Planet Rebirth

Chapter 66 Fighting for Collection Tickets

() After seeing the retreat of the Canaanites, the Mecha Corps of the Erin found themselves in an even greater disaster before they could figure out what was going on.

The earth is collapsing, forming countless huge ravines and deep valleys.The mechs of the Erin could not fly, making them all fall into the bottomless abyss.

It was Albert, the lord of the land, who was exercising his power to bury these invaders in the ground.

Immediately afterwards, many human-shaped shadows appeared on the cliffs of the mountains, and the rocks began to change. Countless tall stone men broke away from the cliffs. They roared and rushed towards the follow-up troops of the Aelin. Smash that metal with a hard stone fist!Grind the flesh of the Erin into patties.

The Alyns frantically thought of the Golems and opened fire, and some were pulverized by the violent beam cannonade, but more went on to deal the most powerful blows to the Alyns.

At the same time, magma spewed out from the ground, forming countless fire dragons to scorch the Alyns. Sorena appeared in the sea of ​​flames, using all his mana to destroy everything along the way.

At the same time, on the turbulent sea surface, Sisera rolled up the vast waves and rolled up the water curtain soaring to the sky, destroying the Erin operating platforms that were sucking up the sea water, causing them to sink into the dark seabed.

A violent storm formed on the sea, and the attack planes of the Erin people were destroyed one after another in the face of the powerful wind and rain. The wind lord Quiris and Sisera joined hands to sweep the planet into the strongest hurricane in history.Black clouds blocked the sun, and the strong wind created huge waves dozens of kilometers high, submerging the entire Erin landing spaceship in the mighty sea water.

The sky was completely destroyed, and more Alyns flooded into the atmosphere like a flood that burst a bank. Their spaceships filled the sky, and there were almost too many attack planes to count.

Large numbers of ground troops continue to land on the war-torn land.The earth is collapsing and the ocean is roaring, but they still can't stop their attack momentum.

The creatures on land also received the will to fight, and all creatures capable of fighting, including those tiny creatures, joined the battle.Every inch of the planet's surface was a burial ground for the people of Arryn.

Elus brought the Shining attack aircraft group to appear in the sky again. This time, all the combat power of Aigner charged to face the Erin people.

Elus skillfully drives the Shining attack planes to shuttle among the Erin attack planes, fighting with these clonal bred cold-blooded guys.

She saw that the apostle mecha on the ground also walked out of the holy lake forest and rushed towards the enemy's line.

Elus shouted through the intercom: "The target of the Erin people is the Great Snow Mountain! Immediately gather troops to support them."

Evia replied: "There are Erin people everywhere. I can't find where the Canaanites are now."

Elus said: "I can see their army with my eyes. They are deploying defenses along the Snowy Mountains, preparing to fight against the Erin people. Ask our apostle troops to speed up their march!"

Evia replied: "They're already running full speed ahead."

Elus looked at the densely packed Erin mechs and land vehicles on the ground and felt nauseated. There were so many things about them that it was impossible to shake their bodies even if all the spore bombs were thrown down.

Overhead, those huge operating platforms are passing through the atmosphere to the surface.Although the four elemental lords are all casting their strongest spells, they still can't stop these crazy invaders.

Elus saw the Daxue Mountain gradually coming into her sight. On the towering peak, the buildings of the shrine were majestic and majestic, exuding divine brilliance.

At the foot of the mountain, the Canaanites erected a crystal tower. The crystals on this tower condensed the energy of spiritual power. The Canaanites converted this energy into energy waves, and aimed at the advancing Erin people. past.

Every time the energy wave hits the target, the ground will make a loud noise, and the ground will be blasted into a huge crater by the infinite energy, and countless Alyns will be smashed to pieces.However, these Ailin people have continued to march towards the Snow Mountain despite the threat of being annihilated, and they don't count the casualties at all.

There was a huge sound in the sky, and those huge operating platforms finally entered the atmosphere.Their appearance lifted the spirits of the Alyns who were struggling on the ground.

Those attack planes rushed up with strange screams, trying to break through the last line of defense of the Canaanites guarding Daxue Mountain.

At this time, there was a faint sound of chanting in the air, which split the chaotic sky like a sharp sword, and the white light like jade filled the surroundings from the Daxue Mountain in an instant.

In the midst of this chanting, countless holy angels appeared in the air. Their bodies were filled with divinity. They sang chapters praising God. They put all the power bestowed by God through the weapons in their hands, turning into shooting stars without hesitation. A ray of light rushed straight towards those huge operating platforms.

The seraphim angel Raphael rushed to the front of the angel group with two swords in hand. Facing the huge operation platform as high as a mountain and the firepower like a rainstorm, he had a calm expression and calm eyes. He crossed his swords in the shape of a cross , repelled all the beam cannons that attacked him, and the moment he approached the huge platform, he waved his arms, and the two swords in his hand pierced deeply into the thick bulkhead, and then flew upwards rapidly, The twin swords were cutting the bulkhead, bursting out fierce sparks, until the huge monster was split in two by Raphael, broke from the middle, and fell to the ground respectively, knocking down countless Erin mechas and The battlefield was smashed into meatloaf.

Aigner and the Canaanite raised their arms and shouted, seeing these angels lift those operating platforms one by one from the sky and carry them to the ground.

At this moment, a more intense golden light appeared in the sky. The seraphim Lucifer was wearing a red robe and fully stretched out the three pairs of wings on his back, covering almost all the light, covering all the attacking troops of the Erin people Under the shadow of his six wings.

He shouted: "In the name of God! Eradicate you invaders!"

Immediately, he stretched out his arm, stretched out five slender fingers, condensed all the power at one point, and then suddenly released the power.

Dazzling golden light enveloped the earth, red auspicious clouds rose from the snowy mountains, and the incomparable divine power swept across the earth and the sky. Under the cover of Lucifer's divine power, the attacking troops of the Erin people were wiped out in an instant. The place is full of explosions and death.The entire earth and sky were engulfed in endless flames.

The Erin's landing force disintegrated, and they began to escape, the landing craft leaving the ground troops behind in a desperate flight out of the atmosphere with the attack aircraft.

And those poor remnants of the ground troops were surrounded in despair by the creatures of the land, and the giant birds and dire beasts tore the Erin to pieces with their sharp beaks and sharp claws and teeth.

Elus turned the Shining Spirit over a series of somersaults in the sky, and shouted excitedly: "God is with us! The people of Erin are retreating!"

At this time, Ishtar's silent voice came from the intercom: "Don't be too happy, the capital ship of the Erin people has entered the launch position, and they are preparing for a new round of salvo."

At the same time, Lucifer's voice came from the sky: "Convey God's instructions, all living beings retreat to the ground!"

Countless scarlet spots of light appeared in the dark sky, all of which were the bright lights emitted by the main guns on the Erin battleship gathering energy.

The whole planet was trembling by this huge energy gathering, and the group of angels flew in the sky, releasing all their power and condensing with Quiris' last power to form the final sky.

After a flash of light, the entire fleet of Erin battleships opened fire. Countless huge beams pierced the planet and collided with the sky. The resulting explosion made the entire galaxy tremble.

The magnetic field disorder caused by the explosion led to the collapse of mountains, the interruption of rivers, deep cracks in the earth, and huge waves in the ocean.

Many angels lost their lives in this blow, but the rest are still stubbornly resisting the huge shock wave.

The sky finally shattered, and no force could stop such a powerful shock wave. The angels fell one after another, fell to the ground, and the planet lost its last barrier.

At this time, the second wave of attack planes of the Erin people rushed towards the atmosphere after regrouping.

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