Planet Rebirth

Chapter 6 The Dance of Water

() Yang Rui was taken aback by the sudden attack, he subconsciously dodged aside, but he immediately realized that this planet was his body, his consciousness could dodge, but his body was still hit hard.

Bone-piercing pain is inevitable, and he has long been used to it.

After the gunpowder smoke cleared, the majestic mountain peak just now disappeared, leaving only a mess in front of my eyes.But the strange thing is that countless dots of blue light appeared on the ground, and the ground looked like French fries sprinkled with salt grains.

Yang Rui flew over, gathered his eyes and found that these small blue light spots were tiny ice crystals.

The temperature on the ground is very high, and this tiny piece of ice is slowly melting, and amazing changes have taken place within it.A crystal-clear drop of water rolled under the ice, changing its posture endlessly, as if showing off its dancing posture in front of Yang Rui.

"who are you?"

Yang Rui heard this sentence suddenly, he looked around to find the source of the voice, but he didn't find any intelligent creatures here.

"I'm talking to you!" The voice came again.

This time Yang Rui found the source of the sound, which was the crystal clear drop of water.

This voice sounds nice and friendly, like the voice of a young girl, bringing a touch of warmth to this terrifying area.

Yang Rui asked, "Are you talking to me?"

The drops of water continued to wriggle under the ice, and she replied, "Who are you?"

Yang Rui thought for a while and asked, "Can you see me?"

Shuizhu said: "Although you have no shape, I can feel your existence."

Yang Rui felt unprecedented joy. Although he was not facing humans or other intelligent creatures, he never expected to hear such a beautiful voice in such a terrible place.

He said: "I don't know how to explain it to you, and I don't know who I am. If you must know, then I will tell you, I am this planet."

Shuizhu said: "It seems that I landed on your body."

Yang Rui smiled and said, "I think so!"

"Where are you from again?"

The water drop turned around as if stretching lazily after a long journey, and said: "I came from the depths of the distant universe, and I have come to this world after a long journey. Your body may be mine. new home."

Yang Rui felt that he was talking to a young girl who had no experience in the world, which made him very happy. He said: "This new home looks terrible!"

Shui Zhu said: "Don't worry, she will change soon."

Yang Rui asked again: "Are you the only one here?"

"Of course not." The water droplets continued to roll in the ice: "Look, all around me are my partners."

Yang Rui saw that the surroundings were covered with blue icicles, big and small, in different shapes.

"You are welcome to my home," he said.

"It's my home now."

The smiling piece of ice was melting rapidly, and it didn't take long for it to become a small puddle of muddy water, accumulated in a depression in a rock.

From time to time, there were vibrations from meteorites hitting the ground in the distance, causing the small pool of water to ripple continuously.

At the same time, Yang Rui also found that there were countless small puddles around, and some of them joined together to form a small puddle.

But the surface temperature is too high, and the water is being evaporated rapidly.Seeing the small pool of water disappearing, Yang Rui asked anxiously, "Are you okay?"

Shuizhu appeared to be emotionally stable. She said: "Don't worry, I won't disappear, I will only exist in another form!"

Yang Rui suddenly realized that this was an extremely simple physics problem, but he was too lonely, and when he met such a "friend", he lost his due composure.

Seeing that the small pool of water was evaporated by the high temperature on the surface, the water droplets turned into a trace of gas that seemed to be there, and was slowly rising into the sky.

Yang Rui chased after him and asked, "What can I do for you?"

The water drop said: "Many of my partners are sealed in hard rocks, can you release them?"

Yang Rui saw fragments of asteroids all over the ground, some of which were as big as a mountain.

Yang Rui asked, "How can I release them?"

Shui Zhu smiled: "This planet is your body, of course you can do it."

When Yang Rui returned to the ground, he found it difficult to see these huge meteorite fragments. He had no limbs, let alone construction machinery. He didn't know how to break these hard rocks.

Just as he was thinking hard, he suddenly discovered that there were cracks on the surface of these meteorites, and the cracks were expanding rapidly. With the sound of the stones bursting, countless blue icicles were sprayed out, falling on the ground to form more and more Big pool.

Drops of water shouted in the sky: "You did it!"

Yang Rui replied: "But I don't know how to do it."

At this time, the familiar voice appeared again: "Congratulations, my child, you have taken a solid step."

Yang Rui shouted to the surroundings: "Where are you?"

It said: "When these meteorites fall to the ground, they become a part of you. You are the master of this planet. You can change their forms as you like."

Yang Rui asked, "What should I do?"

It said, "The drop is right, you've done it. With your consciousness! You want these rocks to break apart, and they will break apart!"

Yang Rui said, "Is it caused by thoughts?"

It said: "Not just rocks, you can control everything in this place freely. Of course, it takes a certain amount of time to master."

Yang Rui saw that there was still a huge meteorite in front of him, and he concentrated his mind to meditate on how it would break. As expected, this meteorite also shattered, and more ice was released.

"Look, how well you did!" It was praising Yang Rui.

"Thank you."

Filled with joy, Yang Rui flew on the surface of his "body" at high speed.

In addition to the magma, the surface of the planet is covered with fragments of meteorites of different sizes, which are all evidences of the impact on the planet in the past [-] million years.

Yang Rui found them and smashed them. Some meteorites are too huge, it really takes a while to work, but Yang Rui never tires of it.

I don't know how long it took, but under his hard work, the first water pool on this planet appeared.This is the pool of ice that he released after smashing a giant meteorite fragment with the size of a small island, and then melted at high temperature.

Yang Rui looked at his masterpiece, although he felt very tired, but his heart was happy.

The lake gradually shrunk until it finally disappeared completely, and a large amount of water vapor condensed and floated high into the sky.Yang Rui chased after him and shouted, "Where are you?"

Shuizhu replied: "I'm right by your side!"

Yang Rui smiled: "I did it and released more of your partners."

Shuizhu said: "There are more partners still on the way, and they will arrive soon."

Yang Rui said: "I welcome their arrival, so that I will no longer be lonely."

Yang Rui was flying freely in the high sky, there was a large amount of water vapor gathered here, and they gathered together to form thick clouds, which mixed with carbon dioxide and nitrogen and rolled together.

He was looking forward to more meteorites with icicles hitting him, this was the first time he was looking forward to such a celestial body impact.

In fact, this planet has always been in a dangerous situation. Countless meteorites from outer space hit from all directions, and the impacts are still non-stop.

This time, Yang Rui's attitude was completely opposite compared to before. Wherever there was an impact, he rushed there immediately to smash the meteorites to see if there was water in them.In addition, he also discovered some new abilities in the process.

He was able to tilt the planet slightly, so that too many places felt the sun, and his rotation was slowing down, and by his calculations, there were now almost 14 hours in a day.

He ran around like a hardworking bee, looking for water.

Because water is the source of life, with water, this planet will no longer be so hideous.He realizes he needs a home that is 40 billion years away.But what he's doing now is paving the way home.

Finally, in the long years that followed, more ice crystals were brought to the ground by large and small meteorites, and then evaporated to high altitudes to condense.The atmosphere is constantly thickening and heavier.The entire surface of the planet was shrouded in thick light yellow mist, everything disappeared, only the sound of meteorite explosions came from nowhere.

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