Planet Rebirth

Chapter 68 The last blow

() It was a huge asteroid with a diameter of more than 3000 kilometers. At first, the Erin people thought it was a super asteroid pulled back by their own people, and they were going to carry out a planetary strike on the planet in front of them.

However, the result was that the planet was not under their command, but was pulled by the power of God, and it deviated from its original orbit, heading straight for the fleet of the Erin people.

This asteroid was the moon, and he rushed into the fleet of the Erin like a wild beast, and countless warships were crushed to pieces when their hard and huge bodies collided.

It can be seen from the surface of the earth that the outer space is constantly bursting with brilliant light, which is the evidence that the Erin people were buried in the mouth of this planet.

The Erin people tried to activate their warships to avoid the moon's attack, but the huge magnetic field made these metal monsters run towards the moon, and they were destroyed one by one.

The surface of the moon is full of wreckage of warships, and the huge impact force has formed one after another ring-shaped craters.

Seeing all this, Daxi yelled at Yang Rui in the center of the earth angrily: "The Erin people are just tools, eliminating them does not mean you have won the victory!"

Yang Rui replied: "At least on my planet, I have the confidence to win."

At this time, Yang Rui had already rushed out of the earth's core. He turned into a human form, suspended in the air, and his whole body exuded a pure white light, and all creatures on the planet could see him.And gained strength again under the radiance of his god.

Immediately afterwards, Daxi's phantom also appeared in front of Yang Rui. Compared with the last time, this time Daxi looked a little annoyed, with a gloomy expression, and his eyes fixed on Yang Rui who was opposite.

Yang Rui said calmly: "It's time to solve the problems between the two of us."

Daxi roared: "Hand over the double helix!"

Yang Rui shook his head and said, "Impossible, because I also want to know the truth!"

Daxi sneered and said, "Then leave it to fate to choose, who will discover the truth!"

Yang Rui saw that the moon had swept away the fleet of the Erin people under the control of his consciousness, he took a deep breath, faced Daxi, and said with a smile: "I totally agree."

Suddenly, the temple suspended in the mid-air suddenly shot out a red light, illuminating the entire outer space. When the red light reached the top of the galaxy, it spread around, bursting out more magnificent shine.

Behind this ray of light, a huge black object is moving around, it tries to pass through this ray of light and come into this young galaxy.

Yang Rui saw the object behind the light, which was huge and possessed incomparable power, that was Daxi's body, Jialanxing.

Daxi's tone revealed incomparable majesty and confidence. He said to Yang Rui: "When my body arrives, nothing here can stop me, including you. Aigner's technology and the highly intelligent creatures you created In my eyes, it’s not worth mentioning. The biological energy of this planet can’t compete with Jialan Star at all! If you offend the Jialan God, you can only die!”

Yang Rui said calmly: "But on this planet, there is one thing that you don't have!"

Daxi was taken aback, and asked, "What is that?"

"Magic!" Yang Rui said, showing the palm of his hand, in the palm of his hand is the box that cannot be opened, but now the box has been opened.

Daxi exclaimed: "You actually opened this box?"

Yang Rui said: "When the observer handed over the two boxes, he told you that one of them was a primogen that carried a holy source and could activate life. But he didn't tell you what was in the other box, he just told you about this box. It will bring destruction. You let the Erin people take these two boxes to plunder resources around the universe. The holy source is used to build new colony planets and supply the huge Erin fleet. The other box is used to destroy the rebellion Your civilization. However, the observers did not tell you that there is a secret hidden in these two boxes, that is, the beginning of life brought by the Holy Source to this planet, and the final target of destruction of the other box is you!"

Daxi shouted: "This is impossible! Jialan is the favorite of the universe!"

"Not anymore!"

At this moment, the figure of Sitais appeared on the Daxue Mountain. She was wearing a robe, holding a staff high in her hand, and chanting mysterious spells in her mouth.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and streaks of white light quickly appeared from every corner of the planet, and quickly gathered into Yang Rui's figure.

Yang Rui shouted in the howling wind: "Xilda, your mission is over! This is the end of your destiny!"

Xida was controlled by an unshakable force, and he shouted in despair: "This is impossible!"

An ultimate bang shook the entire planet, and the temple of Cida collapsed under the release of the power of God, falling into the endless seabed.

Cedar's fantasy turned into blue smoke in the desperate roar, and the blue star that was about to step into this galaxy also disappeared without a trace behind the magnificent light, and the people of Erin also experienced a sudden change. Completed the historical mission, and disappeared.

After an unknown amount of time, the planet returned to its former peace.The dust all over the sky returned to the earth, the sea water was no longer furious, and gently slapped the beach, and the bright sunshine once again shone into the atmosphere.

The earth is full of broken mountains and rivers and destroyed cities, and the shrine on the top of the snow mountain has become a ruin.Among the ruins, a figure flashed out from behind the smoke. His jet-black hair looked a little messy, and his luxurious robe was also a little damaged.

Sitais walked down the snow mountain slowly, feeling the brilliance of spirit all the way, she found Yang Rui.

At this time, Yang Rui was sitting on a boulder, looking at the desolate land and was silent.

Saites said: "My lord, you have done it."

Yang Rui said, "Thank you for your help."

Sites knelt on the ground and said reverently, "Thank you for granting me the power of magic."

"You are the first being endowed with the power of magic. I hope you can take up your responsibilities and make more contributions to this world that is about to come back to life."

"I will obey your will," said Cites.

Yang Rui stood up and walked towards the distance. Sitais asked, "My master, where are you going?"

Without looking back, Yang Rui said, "I'm going to visit my old friend."

The holy lake forest has been completely destroyed, countless trees have been uprooted and fell to the ground, and countless souls have died in this catastrophe.

Only the tall energy control tower still stands alone on the ground.

The landform of the mainland has undergone earth-shaking changes. The place where the holy lake forest is located and the surrounding land are separated by sea water, becoming an isolated island floating on the endless ocean.

When Yang Rui came here, he saw that his beloved Aigners were still alive, which made him feel extremely relieved, but also sad.

He saw Cessarian, and said: "My old friend, I have caused you and your people to suffer such a disaster."

Cesarian knelt in front of Yang Rui and said, "My master, the people of Erin have been wiped out, and Aignar has ushered in a new life. This should all be attributed to your gift."

Looking at the devastation around him, Yang Rui said calmly: "Everything is over, I believe you will rebuild your home. Whatever you need, just tell me, and I will satisfy you."

Then, Yang Rui asked again: "How is Elus?"

"She's recovering from some injuries," Cessarian said.

Under the guidance of Cesarian, Yang Rui saw Elus again. This beautiful Aigner was wrapped in thick vine leaves, and Aigner's doctor was treating her meticulously.

At the moment when she saw Yang Rui, Elus smiled and said, "We succeeded."

Yang Rui gently stroked Elus' cheek and said, "You are a great Aigner."

Feeling Yang Rui's caress, Elusi showed infinite tenderness on her face: "You look haggard."

Yang Rui nodded and said, "I need to find a place to rest for a while."

"What about this world?"

Yang Rui said, "I leave it to you."

"Without your guidance and care, the world does not know what would happen."

Looking at the sunlight outside the window, Yang Rui said: "The development of all things has its laws and its destiny."

Elus sat up and raised her voice and said, "My master, this world cannot live without you."

At this time Yang Rui had already walked to the door, he turned his head and smiled kindly at Elus and said, "I will be back."

When Yang Rui walked to the edge of the continent, Lucifer led the angels who survived the war and Molly and Kuiya from the Protoss appeared beside him, kneeling on the ground and waiting for Yang Rui's will.

Yang Rui looked at the blue ocean, and said after a long time: "From today onwards, this land will be handed over to you, and I will be responsible for your respective responsibilities. I hope you can follow my teachings and treat people in this world kindly." Creature."

Lucifer said worriedly: "My master, you released another devil in order to defeat another devil, I am worried..."

Yang Rui interrupted Lucifer and said, "This may be fate!"

Lucifer said: "We will follow your teachings."

Yang Rui didn't speak anymore, he walked into the depths of the sea step by step, and recovered his transparent figure, he was too weak, he let himself fall like a bottomless abyss.

He returned to the warm depths of the earth's core, soaked in the warm water, exhausted his last bit of strength, activated and sent out those shining life cells, allowing them to grow freely in this barren world.

Until the end, his eyes were dark, and he fell into a deep sleep.

At the same time, when Yang Rui fell into a deep sleep, in a certain corner of the world, in a cave, there was a sealed stone. In the black stone, a larva that had been dormant for countless years suddenly woke up and began to restless.

And the cracks on the seal were also gradually spreading, and it was no longer able to control the restless creature inside.

Disaster begins!

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