Planet Rebirth

Chapter 65 The Land War Begins

()Eluth also saw those red dots that were condensing and brewing, as if the eyes of red beasts were glaring at her, she said: "Is the Erin man crazy, he wants to open fire on his battleship? "

"They can't do anything to these asexually reproducing creatures!" Ishtar shouted: "Quickly order, all retreat!"

Elus also felt that the people of Erin, just as Ishtar said, were really going to resort to suicide tactics in order to repel Aignar and the Canaanites.

Elus yelled through the intercom: "Stop the attack, retreat to the atmosphere immediately! Stop the attack, retreat to the atmosphere immediately!"

All the Aigner and Canaan warriors who were still fighting bloody battles received the order to retreat. They left the battle, and the Shining attack plane covered the big baby, carried the apostle mechs and Phoenix warriors into the warehouse, and hurriedly withdrew from the battlefield.

The big baby that Elus was on turned around urgently, and rushed back towards the atmosphere at full speed.

Just as Aigner was retreating, a suffocating and terrifying red light appeared behind him, and the capital ship group of the Erin people launched the first wave of strikes against the destroyer group in front of them.

All warships opened fire, whether they were friends or foes, they were all within the range of fire attack.

Countless destroyers were instantly destroyed, and this evil tactic adopted to destroy the enemy left everyone dumbfounded.

Aigner's raid fleet retreated at full speed, but there were still many who were too late to board the ship. With the attack of the powerful beam cannon, they were wiped out together with the Erin people.

Ishtar shouted to Evia in the communicator squadron: "Activate the sky immediately, cover the retreat of all, and block the artillery attack of the Erin people!"

Evia replied: "The sky has been activated, return at full speed!"

Elus saw that the atmosphere was being shrouded in a faint blue halo, and she asked worriedly, "Will we collide with it?"

Ishtar said: "We still have time!"

At this time, there were countless attacks from the Erin people behind them, and together with the artillery fire from the capital ship, they followed the Aigner raiding force and chased after them.

Many brave Aigner pilots resolutely turned around in the Shining attack plane to block the pursuit of the Erin people, in order to cover the big baby and lead more compatriots back to the atmosphere.

The sky was gradually forming, and the raiding troops returned to the atmosphere one after another. The moment the big baby where Elus was in rushed into the atmosphere, there was an explosion behind him.

The blue sky was collided by attack planes that were too late to turn around. There were Erin's and Aigner's.Some Elin attack planes that drove at high speed also entered the atmosphere, and were immediately surrounded by the Shining attack planes, and were wiped out after a burst of firefights.

Immediately afterwards, the battleship's second salvo hit the sky, the red flash and the blue sky complement each other, although it is too beautiful to behold, it represents the terrifying beauty of death.

Yang Rui stood on the top of the snowy mountain, watching Aigner's flying machine with scars flying over his head, he said to Lucifer behind him: "They have tried their best!"

Lucifer said, "It's our turn."

Yang Rui said: "The sky can't last long, tell Quiris to be ready to replace Aigner's spore sky at any time. As for you."

Yang Rui turned around, fixed his eyes on Lucifer and said, "I created you all! It is your responsibility to contribute, but I will give you eternal life."

Lucifer knelt on the ground and said piously: "My master, I will obey your will!"

At the same time, Elus returned to the Holy Lake Forest smoothly. She didn't care about recuperating her tired body, and rushed to the command center to ask Evia: "Can the sky can withstand the blows of the Alyns?"

Evia showed her the biological phantom system, and said: "It is still within the range of acceptable blows, but the spores are alive, and they are being consumed in large quantities in order to resist the blows of the Erin people."

Elus said firmly: "Do our best to prove that we have fought!"

At this time, some changes appeared in the illusion system.

After being attacked by their own people, the surviving Erin destroyers are dragging their broken and incomplete bodies and are gathering, and the outer space is already full of fragments of warships.

Those capital ships hiding farther away are also moving forward, and they seem to have new actions.

The spacefleet of the Ellyns stopped firing.

Dozens of battleships slowly moved out of the battle line, moored to the edge of the atmosphere, they opened the hatches slowly at the same time, and countless black metal modules were transported out.

After leaving the cabin, these modules began to assemble automatically, forming a huge operating platform outside the atmosphere, just suspended at the north pole of the planet.

Afterwards, another pair of warships went to the south pole of the planet, releasing the same metal modules to assemble the operating platform.Just after the preparations for the two platforms were completed, two dazzling rays of light were shot out at the same time, and the rays of light cut through the spore sky like a huge machete.

At this time, the ground was trembling, and the resistance of the spore canopy was greatly reduced.Even though Aigner maximized the power of the sky's launcher, it still couldn't stop the sky from becoming thinner, and it would soon disappear.

The massive landing force of the Erin was massing on the southern two levels of the planet, ready to swarm into the atmosphere when the sky was cut.

The sky above the North Pole was cut off first, and the faint blue halo had just disappeared, and the landing craft of the Erin people rushed towards the huge gap together with the attack aircraft.

But when they were about to enter the atmosphere, a thick cloud wall blocked the front. Countless landing craft collided with the cloud wall and were immediately smashed to pieces. The continuous explosions shocked the follow-up team.

This is the wind lord Quiris activated the cloud sky, forming the planet's second defense sky.

The Erin's attack was blocked again, and they became a little annoyed. They dispatched more operating platforms, surrounded the planet, and fiercely cut the sky with white light beams.

On the ground, the Canaanites and Aignar's troops were assembled again. Looking at the huge black shadows and white beams of light above their heads, they were all ready to fight, waiting for the moment when the sky was broken, to rush up to fight the Erin people .

Not long after, Aignar's spore canopy couldn't withstand the violent cutting, and the system collapsed.After that, Querris persisted for a day and a night with all his strength, but he was unable to continue to block such a cut, and a crack was finally cut in the second sky.

The Locust, the attack plane of the Erin, swept in and rushed into the atmosphere.However, just as they passed through the clouds, they ran into Aigner's Shining attack aircraft group head-on.

A tragic air battle began over the vast land, and the sky was full of explosions, flames and screams from aircraft.

On the ground, Aigner's lander is fully firing towards the sky to support the Shining attack fleet.

As the sky completely collapsed, more Erin landers squeezed into the atmosphere, and they roared down to the ground, sending the ground troops out.

On the mainland, the mecha troop of the Ailin raised dust covering the sky, and they marched towards the snowy mountain, killing all creatures that stood in their way.

The Phoenix Warriors of the Canaanites appeared in front of them. They formed a defensive line, roaring and launching a fierce attack on the rushing Ayrin mecha.

The steel and iron bones became useless in front of the Spiritual Blade. They were blocked from the line by the Phoenix Warriors. The blood splashed on the cold body of the mecha, gradually solidified, and the scarlet red pierced the eyes.

However, there are really too many people in Ailin, and the number of Phoenix warriors cannot compete with them.But these brave Canaanites with strong faith have held on.

At this moment, the Canaanites seemed to be summoned by the gods, all flew up and left the ground.And when the Ailin people were still at a loss in the face of the suddenly retreating Phoenix warriors, the ground began to tremble.

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