Helen said, "Then open this seal."

Cites pointed to the sealing stone at the door and said, "The Tower of Tongtian is deserted, but the crystal stone is still there. I think my brother Elber sealed it because of this. This is the sealing stone he set."

"Can't you do it with your strength?" Helen asked.

Cites glanced at Helen and said, "Irbe also has the blood of the Protoss flowing through his body, and his divinity is powerful. I can't open the things he seals."

"Then let Elber open it."

"You said it lightly!" Sites said: "He is now the new leader of the Sumerians. I, Anos and Irbe have split into two different nations. How do you ask me to order him to open this seal."

Helen said: "I also know that Irbe is your elder brother, and besides..."

Helen looked Sites up and down and said, "Besides, I also know that you are a beautiful female Sumerian."

Cites immediately understood Helen's intentions, and she shouted, "Don't tell me you want me to do those shameless things again?"

Helen said, "Is there anything wrong?"

"What's the difference between you and God? You all want to use my body to achieve your goals."

Helen said: "However, I can give you what you want, but your God can't do it. He only asks you to give, but never gives."

Cites clenched her fists and stood there for a long time. Finally, she turned around and left Gomorrah, thinking about the direction of Mount Olympia.

On the way, Helen caught up with Cites, and she smiled and said, "I'm glad you have such a resolute character, and you will do whatever it takes to achieve your goal."

Cites snorted and said, "That depends on whether what I want is worth it."

Helen said: "It must be worth the money."

Cites ascended Mount Olympia, where the greatest banquet was being held.Irbe was already very drunk when he saw Sites walk into the hall.

He raised his wine glass and shouted: "Welcome guests from afar, my most beautiful sister, Sites!"

Sites forced a smile and walked up to Irber and said, "Hello, brother, I came here specially to see you."

Irbe put his arms around Cites and said with a smile, "I'm glad you still remember me."

Sites said intriguingly: "How could I forget."

At this time, Sites asked again: "Why didn't you see Rhea?"

While introducing the guests present to Sites, Irbe said, "She doesn't like such occasions very much, she likes to be quiet."

"That's such a pity." Cites also raised his glass.

Irbe took another sip of his wine, stared at Sites seriously and asked, "Are you really here to visit me?"

Sites also stared tenderly at his brother and said, "Of course, otherwise there is no other reason for me to come from the far east."

"Then come here for your journey, and have another drink." Irbe looked around with his empty wine glass, and he wanted to get another glass of wine.

At this time, Helen appeared in front of the two of them at the right time. She was holding a tray with wine jugs and glasses in her hand. She looked at Irbe with a charming smile and said, "Dear Chief, this is from the East." Fine wine, please have a taste."

Irbe asked Sites: "Why, you brought me a gift?"

Cites glanced at Helen, then nodded and said, "Yes, try the fine wine we brew there."

Ilbe took the fine wine Helen handed over without hesitation, and drank it down in one gulp.He suddenly felt a wave of heat rushing down, and at the same time, a strange emotion also rose up.

He suddenly found that Sites in front of him was so beautiful that he couldn't help himself. He tried his best to drive away the strange thoughts in his mind, but the impulse became stronger and stronger.

Finally he approached Sites and said, "Can you find a secluded place, let's have a conversation alone."

Cites also noticed that there was something wrong with the wine, she glanced at Helen, who was saying to him with her lips: "Go to Tongtian Tower."

Sites understood, then turned his head and deliberately pressed his chest against his brother's shoulder and said, "I'll take you somewhere."

Irbe couldn't wait to pull up Sites and said, "Then hurry up, I can't wait."

Sites pulled Irbe away from the bustling banquet hall, and the two quickly descended from Mount Olympia to the city of Gomorrah.

At this time, Irber was already burning with desire, rubbing his hands on Sitsi's waist, and asked impatiently, "Where are you taking me?"

Sitais pointed to the Tongtian Tower and said, "There, it is at the highest point of the tower. The scenery there is the most beautiful, and I think the feeling of being in love with you is also the most beautiful."

Elber said: "But there is a forbidden area, and I sealed the Tongtian Tower."

Sites leaned on Irbe's body, put his tender hands into his brother's pants, and said tenderly, "You are the leader of the Sumerians, you make the law, and you can also abolish it."

The fire in his heart and his sister's teasing made Irber forget everything. With a big wave of his hand, the sealing stone in front of the Tongtian Tower disappeared.

He quickly led Cites into the tower, and in that wide hall, Irber helped his sister madly kissing madly, and sprayed the fire in Cites' body.

And while Cites was enduring her brother's blow, she saw a black shadow quietly enter the Tongtian Tower, thinking about the place where the crystal stone was enshrined.

The black shadow came to the place where the super crystal is stored in the Tongtian Tower. There is an unparalleled energy field being released here. It used to be a place where the protoss communicated with the gods. Now it is deserted, but the power is still there.

The black shadow revolves slowly around the crystal stone, and it can feel that through this crystal stone, it can be connected with the consciousness body of this planet, which is also what it wants.

The black shadow gradually swelled up, wrapped the super crystal stone, and gradually polluted it, and at the same time exuded evil power.

At the same time, Yang Rui felt extremely uncomfortable as if he had been stabbed with a knife. He suddenly opened his eyes from his deep sleep and found that his power was constantly leaking out.

He hastily used his divine power to stop the leakage of power, but the thing that stole his power was absorbing forcefully through some kind of medium.

He stabilized his mind and shouted: "Lucifer! Lucifer! Where are you?"

Lucifer appeared in front of Yang Rui. Seeing the serious blackness on Yang Rui's face, he asked, "My master, what happened?"

Yang Rui said: "Someone is stealing my power."

Lucifer was taken aback and asked, "Who can do this? It's impossible!"

"But now someone has indeed done it." Yang Rui tried his best to control his strength, and said, "If you go to Gomorrah, there must be something wrong with that crystal stone!"

Lucifer didn't dare to neglect, and quickly flew to the city of Gomorrah.

In the distance, he saw that the Tongtian Tower had been shrouded in black clouds, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

He came to the gate of Tongtian Pagoda, where the gate was wide open, and it was dark inside and he couldn't see the scenery clearly, but he clearly felt the evil power.

He summoned his staff and waited for it, and said in a warning tone: "Whoever violates the power of God, show up immediately."

At this time, there were footsteps in the tower, and then the figure flickered, and Cites came out, exuding indescribable strength, his face was solemn, his eyes were sinister, and he was holding a human head in his hand. Lucifer took a look, He couldn't help but tremble all over, that was Irbe's head.

Lucifer pointed at Sites with his staff and asked, "Sittes, what happened! You killed your brother!"

Sites said calmly, "Yes, I did."

After speaking, he threw Irbe's head to the ground.

Lucifer was trembling with anger, and said, "You have committed an unforgivable crime, and God will punish you."

Cites smiled contemptuously and said, "If I also possess the power of a god, what will he use to punish me?"

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