Planet Rebirth

Chapter 96 Airborne

Not long after, there were obvious changes outside the atmosphere.

The turbulence continued to increase, and thick black dust gradually enveloped the planet, and three huge shadows appeared behind the black cosmic dust.

Yang Rui could see clearly at the edge of the atmosphere, these three shadows were not so much three asteroids, but three monsters.Their shape is like a float, a silkworm chrysalis in the air, with countless tentacles floating at the bottom, and their bodies are emitting purple light.

Yang Rui felt that the conscious body was hidden in these three monsters, and seemed to be grinning at himself to show its strength.

These three moving asteroids have entered the synchronous orbit of the planet, arranged in a group, and stared at each other.

Unlike the people of Erin, the aliens who arrived this time were not able to negotiate and investigate at all, and the war started silently like this.

As the purple light continued to flash, countless small silkworm chrysalis split out from the three silkworm chrysalis.To say it is small is only relatively speaking, each of these small silkworm chrysalis is extremely huge, and it seems that the heavy body can crush a mountain.

They slowly think about landing on the ground, preparing to enter the atmosphere in an elegant and peaceful way, but behind this elegant and peaceful way, there are many murderous intentions hidden.

Quiris was about to release the sky, Yang Rui said: "Let them come in, let Aigner attack first, and you, Sisera, Albert, and Sorena concentrate on destroying them on the ground."

Compared with the last Erin invasion, Aignar's technology has made a qualitative leap, and they have deployed heavy combat platforms all over the world to counter the invaders from outer space.

When the silkworm chrysalis were about to swarm into the atmosphere, there was a loud rumble on the ground.Countless gigantic spore shells were shot into the sky, concentrating on the target accurately outside the atmosphere.

Immediately, blue flashes continued to flash outside the atmosphere, followed by these silkworm chrysalis being concentrated one after another, becoming covered in bruises, and countless silkworm chrysalis lost their ability to move and floated in outer space, but more silkworm chrysalis risked their lives without hesitation. With the artillery fire all over the sky, it continued to force its way into the atmosphere.

At this time, countless black spots appeared in the sky, and these black spots became more and more large, crumbling, and entered the atmosphere with scars all over his body.

The silkworm chrysalis passed through the thick clouds, allowing the creatures on the ground to see their huge figures more clearly.

Aigner's artillery attacks continued, and some silkworm chrysalis couldn't hold on anymore, and fell to the ground, destroying a large area of ​​forest and grassland, and the stench came over, polluting the surrounding land.

These huge silkworm chrysalis seem to be alive, they struggle on the ground, seem to want to get up, and start to move.However, the Flame Lord didn't give them a chance. The raging fire instantly engulfed them and burned them into coke, avoiding further pollution to the surface.

Those silkworm chrysalis that were not shot down, when they entered the [-]-meter-high altitude above the ground, braved the spore fire, and opened their bottom arms completely. There were countless dark cavities hidden between the tentacles. These cavities began to squirm rapidly, and there seemed to be something inside Stuff is going to be excreted.

Not long after, black mist spewed out from these cavities. Surrounded by the black mist, countless balls wrapped in horny shells were shot out, tumbling and hitting the ground like meteors.

After these balls fell to the ground, countless large pits were smashed into the ground.

At the bottom of the pit, these balls seemed to be broken and left. Suddenly, countless black monsters, waving tentacles like sickles, rushed out like a tide.

These black torrents gathered together to form a galloping black ocean, and launched the most violent attack towards the Snow Mountain.

Around the Great Snow Mountain, the defense line composed of Aigner, Sumerians and Canaanites has been deployed.Aigner dispatched all the heavy assault weapons.The spore cannon continued to attack the silkworm chrysalis in the sky, while on the ground, the creatures of all planets were ready.

The black ocean swept in, not a single blade of grass was left along the way, and all creatures were submerged in this black tide.These monsters howled, waved their sickle tentacles, and sprayed green body fluids from their mouths, looking extremely disgusting.

This is, a fleet of Shining attack aircraft appeared in the sky, and they launched an air strike against the black tide on the ground. Huge spore bombs exploded in the pile of monsters. These monsters were blown to pieces, but the successors still rushed forward desperately , they don't seem to feel pain, they don't fear anything, and the only thing they can do is to execute the command to attack.

The monsters were not fighting alone. When Aigner's Shining attack plane was bombing the ground, the silkworm chrysalis continued to spray balls outward.

This time the ball did not land on the ground, but the air cracked open, and with bursts of ear-piercing screams, a large number of flying insects broke out of their shells, scurrying around frantically, and the tentacles caught a flash The spirit attack aircraft began to bite mercilessly, their sharp teeth could pierce through the metal shell, tearing the Shining attack aircraft to pieces.

In Aignar's command center, everyone was watching this tragic air battle through the bio-illusion system. Ishta said to Elus beside him: "This war has no technological content, and the fight is all about willpower." .”

Elus turned around and walked towards the door, saying: "That war was not willpower? Aigner never lacks this!"

Elus walked out of the command center, walked through the long passage, and came to the huge take-off platform. It was very busy here. The Shining attack aircraft, the big baby, the apostle mecha, the land vehicle, and the tall and terrifying beast mecha in the distance were all busy. Making final preparations.

Elus boarded a Horror Mech, sat down in the cockpit, connected the intercom, and said, "Okay, Aigners, it's time to test our will again. These reptiles are nothing special, Don't be frightened by their huge numbers, as long as we persevere, victory must belong to us, let's go!"

There was a burst of cheers on the intercom, and Elus was the first to fly out of the take-off platform in the Dread Beast Mecha, and led the following support group to the battlefield.

On the ground at this time, the monster army had already contacted the first line of defense of the defense system.The sound of cannons and explosions intertwined together, and the Shining attack aircraft decided to project spore bombs on the ground to support the ground.But these sickle monsters still rushed to the defense line desperately.

The defense line had already opened fire with all its strength, and the corpses of the scythe monsters built a thick wall of corpses in front of the defense line, but the scythe monsters behind were still frantically charging on the corpses of their companions.Aigner's marine troops fought bloody battles under the siege of the scythe monsters, desperately keeping these hateful reptiles out of the line of defense.

At this time, more and bigger balls appeared in the sky, and they exploded in mid-air, shooting out species more powerful than the scythe monster.

These new monsters, like roaring apes, are even stronger in size. They roared and descended from the sky, and smashed at Aigner's line with their thick arms. Prepared, suddenly became a mess.

And those sickle monsters outside the battle line had an opportunity to successfully push the attacking troops forward again.

Just then, Elus' support force arrived.

Elus looked at the tragic battle situation on the ground, and said into the intercom: "Okay, Aigners, it's our turn!"

The addition of new forces stabilized and strengthened Aigner's front.Especially with the arrival of the Dread Beast Mecha, it became an invincible existence.

His tall body made all the attacking monsters feel ashamed, like an elephant rushing into a group of rats, his huge iron paw crazily crushed these reptiles, crushing them to pieces.

The Kuroshio seemed to be intimidated by dozens of Horror Mechs. They stayed in the distance and no longer approached easily, but they still waved their sickle tentacles to provoke.

Aigner said with a smile on the intercom: "Why, are these monsters scared too?"

Suddenly, there was a change in the Kuroshio, and Elus took a breath and shouted: "They are not afraid, they are making way for those big guys!"

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