Planet Rebirth

Chapter 5 The Great Clash of Heaven and Earth

() In this newborn galaxy, hundreds of planets flew chaotically and collided with each other, and now there are only ten planets orbiting the new star. These planets, including Yang Rui himself, are all survivors of this big collision.

Not long ago, he witnessed a huge planet with no boundaries rushing into the encirclement of many asteroids, and was torn into pieces by countless impacts, and it has long since disappeared.

Yang Rui was not always lucky. The number of large planets revolving around this new star was too large and their movements were extremely unstable. Therefore, when he was running wildly along the orbit, he finally ran into a rival planet. big guy.

One morning, the sun did not rise as usual, and the entire planet fell into complete darkness.

Yang Rui noticed the difference between today and the past. He rushed through the thick atmosphere and came to the edge of outer space. To his shock, the sun didn't disappear, and he was still rotating there, releasing infinite energy.

The culprit who blocked the sunlight was right in front of Yang Rui's eyes. It was not as violent as Yang Rui's planet. Its surface was smooth and cold, and no geological activity could be seen.

This guy followed Yang Rui silently from behind.Since the two planets are about the same size, their gravitational pull is basically the same.

Under the mutual attraction of the two gravitational forces, Yang Rui found that the planet was hitting him head-on at a speed of about fifteen kilometers per second, which was almost twenty times faster than a bullet.

Yang Rui suddenly felt despair again, he had no way to escape,

Two young planets meet, and it's a great collision.The whole galaxy trembled.The sound of the impact was unimaginably loud, and the sound disappeared at this moment. This phenomenon can only be explained by an ancient Chinese sentence in China, that is: "Da Yin Xi Sheng".

The following scene was like a silent movie. The bottom of the planet rushed into the atmosphere of Yang Rui's planet, melting all the gas in an instant, and then the violent impact caused a powerful shock wave, forming a sea of ​​magma. A piece of red silk fluttered in the wind, and the huge energy almost liquefied the entire planet.Countless huge pieces of rubble were thrown into space.

Yang Rui's will was almost on the verge of collapse. He tried his best to keep himself awake and endure the greatest pain and injury in history.

When Yang Rui was in college, he learned that at the beginning of the birth of the solar system, in addition to the formation of nine known large planets (Pluto has been excluded recently), there was a planet close to Mars in the early solar system that had been orbiting the sun. The scientific community named it: "Saiyan".

But what is puzzling is that such a large planet flew away from the solar system at some time and disappeared into the vast universe.

Today he finally knew the answer, because Saiyan hit him, deviated from the orbit of the solar system, and flew into the depths of the dark space.

When Saiyan passed him by, his consciousness was in a dissociated state, and there was darkness in front of his eyes. He thought he was dead again.

His consciousness began to fall, and he returned to the depths of the inner core. He liked to hide in the inner core, feeling the sense of security brought by the stable operation here.

He lurks quietly in the depths of the planet like a hibernating frog, oblivious to what is happening outside.He entered a state of meditation, which is also a disguised dormancy. He survived the confrontation with Saiyan, and he needs to recover.

He looks very quiet, but in his consciousness and thoughts, he still keeps reminiscing about those good times, especially the days he spent with his girlfriend Lin Xue.

He remembered that the day before he flew into space, when meeting with his family, he and Lin Xue planned to have a big meal after the mission, and then watch a movie together, because "Pacific Rim" is about to be released , as a mech nerd, he loves this movie to death.

Then, they didn't have any more specific details. In short, in his mind, the future is a beautiful life.However, no one thought that the meeting would become a farewell between life and death.

Thinking of this, Yang Rui would feel sad, and he thought that at this moment, his funeral will be held.I don't know what kind of place Lin Xue will find for the empty coffin to bury.He hoped that it would be a beautiful cemetery facing the sea with lush mountains behind.

All his relatives and friends will travel thousands of miles to say their last farewell, including Peter, whom he hates the most.It is because he finally pushed himself to replace the astronauts on temporary leave and embarked on this road of no return.

At the funeral, there must be flowers and tears, maybe there will be a priest, there will be, Yang Rui thinks so.Give rest to the souls of the dead in the chanting of sacred scriptures.

All this looks fine.

Yang Rui also made rich associations in the days after his death.A girlfriend may be overwhelmed by the loss of a loved one, and it may take a while to get over the grief.

After that, maybe she will meet another man who makes her heart flutter, fall in love, get married and have children, and enjoy family happiness.But she will think of herself when she is alone, and she will come to the tombstone alone on her birthday and death day, and put a bunch of flowers in memory of her lost soul.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Yang Rui felt that the surface of the earth had returned to calm, and he could no longer hear the sound of meteorites hitting the ground within his hearing range.

He returned to his normal state from hibernation, no pain anymore, he thought he had recovered from his last collision with Saiyan.

He flew upward along the magma pipe leading to the ground.At this time, the movement speed of the magma in the pipeline has obviously slowed down, from the initial violent spew to now a slow overflow.

Yang Rui reached the ground at the fastest speed. At this time, his position was just shot directly by the sun, and the dazzling sunlight illuminated the surface of the planet with golden light.

The sky showed a magnificent red color, and a belt of meteorites was surrounding him. He wandered around slowly, checking the situation on the surface.

The collision with Saiyan caused a lot of damage to his body, and a huge piece of the Arctic region was knocked off, which seemed to be half the size of North America.

Fortunately, he survived.

At this time, a shadow suddenly floated in the sky, and Yang Rui once again felt fear all over his body.He looked up, and saw an asteroid running along the red meteorite belt, and all the meteorites on the meteorite belt hit its surface, forming mushroom clouds produced by explosions one after another.

This asteroid has been scarred and scarred, but it still revolves around Yang Rui tenaciously.He suddenly realized that this asteroid was the moon, the most faithful protector of the earth.

Yang Rui didn't know how long it took him to sleep this time, but there were changes on the surface.Due to the big collision, his own rotation is much faster, and the sun rises from the horizon every day, and falls in a hurry in less than three hours.

At this time, the lava sea had the tendency to solidify, and no longer rushed and exploded. The viscous magma was slowly churning like asphalt, and asteroids and meteorites would fall down from time to time near him.

As the rate at which magma spews out of the ground slows down, many "soft" black peaks appear on the surface of the planet. They are liquid and slowly grow, wriggle, and change shape.

While enduring the pungent sulfur smell, Yang Rui continued to fly forward.When turning to the back of the planet, he discovered new changes.It's dark here, and sometimes there will be some small eruptions, like fireflies that occasionally flash at night.

There was a towering lava mountain not far away, and he rushed straight up, the height was many times higher than Mount Everest.This is the remnant left by the massive eruption of magma, which shows how violent the impact was at that time.

But now the mountain peak has cooled down, and its appearance has begun to harden.The magma was still ugly after cooling, and the trail left by the pouring from the mountaintop looked like a disgusting spider web.

Yang Rui rushed to the top of the mountain, thick smoke rose from the bottomless pit in the center, and the surge of magma at the bottom appeared and disappeared.Looking around, this huge sea of ​​magma has now turned into a mountainous land with rolling hills.It's soft and ugly.

Seeing this scene, Yang Rui knew in his heart that if this is really the earth, then when the lava sea began to cool, the surface of the planet entered the second geological period. Compared with when it was just born, she The volume is close to that of the earth in the 21st century when it entered the human era.

At this time, the planet began to cool, the lava sea gradually solidified and became hard, and the crust appeared.

If you do a rough calculation, at this moment, 4 million years have passed since the day of birth.

Just when he was about to sigh with emotion, another shadow appeared behind him, which was another asteroid pulled by gravity.

It was shining with blue light all over, and bumped into it foolishly.Fell headlong on that majestic mountain.With an earth-shattering bang, the huge shock wave from the collision instantly shattered the mountain,

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