Planet Rebirth

Chapter 90 The Temptation of Interest

Holding a staff, Helen walked to the gate of the Prince of Sodom alone. This place was heavily guarded, and the energy of the magic barrier indicated that this place was a forbidden area, and any entry of external forces would be noticed.

Seeing a beautiful female mage approaching, the guard asked, "What do you want?"

Helen returned the guard with a charming smile and said, "I have something to see my teacher His Highness Sites."

The guard was a little dazed by Helen's charming smile, and he couldn't help but look at the beautiful female mage a few more times before saying, "Please wait a moment, I'll report to you right away."

After about a cup of tea, the guard happily returned to his post, and said to Helen, "You are lucky, His Highness Cites just happens to be free, and she invites you in."

After Helen gave the guard another ecstatic smile, she strode into the palace.

After passing through many palaces, Helen came to the library in the palace. This is the ocean of magical knowledge, and Sites will never be able to do without these precious books.

Hearing footsteps behind him, Sites asked without turning his head: "Is there any progress in the matter I asked you to investigate?"

Helen came behind Sites and said calmly: "Not only has there been progress, but a major discovery has been made."

"Oh? Really?" Cites immediately became interested when she heard this, she turned around and asked, "Tell me about it."

However, when she just turned around, she noticed something strange about Helen. After all, she was a senior archmage, so she could still feel the evil power.

Cites suddenly flashed a few meters away, and a staff appeared in her hand. She asked sharply, "Who are you?"

Helen smiled grimly and replied, "Don't be nervous, Sites, I just borrow this body to meet you, otherwise I won't be able to pass through the magic barrier around the palace."

Cites flicked his wrist, and a fireball appeared in his palm, shooting directly at Helen's face.

Helen also stretched out her hand to block the fireball and turned it invisible. She continued to smile and said, "Don't rush to attack me, I think if you listen to the conditions I offer, you won't reject me." has arrived."

Cites saw Helen in front of her exuding infinite energy, but this energy seemed far away in the sky, but she could be sure of one thing, when the energy came in front of her, it would be unshakably powerful.

Sites held the staff vigilantly and asked Helen, "What do you want to say?"

Helen said calmly, "Let's make a deal."

"What deal?"

Helen looked at Cites' slightly trembling lips and said, "I know that there is a super crystal in the Tower of Babel in the great city of Gomorrah, if you can help me get it, then I will give you everything you want. "

"This is absolutely impossible!" Sites flatly refused: "That super crystal is a gift from God, and it will never be given to anyone else!"

Helen smiled and said: "Gomorrah has fallen, the Tower of Babel is about to collapse, and your people are torn apart. Who would go there every day to communicate with your gods through the crystal stone? I think that crystal is a very important thing for you. A stone is very important to me. Give it to me, and I can make you the greatest magician in the world!"

Sites smiled confidently and said, "I already am!"

"However, you still can't reach the height of God!" Helen's words touched the faint pain in Sites' heart.

Helen paced back and forth in this library, pointing to the books all over the room and said, "Look, there are so many magic books. I believe you already know them all. But the fact is that these are all given to you by God, that is to say You will, and gods will. But there is a problem, does your god have reservations, and has not taught you all the magic knowledge. Am I right?"

Cites hesitated, she stared at Helen, seemed to be thinking about something, bit her lips tightly and said nothing.

Helen continued to speak unhurriedly: "Look at what you have become now. The great god race back then is now torn apart. Isn't all of this caused by gods?"

Cites replied: "We have committed crimes and must be punished."

"You're right." Helen nodded and said, "But isn't this punishment a little too heavy? Your father is very tyrannical, but he won't be punished to the point of betraying his relatives, or even being killed by his own son. Who is this?" Caused? God let you seduce your brother, betray your father! And let your brother usurp the throne, is this just punishment?"

"What else could it be?" asked Cites.

"It's fear!" Helen replied, "Your gods are afraid that your power will grow. Magic is a beast with infinite power. Whoever masters it will have the right to rule the world. And you Sumerians have mastered it, so You will have the capital to compete with God. Therefore, suppressing you is essential."

"You're talking nonsense!" Cites was a little annoyed, his lips trembling with anger.

Helen looked at Sites with a smile and asked, "Isn't it?"

Then, she said: "Look at his preference for Aigner, an outsider, and give them the best land and resources. And he is not clear with that female leader, Elus. But what about you? Except endless punishment What else? Since the day you were born, you gods have been called the descendants of gods, but what have you gained?"

"Nothing!" Helen said decisively: "Your father, Molly, was driven out of Mount Olympia. If I hadn't taken him in, he would have turned into dust by now. Now Molly, with my help, Has become the most powerful existence in this world, can almost compete with God. Don't you want to? Don't you just want to kneel before God and let him assign you to commit yourself to your brother?"

"Stop talking!" Cites roared.

Helen sneered and said, "It seems I'm right."

There was a dead silence in the library, and Helen was staring at Sites opposite, observing the female mage's facial expression.It looked like Sites was in a torment.

After an unknown amount of time, Sites raised his head and asked, "What can you give me?"

Helen nodded triumphantly and said, "The great power you want to have."

"What kind of power is that?"

"The magic you currently master is just using the elements of nature to cast spells, but what I give you is unprecedentedly powerful magic. You can summon, enslave, sacrifice, and corrupt any creature you want to control, including those flying all over the sky. Angel of God. Even someday you may stand before your God and fight him. Your father has already done it, and although there is no victory, it is only a matter of time."

Sites thought for a while and asked, "You just want that crystal."

Helen nodded and said, "Yes, I need that crystal."

"Why don't you take it yourself?"

Helen said: "I don't belong to this planet. Once you touch that crystal, your gods will definitely know. Therefore, it is most appropriate for you to complete this matter."

Cites put away her staff and walked towards the door. When she passed Helen, she said, "Come with me."

The two female mages returned to Gomorrah from the east day and night.

At this time, Gomorrah was already in disrepair, and there were no traces of the same race on the wide streets, but countless dinosaurs were roaming around.

Helen walked beside Cites and said, "Look, what God has done to you. A city that was once so great has become like this."

Sites looked at the desolation, and felt extremely sad in her heart. She gave Helen a hard look, but didn't speak.

When the two came to Tongtian Tower, Sitaisi looked at the soaring tower and said in silence for a long time, "I can't go up this tower."

Helen asked, "Why is that?"

Sites turned his head and replied: "I can feel the energy field here, this tower is sealed!"

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