Planet Rebirth

Chapter 51 Indulgence 1 Kiss for Favorites

Elus raised her arms to Yang Rui and asked with a smile, "Smell it."

Yang Rui took a few serious sniffs, then shook his head and said, "It really doesn't smell very good."

Elus said: "In the past, when Aigner was still relying on hunting for a living, we had this smell on our bodies every day. However, in order to keep clean and avoid breeding diseases, Aigner returned home every time after hunting. All they have to do is wash themselves clean in the nearby pool, a tradition that has been practiced for countless years."

Elus took off her clothes one by one, turned around and walked slowly into the pool, and said to Yang Rui in the moment before the water, "I don't want to bring this smell back to my home."

The pools in the woods are beautiful, shining like pearls in the sunlight.They are accumulated in the low-lying places among the giant trees, and are formed by the confluence of streams flowing on the surrounding high slopes. After they are full, the savings flow to other places, connecting to form a unique water system in the holy lake forest.

The edge of the water pool is also the place where life is most exuberant. There are flowers and various cane plants blooming everywhere. Countless small animals will come here to drink and play at different times, including the owner Aigner of course.

Elus is a beautiful Aigner. She has an incomparable figure. Her pale pink skin is as smooth as agar agar. Her slender waist supports her plump and straight chest, which also outlines her round crotch and slender legs. , the texture is clear and concise, no trace of fat can be seen, and the lines are so perfect that it is maddening.

She also has this suffocatingly beautiful face, sharp cheeks, high nose bridge, full lips that seem to be soaked with seductive luster, a pair of slender and charming eyes shining with the brilliance of wisdom, the back of the head The long golden hair spread out in the clear water, just like a flower blooming.

A ray of sunlight shone through the leaves into the forest and sprinkled on Elus' body. The golden and furry texture made this beautiful Aigner as holy as a goddess.

Yang Ruidi sat under the tree, with the apostle mecha behind him, staying there quietly like a well-behaved big pet.His eyes are full of tenderness and tenderness, every move of Elus in the water, every frown and smile is in his eyes.At this moment, time seems to stand still, and the whole world is quiet, only for the stunning and graceful figure of Elus in the water.

He saw Elus break off a branch bud of a cane plant, which was hollow, and a transparent and viscous liquid was left from the inside.Elus rubbed the liquid slowly on her body, and suddenly a charming fragrance emanated from the air, attracting many birds and beasts.

Yang Rui smiled and said, "I finally know where the fragrance on your body comes from."

Elus said, "It's called Aigner's Tears, and it's my favorite natural fragrance for body cleansing."

"Aigner's Tears." Yang Rui nodded and said, "What a beautiful name."

"It was taken by my father." Elus said, "It is to commemorate the suffering we have suffered. Don't forget the past years."

Yang Rui sighed, continued to smell the fragrance of Aigner's tears, and said sadly: "The past years should not be forgotten."

At this time, Elus swam to the shore, put her wet hair back on her head, leaned her arms on a moss-covered stone, looked at Yang Rui with a smile, and touched Yang Rui's toes.

Yang Rui also smiled, frowned, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Elus thought for a while and said, "I want to hear what you have done in the past years?"

Yang Rui looked up at the dense tree canopy, thought for a while and said: "I have done a lot of things, transformed the mountains and rivers, created all life, and saved you Aigner."

"I don't want to hear what I already know," Ellis said with a smile.

"Then what do you want to hear?"

"I don't know!" Elus' tone suddenly became deep.

"what is that?"

Elus looked affectionately at Yang Rui, who was also bathed in the sun, and said, "I want to know the past when you were a human being."

These few sentences seemed to ask about Yang Rui's pain, and Elus found that the calm and serene expression on Yang Rui's face disappeared, replaced by a faint melancholy, which aggravated her curiosity.

She asked, "Can you tell me about it? I want to hear it!"

Yang Rui said, "This is a f***, I don't want to say it."

"What is **?"

"It's something hidden in my heart, I don't want to tell others, it only belongs to me."

Elus said: "But our Aigner's tradition is that we are willing to share the stories and emotions in our hearts with others, because everyone can help you relieve your worries and experience your happiness together."

"But I'm not Aigner."

"But what you are facing now is an Aigner." Eluth said with a mischievous smile, "Besides, this is Aigner's territory, and you must obey the master's request."

Yang Rui smiled and said, "This planet is all mine."

Elus giggled, her graceful figure trembling slightly in the water, and said, "You once said you were a human being, so now you should treat yourself as a human being and tell me your past stories."

Yang Rui rested his head on the tree trunk and looked at the beautiful Elusi. After a period of silence, he slowly said: "The human world is very complicated, full of violence and greed, but at the same time it is beautiful and warm. I I was born in a beautiful small city with a pair of parents who love me. I have received a good education since I was a child, and I also have lofty ideals. I want to go out of this world to explore the unknown secrets of the universe.”

"Has this dream come true?"

Yang Rui nodded and said: "It has been realized. Human beings can build a spaceship. Although it can't be too far away from the earth, after all, I drove it to outer space and saw a whole new world."

There was a hint of sadness in Yang Rui's tone here, and he continued: "But, I also died in that brand new world. When I regained consciousness again, I had already come to this world and created everything."

Elus looked directly into Yang Rui's eyes and asked, "In your former world, did you have any companions?"

Yang Rui didn't avoid Elusi's hot eyes, nodded and said: "Yes, her name is Sophie, she is a beautiful girl, we love each other very much."

"What is love?" Elus asked.

"Love is a form of mutual expression of affection between men and women, but there are many forms of love, such as the love of parents for their children, the love of children for their parents, and the love for things and people around them. However, the most beautiful love is between men and women. between love."

"Then how do human beings express this kind of love?"

Yang Rui smiled and stopped talking.

Elus asked eagerly: "My master, tell me quickly!"

Yang Rui said: "Aigner is a passionate race. In other words, the expression between you of the opposite sex is the expression of love."

"But I want to know how humans express it."

Yang Rui put his finger on his lips and said, "If I love my woman, I will kiss her here."

Suddenly, Elus jumped up from the water, supported the stone with both hands, leaned forward, almost fell into Yang Rui's arms, and kissed Yang Rui's lips with her hot lips.

After a long time, Elus said softly: "I have been waiting for this moment for 1 years."

Yang Rui winked mischievously at Elus and said, "I can't stay with you for too long, or I will forget my identity."

Elus laughed, but sadly, and said, "You always want to make me laugh, but you also make me sad!"

Elus always felt that the time she spent with Yang Rui was short. When Yang Rui sent her and the apostle mecha to the edge of Aigner's gathering place, she knew in her heart that she didn't know when she would meet again after this parting. up.

Reluctantly, she stood by the tree and looked back at Yang Rui. Yang Rui returned Aigner's highest kiss to Elus, and rubbed Elus' soft blond hair and said, "God is with you, You will not be alone!"

He bid farewell to Elus, and slowly walked away from Aigner's gathering place.

He gradually shed his human nature and restored his divine splendor.Along the way, all the living beings backed away from the road in awe and let God walk through.

Yang Rui's eyes were no longer gloomy, but began to become firm and inviolable.Until, when Lucifer waved his six wings and appeared in front of him, he asked coldly, "Are all those Protoss people available?"

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