Planet Rebirth

Chapter 69 Opposition

() The light emitted by the double helix column awakened the sleeping Yang Rui.He recalled the noise of those restless life cells in the water, and his consciousness gradually recovered.

He didn't know how long he had this sleep, but it was so long that he almost had to try his best to recall what happened before.

At present, he has not regained his vitality. As the water waves float around, he tries to perceive every corner of the world, like a giant who has just awakened. It is difficult to determine whether his body is healthy and safe. This recovery process will take time.

Finally, he fully regained consciousness, his body became flexible, and he no longer felt cold all over his body. He slowly swam out of the depths of the earth's core, and returned to the ocean along the pouring seawater.

Today's ocean has changed, and all the creatures of the previous generation disappeared in that catastrophe.Yang Rui activated a large number of creatures before he fell asleep, and now these creatures have multiplied and grown in every corner of the world.

Liopleurodon swam past Yang Rui's eyes with its huge body, and its half-meter-long teeth looked particularly terrifying in the dim water.This huge monster didn't seem to realize that Yang Rui was by his side, and it still rolled over leisurely and moved slowly towards the shallow sea.

Yang Rui followed its figure to the shallow sea, the color of the sea water changed from dark blue to light green, and the underwater coral reefs were growing vigorously, like a huge underwater city.

In this city, there are all kinds of creatures, some of which Yang Rui remembers, and some of which Yang Rui doesn't remember whether he really created them.

Liopleurodon didn't pay attention to these tiny creatures at all. It was the overlord of the ocean and lived without natural enemies, making it appear calm and calm wherever it went.

When this Liopleurodon approached the coast, there was a commotion in the shoal, and countless Deinosaurs scrambled to climb onto the beach. Although they are also top-level predators, when encountering Liopleurodon, it is best to avoid them. Otherwise, being bitten by that huge mouth is no joke.

Yang Rui left the sea and came to the beach. A group of noisy herbivorous dinosaurs passed by on the beach, not only disturbing the tranquility here, but also leaving piles of feces.

The volcano in the distance is still emitting thick smoke, and the smell of sulfur is faintly wafting in the air. Not only is the smell a bit embarrassing, but it is also humid and hot. Ferns are almost everywhere, and there is nowhere to go down. Huge insects are infested Meanwhile, the howling of ichthyosaurs pierced the tranquility of the sky.

As soon as Yang Rui flew into the sky, seeing the green under his feet, he felt infinite joy in his heart. This planet has been revived again and is growing vigorously.The traces of the war of that year have long been smoothed away by the years, and there is no trace of it.

Yang Rui was flying in the air, and the wind lord Quiris first sensed Yang Rui's return, and he said excitedly: "My master, you are finally back!"

Yang Rui smiled and said, "What happened when I was not around?"

"There's a lot going on, and it's not all good as expected," Querris said with a sigh.

Yang Rui said: "If it's true what you said, that's exactly what I expected. If you tell the world that nothing happened, I'd be surprised."

At this time, the grassland was filled with dust, as if a creature was running at high speed.Yang Rui lowered his altitude and chased after him, and saw three horned dragons advancing towards a forest at full speed, and three heavily armed Protoss warriors sat on their backs.

Yang Rui carefully observed the three Protoss people, and made sure that he was right, because these Protoss people had changed a little since they hadn't seen each other for such a long time.

The wings on his back have long since disappeared, his body has become stronger, and his clothes have also changed a lot.Two of the three tribesmen held giant axes, while the other held a staff tightly.

The three protoss seemed to be chasing something. Yang Rui found a ghostly figure running in front of them. Change the color and transparency of the body in order to achieve a perfect fit with the surrounding environment.

However, even though the figure was well disguised, it still couldn't escape the pursuit of the three Protoss clansmen behind it. The clansman holding the staff shouted: "It's just ahead, I saw him."

Another clansman replied: "These damn Canaan, they must pay the price today!"

At this time, the howling of fish dragons came from the sky, and several protoss members riding huge fish dragons also joined the chasing team.

The Canaanite who was running away in front had no way to retreat facing the cliff ahead, so he stopped abruptly, showing his prototype.

Yang Rui was pleasantly surprised to see that this was a Canaan warrior. The horny flesh armor that perfectly fit the body fit the body better than before, but appeared stronger.The tall body stood almost invincibly on the ground, the long-handled weapon in his hand gleamed coldly in the sun, and glared at the protoss who rushed over.

The protoss surrounded the Canaanite warrior, and the clansman with the staff shouted: "You lowly race, how dare you cross our territory without permission! Aren't you afraid of the Sumerian sword!"

The Canaanite warrior laid his long-handled weapon across his chest and said, "I have no obligation to explain my actions to you. Noble Canaanites will not listen to you Sumerians."

"Then let you taste the power of Sumerian magic! Use your death to warn those Canaan who dare to cross our border again."

After finishing speaking, the Sumerian holding a staff stretched out his staff and pointed it at the Canaanite warrior, and immediately shot out an ice edge from the staff, shooting towards Canaan like a sharp sword.

Canaan jumped up into the sky nimbly, raised his weapon with both arms, and slammed it hard at the mage's head.

At this moment, another Sumerian with a sharp ax picked up from the horned dragon, and held the ax horizontally to block the fatal blow of the Canaanite warrior.

Canaan stretched out his foot and kicked the man in the stomach, picked up the strength, turned over in the air and returned to the ground safely.

The Sumerians riding ichthyosaurs in the sky immediately drove the ichthyosaurs to attack the Canaanite in turn. Although the Canaanite warriors were extremely brave, they did not know pain, let alone death.However, facing so many Sumerians, he was still retreating step by step, and was about to fall into the cliff behind him.

At this moment, there was a roaring sound from the cliff behind, and the surrounding air was also disturbed. The huge wind swept up the dust. When the dust dispersed, the two apostle mechas hovered in the air, and both sides Raising his arms forward, the huge spore cannon aimed at the Sumerians and the lonely Canaanite warrior.

Aigner's voice came from the air: "You are about to invade Aigner's territory, please return immediately, otherwise we will take action!"

The Sumerian yelled at the mech: "We haven't crossed this cliff yet, you have no right to fire at us!"

The Aigner pilot replied without haste: "We are the Border Patrol, and you are dangerously close to the border. If you get any closer, we will open fire immediately."

Taking advantage of Aigner's intervention and the distraction of the Sumerians, the Canaanite warrior escaped skillfully.No matter how the Sumerians looked around, they could never find him again.

The Sumerians were ready to vent their anger on these two apostle mechas, but more mechas rose from the bottom of the valley.Yang Rui saw that these mechas were all of a new generation, they could transform, and they could be used both on land and in the air.The appearance is also more beautiful and beautiful, and the superb craftsmanship of Aigner is preserved in every detail.

The Sumerians saw a complete Aigner border patrol. Facing such powerful firepower, they had no choice but to retreat.

But the mage shouted viciously to the apostle mecha: "One day, we will land on your continent and drive you all into the sea!"

The Sumerians retreated, and after confirming that there was no danger, these Aigners also evacuated here one after another.

Yang Rui could see clearly from the side that a small conflict had already exposed everything that happened in this world during the time he was away.

He showed the shape of a human being, standing on the cliff, looking at the looming mountains in the west, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, thinking: "This thing is getting more and more fun!"

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