesthetically pleasing, and she hardly dared to look directly at the divine brilliance.

Elus said to Evia: "Send a patrol team to collect the debris and some parts of the landing craft at the scene, and bring them back for comparative analysis. We need this information to conduct further research on the combat effectiveness of the Erin people."

Evia replied: "The patrol team has already set off, and I will convey your wishes to them immediately."

"Also." Elus continued to say in a calm tone: "I also need samples of the corpses of the Erin people. Let's see what we can find that is valuable."

Elus was silent for a while, and then asked: "Space battleships in outer space, what's the latest news?"

Evia opened the biological illusion and began to explain: "So far, these four space battleships have been parked in planetary synchronous orbits, without any signs of movement. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that we have detected some stable disturbance fluctuations in outer space. This disturbance comes from the depths of the universe. We still don't know what caused it."

Elus didn't speak, he turned and left the command room, followed the outside passage to a room in the deepest part of the command tower.

As soon as the door opened, she asked the people inside: "Ishta, why haven't I heard anything about you?"

Ishtar is one of the greatest scientists in Aignar. Although Elus discovered that anti-gravity can be used as propulsion power, it is he who really makes the aircraft fly into the sky smoothly.

Ishtar is a handsome Aigner, tall and pale, he is not good at the traditional hunting of Aigner men, because he prefers to study high-tech biological manufacturing systems.

Hearing Elus' question, Ishta held up an aircraft model on the table and explained to Elus: "I still need some time to prevent Aigner from being crushed to death by gravity."

Elus said aggressively: "But our time is running out, the space battleships are right above our heads, and they will launch an attack at any time."

Ishtar smiled calmly and said, "Don't we have other weapons?"

Elus poured herself a cup of holy lake water, and said in a worried tone: "We just don't know how powerful the people of Alyn are. The narratives of the older generation can only be heard as stories and legends. But the real We have to face what the people of Erin look like."

Ishta shook his head and said: "Aignar's body structure limits the use of technology, we simply cannot withstand such a large gravity. The Shining is already invulnerable, but we can only use one-fifth of its ability to drive it .”

"Is the limit test still in progress?"

Ishta nodded: "It has never stopped."

Elus turned and walked out the door, saying, "I want to see it again."

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