Planet Rebirth

Chapter 82 Metamorphosis

The black shadow sensed that Moli's heart had started to germinate, and he let out another burst of laughter. After the laughter, a hole was opened on the black ground, like a wound on the body, with a foul smell.

The shadow patiently persuaded: "Go in, and I will reshape your body and soul, making you extremely powerful."

After Molly hesitated for a moment, he still walked into the crack.

At this crack, Molly felt as if he had entered the cavity of a huge creature, and there were things like internal organs pulsating everywhere, and emitting faint energy.

The voice of the black shadow has been lingering: "Go on, keep going."

Molly continued to walk forward according to the logic, and at the end of the road appeared an extremely huge space, where countless huge black translucent spores were suspended, and unknown creatures were bred in these spores.

Molly saw that there was a seat in the center of this huge space. This seat seemed to be as disgusting as it was assembled from countless animal carcasses, but it exuded infinite energy.

Soi Ying said: "Sit on it, and everything will change."

Molly asked, "Will you abide by the contract?"

The shadow replied: "I'm not interested in this planet. I'm interested in the things inside the planet of God. Once I get it, this planet has no meaning for me. In order to express my gratitude, I will also give it to you , and you become the only true god on this planet."

The words "The Only True God" seemed to have stimulated Moli, and he stepped up to the seat. After a final thought, he turned around and sat down firmly.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a change in his body.

Every cell in the body is agitated, undergoing violent mutations, this feeling is very similar to when he was created back then.There is a huge force pouring into his body continuously.

His husband saw that his skin had changed, it was no longer fair, but a thick stratum corneum had grown, arming himself like armor.This change is much like the spiritual shield of the Canaanites.But the horny flesh armor of the Canaanites comes from spiritual beliefs, while Moli's shield comes from the mutation of his own cells.

His body is also growing and strengthening.The four newborn arms, to be precise, were tentacles protruding from the skin under the ribs. Moli felt it, and found that the tentacles were very flexible, and he could use them freely.

The wings behind him are also changing, they are no longer white and bright, and all the bright feathers have fallen off, leaving only the torso and a translucent fleshy membrane, and they have become even bigger, with the wings spread almost covering the entire space.

Horns sprouted from his head, his hands turned into giant pincers, and his once handsome face became ugly like a hideous reptile.

Although Moli became so ugly, he felt that his strength had grown unprecedentedly.He stood up and spread his wings, and that force surged out, shaking the space.

"How about it, my friend!" Black Shadow said, "I didn't break my promise."

With a satisfied look on Mo Li's face, he asked, "What do you need from me?"

"Help me find the entrance to the interior of the earth's core," said the shadow.

Mo Li said: "The entrance is in the shrine on the top of the Snow Mountain, protected by a powerful group of angels."

"Then destroy them!" Black Shadow said: "This is your territory, and everything is under your control. Go build a huge army, destroy all creatures in this world, and capture the Great Snow Mountain!"

At the same time when Moli betrayed his soul, Yang Rui was looking up from the rooftop on the Daxue Mountain.The darkness in the north is deepening, and he has already sensed that power.

He raised his arm, and saw that the black spot had spread a lot more, and the color had also deepened. He had no expression on his face, as if he didn't particularly care about it.

But behind him, Samael said worriedly: "My master, this evil force has appeared, and we need to do something."

Yang Rui answered irrelevantly, "I just heard the news from Mount Olympia that Rhea is pregnant. Irbe is going to name their first child Zeus."

"It's such a beautiful name," Samel said.

Yang Rui asked: "Do you know why I named you Samuel?"

Samuel shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Yang Rui said with a self-deprecating smile: "My fate played a big joke on me. It allowed me to come to this wild world and allow me to create everything. So I created the angel group according to my memory. and everything in the world. At that time, I always felt that I was far away from home and came to a distant and strange world. But now, I realize that I have never gone far. This planet is the world I once lived in. It’s just that I’m back to its past. Everything is still being carried out according to the destiny that was set. The creatures that should appear will definitely appear. It’s not you and Lucifer, and which Zeus is about to be born! In fact, it’s not I created it, but fate created it."

Samuel said: "But this world is ruled by you, and you can change everything."

"What about change?" Yang Rui continued: "The people of Erin are just the beginning, and now we have a new enemy. All this is arranged! The mysterious force behind the scenes has been watching my jokes , watching me run amok in this world."

Samuel said, "My lord, you look pessimistic."

Yang Rui smiled and said, "God can't be pessimistic! He shoulders too many responsibilities, and everyone is watching him."

"Yes!" Samuel nodded in affirmation.

Yang Rui sighed and said, "Since that's the case, I will do what God wants to do."

Samael knelt on the ground and said, "Please order, my master."

Yang Rui asked, "What is Aigner doing now?"

Samuel said: "As you know, Agna is always developing their new technology. I have seen huge spaceships hovering over Atlantis, and they built a huge temple, don't know what they're doing."

"Temple?" The word aroused Yang Rui's interest, and he said, "Is Aigner ready to believe in God?"

"As far as I know, they have always believed, but their faith is more gratitude than worship," Samel said.

"This is the best!" Yang Rui flew up suddenly and said, "I'll go see what they are doing."

In the sky above the southern continent, Yang Rui saw the huge temple that Samuel said, but in Yang Rui's eyes, it was not a temple, but more like a huge factory building, shaped like a pyramid , and is fully functional.

He flew to the front of the building and saw countless Aigners busy. He transformed into an ordinary Aigner, and he saw Ishtar standing on the highest point of the building, as if he was thinking about something.

"What are you thinking?" Yang Rui suddenly appeared behind Ishta.

Ishta turned around and saw Aigner standing behind him, but the divine brilliance had already let him know that it was Yang Rui in front of him, so he quickly knelt down and said, "Welcome, my master."

Yang Rui said: "My angel told me that you, Aigner, built a temple here, so I will come and have a look."

Ishta smiled and said, "Look, we still lack effective communication. This is not a temple, but a power output factory."

Yang Rui smiled and said, "Great Ishtar, you are the god of this world. You have created too many things to benefit this world."

Ishtar said: "My master, Aigner will always serve under your command, I am only doing what I should do."

Yang Rui saw a huge hollow at the top of the building, and he could directly see the inside of the building, and there was a huge pool inside the building, with countless metal columns soaked in crystal clear water, and those huge pipes and Intricacies surround the pool, and they appear to be operating steadily.

Looking at the white smoke coming out of the huge chimney, Yang Rui asked, "Tell me, what new invention do you have?"

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