Planet Rebirth

Chapter 52 The Canaanites

Lucifer knelt in front of Yang Rui and replied, "Their aptitudes are still different. Some are competent, while some are just wasting time in vain."

Yang Rui walked past Lucifer and said, "Lucifer, I have bestowed on you the second most powerful force in the world, and your aptitude is also the best. I hope you will not let me down. Make the Canaanites a useful The Armed Forces is the outcome I most want to see right now."

"Obey, my master." Lucifer said.

Yang Rui said while walking: "Aigner is already ahead of you, you need to hurry up and catch up."

Lucifer followed Yang Rui's footsteps and said: "Although Aigner's technology is advancing with each passing day, but with the support of God's power, I think I will definitely surpass them."

Yang Rui flew up to the sky at this time and said, "Then let me see your masterpiece."

Lucifer led Yang Rui to the God's Cave in Daxue Mountain, surrounded by some depressing sounds, and the sufficient light rendered the place mysterious and unpredictable.

Countless Canaans in captivity are performing mysterious prayer ceremonies under the supervision of angels. This is different from their psychic rites in the city of Gomorrah. The psychic ceremony is to learn to communicate with God, and the ceremony at this time It is to teach them how to obey God's will absolutely.

An angel was suspended in mid-air, and he chanted the scriptures loudly: "Absolute faith breeds absolute power. Under the radiance of divinity, we will be satisfied!"

Everyone chanted in unison: "O Almighty Lord, please don't hesitate to bestow your blessings, so that our generation will be satisfied under your brilliance!"

Mysterious power has always shrouded here, Yang Rui did not show up, but just hovered over these Canaanites, listening to their voices and feeling their piety.

There is a new power in these Canaanites that is swelling and ready to move.And the continuous increase of this power has changed the original appearance of these believers.

The body is becoming taller and stronger day by day, and the gender characteristics between men and women are no longer obvious. When they sit cross-legged, since the texture and structure of their body are also subtly changing, it seems that some liquid is injected into the subcutaneous tissue. In the melody of the chanting, they restlessly stirred in the body, gathered around, condensed into an extremely hard shell, and then spread to the whole body until it tightly wrapped the Canaanite, forming a golden yellow body armor .

However, some Canaanites were not strong enough in their will and their beliefs were not specific enough, so they were eliminated in the ceremony, taken away by the two-winged angels, and locked in the reflection cave.

And those Canaanites who successfully evolved armor were summoned to another larger underground space, and began to build huge psychic buildings, using spiritual power to strengthen these buildings.

These Canaanite warriors were endowed with more responsibilities, and the most steadfast spirits were selected by the angels to become priests or psychics. Using the spiritual power in their bodies not only helped other warriors strengthen their own strength, but also helped other warriors strengthen their own strength, but also helped other warriors strengthen their own strength in the endless rock formations underground. , find those ores with transformation value, and endow them with spiritual power to become plastic talents.

Forging and tempering in the Tower of God has become a powerful foundation for the development of the race, so they can create more powerful armor that is endowed with spiritual power and attached to the already indestructible body, making them the ones that must be looked up to Giants and flying monsters that can soar.

In this huge and confined space, Yang Ruigao felt unprecedented excitement, because these Canaanites were creatures created by himself, and after being endowed with spiritual power, they burst out with more powerful biological energy, coupled with their restlessness And the fanatical belief made this place a place where power condenses.

Yang Rui said to Lucifer: "Finding a huge crystal stone and collecting the released spiritual power can help these Canaanites grow faster."

Lucifer said: "But at present we don't have enough Canaanites to expand this power."

Yang Rui said: "Build an altar in the deepest part of this underground space, ask the Canaanites to forge the best sacrificial bronze vessels, and then bring water from the well in the temple, fill the sacrificial bronze vessels, and let the spiritual power Plant it in, and then you'll have an inexhaustible supply of Canaanites."

Lucifer replied in awe: "My master, your divine power is beyond my reach."

Yang Rui turned around and flew out of the mountain and said: "Now is not the time to flatter, the most important thing is to do good things."

Yang Rui returned to the shrine on the top of Daxue Mountain. In the hanging garden, he paced slowly, turning a blind eye to the beautiful scenery.

He suddenly asked the air: "The creatures on this planet, the people of Erin, and Aignar all came from the same creation method. Don't you want to explain to me why?"

At this time, its laughter came from the air and said: "I didn't expect you to discover this secret so soon?"

Yang Rui sneered and said, "I always thought that I was the one who set the rules of the game in this world, but when I discovered this secret, I realized that I was actually in a bigger game, wasn't I?"

It kindly said: "Rui, my dear child. First of all, I am very happy that you have made such a major change in your thinking, knowing that your attributes are no longer human beings, but the gods of this world. In addition, I would like to tell you Yours is, although sometimes you discover the phenomenon of things, but the essence is not what you deduce."

Yang Rui asked: "What is the essence? Are there planets in this universe that have the same consciousness as here, and are also creating everything according to the rules of the game? Maybe you arranged all of this?"

It said: "As I said earlier, I am just an observer. I can help you find problems, but I cannot give you answers."


"Because the answer needs to be found by yourself."

"This kind of answer can only appear in vulgar movies." Yang Rui was a little angry.

But it said lightly: "This world, including this universe, is actually a vulgar movie. Everyone can know how things will progress, but the ending is always unexpected."

"If I have enough ability, I will definitely go to Jialan Star to find out."

"Don't worry, the people of Erin are coming soon. I wonder if you are ready?"

Yang Rui asked: "If I am in danger, will you help me?"

"Absolutely not!" It replied resolutely: "The development of this universe has its own laws, and no force has the right to interfere. The story must develop naturally to be extremely exciting. Forcibly changing the process is a very important thing. Disgusting thing."

"Then when the Alyns attack this planet, you will sit on the sidelines with a half stool of popcorn and watch how I die?"

It laughed and said: "Rui, my dear child. Your story has already decided the end, you just have to go all out to go on and you will know the result."

Yang Rui said sternly: "You're just playing with me as an idiot!"

"No, no, no, I don't think I did that." It quickly explained: "Rui, my child, you are a young life, and there is still a long way ahead of you, and many unexpected things will happen. Just like what I told you before, you have to eat one bite at a time, if I tell you everything at once, you will definitely not be able to bear it, you haven't trained enough to be strong."

"So my story is doomed to be a Hamletian tragedy?"

"Sometimes the truth of things will exceed your imagination and expectations. Only by taking one step at a time can you accept it calmly. Believe me, child!"

"I don't trust you anymore."

"That's because you are growing up, you have learned to observe by yourself, and most importantly, you have learned to think by yourself! Therefore, you will have doubts about my words. This is normal. I never mind your resistance to me. When everything After you understand it, you will definitely thank me."

"I hope so." After finishing speaking, Yang Rui stopped talking and strode out of the garden.

When Yang Rui just walked out of the garden, the seraphim Michael suddenly descended from the sky, knelt down in front of Yang Rui and said, "My master, Gomorrah has rebelled!"

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