Planet Rebirth

Chapter 81 The Shadow

Irbe pondered for a while, then raised the bloody sword in his hand and said to the guards: "As the new leader, I order you to retreat!"

When the guards saw the brilliance on Irber's body, no one dared to disobey the order, and they all left here obediently.

Irbe looked down at his father lying in a pool of blood, and said, "You are my father, and I will not execute you. Stay forever in the sinful city of Gomorrah, with your most loyal fans Going to destruction. And I want to build a new protoss, a new Sumerian, like my brother, go out bravely!"

After speaking, he took Rhea's hand and left here.

At this time, Kuiya looked at her husband coldly, without saying a word, her eyes were full of satisfaction and joy of getting revenge, and finally she also left.

Moli was the only one left in the room, hunched over and fell to the ground, with dark red blood gushing from his wound, he was still dying.

At this time, there were footsteps at the door, and the attendant came in, stood in front of Mo Li and said, "This is the punishment you deserve."

Molly gasped and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

The attendant smiled and said, "I am the messenger of God, and I came to punish you by God's will."

After speaking, the servant returned to his real body, and he became the seraphim Lucifer.

Molly looked at Lucifer desperately and asked, "Is my punishment over?"

When Lucifer walked out of the smelly room, he replied: "Then you can ask God."

Lucifer walked out of the room and flew to the top of the palace. Just as he was about to spread his wings, he suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at him coldly from behind.

He turned his head and looked, and there was a black bird standing on the roof of the palace. He left, turned his head and came to the bird, knelt down and said, "My master, as you ordered, I have punished you." Molly."

The little bird said in Yang Rui's voice, "You imitated my method and punished Molly again, didn't you?"

Lucifer replied piously: "You will always be my role model."

Yang Rui said: "The punishment of Molly is only the beginning, and it is also the beginning of his destiny. Elbe will lead another part of the tribe to move to the foot of Mount Olympia. The great city of Gomorrah is about to be destroyed, and the new intelligent race will be born."

Lucifer said: "My master, why do you want to punish Molly like this and create a new race?"

Yang Rui said: "This new race was not created by me, but by the choice of this world. The old god race was corrupt and could no longer undertake the responsibility of surrounding this world, so I asked you to create the Canaanites. Now, the old race The Protoss not only did not repent but persecuted the Canaanites even harder, then they lost the meaning of existence. In the place where I created you, unified will and absolute faith are the fundamental essence of energy generation. However, now I have realized another It makes sense that the world needs diversity.”

Speaking of this, Yang Rui flew to the sky, and continued: "Diversification will provide more active thoughts and actions, so as to generate more energy fields, but it must be within the control range. Molly is out of control, so he must be controlled. Punishment. And Irbe overthrew his father's rule, but he will continue the blood of the Protoss and build a new world. I need this kind of change to bring me more energy. Didn't you feel that in the whole palace this night? Is it filled with a powerful energy field?"

Lucifer caught up with Yang Rui and said, "My master, I really felt a powerful energy field. It was the collision of thoughts and actions with these creatures that made such a powerful energy burst out."

Yang Rui said: "Ethical warfare in one family can bring such powerful energy, but what about the entire race? That kind of power is unimaginable."

Lucifer asked inexplicably: "Then why do you want to prevent the Sumerians from attacking the Canaanites? Such fanaticism can even increase the energy field."

Looking at the vast land, Yang Rui said: "Now is not the time, because we have a common enemy to face, what I need now is unity and absolute loyalty."

"But where is our enemy?" Lucifer asked.

Yang Rui looked ahead and said quietly: "It will definitely appear, because it can't wait."

It was late at night, and there was a deathly silence in the city of Gomorrah.

In a majestic temple, the eunuch Molly lay on a cold stone bed, shivering in the cold wind blowing around, and the laughter from Mount Olympia lingered in his ears, it was a celebration Enthronement of a new leader.

But he, the former leader, was lying unattended in the hall dedicated to his god.His heart was full of hatred, but there was nothing he could do.

Suddenly a strong gust of wind hung into the temple, and a huge black cloud flashed out from the gust of wind, staring greedily at Moli on the stone bed with blood-red eyes.

Molly felt the existence of this force, he opened his eyes to look at the black figure, and asked feebly, "Who are you?"

The shadow said, "I'm here to help you."

Molly smiled miserably and said, "I'm just a pile of rotten meat, there's nothing worthy of your admiration, let alone helping me."

The black shadow let out a strange laugh, and the voice was extremely evil and sinister, it said: "As long as you dedicate your soul to me, I will make you reborn, possessing incomparable power, which is enough to compete with God, are you willing? "

Molly's eyes lit up when he heard this, but then he said, "Why should I trust you?"

The black shadow rubbed against Mo Li's body for a while, and Mo Li was surprised to find that his wound had healed, his body was no longer aching and weak, and he also had strength, so he sat up.

The shadow said, "Look, I healed your wound."

"That's not enough for me to trust you." Molly was still very cautious.

The shadow said: "Well, you can go to the mountains in the north. There is already a piece of land that does not belong to the gods. It is a free and happy homeland, where countless powerful creatures grow. If you want, I will let you You become the king there, commanding those powerful creatures."

"Is this true?" Molly was always dubious.

Hei Ying said: "Go, take a look, and you will believe my sincerity to you."

"what is your purpose?"

The shadow said: "I need this planet. If you help me get this planet, I will only take the part I need, and the rest will belong to you. You will truly become the master of this planet and become a god." .”

After finishing speaking, the black figure got into the bloody wind and disappeared without a trace.

After Molly rested for a while, curiosity and vengeance drove him to leave Gomorrah in the dark night.He was alone, and although the wound had healed, his body was still very weak.

He walked alone towards the mountains in the north-central, until he came to the pass of the mountains, he discovered the difference here.The land here was pitch-black, emitting a stench, all the plants were withered to death, countless huge spores that looked like insect eggs surged from the ground, and the translucent material allowed him to see creatures pulsating inside.

This place is like a devil's home, full of poisonous swamps, and the ugly buildings seem to wriggle rhythmically like mutated giant animals, as if some kind of life is still being conceived inside.

In the deepest part of this land, in a huge black swamp, that black figure appeared again, and it laughed sharply: "You are welcome, Molly."

"Is this your free and happy home?" Molly asked, "This is hell."

"For the devil, hell is the home of freedom and happiness." The shadow said with a smile, "Would you like to join us?"

"Join you?" Molly sneered, "We are creatures from different worlds."

"But our souls are the same." The shadow said: "The same evil, the same hatred!"

"Hate? You have hatred too?"

"Yes." The shadow said: "I was driven out of my home just like you, wandering around in the universe, unable to return, so I need your help, the two of us unite until victory, when you and I They can all return to their homes.”

"Why did you choose me? I'm a poor outcast." Molly smiled self-deprecatingly.

Sombra said, "That's why I chose you."

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