Planet Rebirth

Chapter 97 Forces of Nature

Elus' words lingered in the air, and saw the ground cracked in the scythe monster team, and many huge reptiles emerged from the ground. These guys were not worthy of the same kind of life and death, and rushed up by stepping on their bodies.

Elus shouted: "Don't worry about those little creeps coming out, all the beast mechas come with me!"

This is the strongest collision of strength and will!

Elus operated the Dread Beast Mecha, brandished a huge metal sword and led her companions to meet them, and collided with these giant reptiles.

The loud sound of the collision of metal and muscle vibrated between the heaven and the earth, the reptiles howled and wrapped their tentacles around the body of the Dread Beast Mecha, and tried to crush these metal giants with their huge teeth.

Elus operated the mech to throw away the reptile that was hugging it, and then turned around and swung the sword. With one sword, the head of the reptile that attacked her was chopped off. However, although the reptile had no head, it seemed that the nervous system It can still operate normally, so the headless torso still rushes towards Elus.

Elus dodged again in a hurry, pierced the reptile's body with a sword, and stirred vigorously. She could feel that the reptile's internal organs were all strangled, and a large amount of green juice flowed out from the wound like a waterfall, splashing everywhere, and the stench made everyone feel sick. People gag.

At this time, Ishta asked through the intercom: "Eluth, all the attack data of the reptiles have been sent back to the control center. I have analyzed that these big guys are just purely physical attacks. As long as you can withstand them, they will Not our opponent."

Elus replied while fighting with the big reptiles: "But their numbers are far above ours, and the pressure on the ground is really too great."

Ishta said: "The Canaanites and Sumerians are standing by in the second defense circle. If you can't hold on, you can retreat and we will get in touch with them."

Elus replied stubbornly: "It's not that time yet, Aigner can withstand it. Send the third backup echelon to strengthen the defense."

Ishta said: "It's not the time yet, the third echelon is our Aigner's last line of defense, I must consider the safety of Atlantis!"

Elus roared: "The Daxueshan Shrine has fallen, what's the point of the existence of Atlantis? I am the supreme commander! Send the third echelon immediately!"

Ishtar said: "Impossible, the defense of Atlantis is also essential!"

Elus ignored Ishtar, and turned her attention back to the battlefield in front of her. Facing the black tide that could not be seen at a glance, she felt a little doubtful in her heart, but she quickly dispelled her thoughts. With negative emotions, he cheered up and operated the mech to rush towards another big reptile.

The huge impact knocked the reptile upside down. It kicked its limbs and wanted to get up. Due to the violent twisting of its body, it drove the ground out of the deep pit.

Elus raised it violently, raised the metal sword and stabbed down. The huge mech moved cleanly and without muddling at all. The big reptile was stabbed at the vital point and died.

Elus shouted: "Cheer up! We have defeated the people of Erin, these reptiles are no match for us at all!"

At this time, the silkworm chrysalis in the sky suddenly became agitated. They waved countless huge tentacles and lowered their height. These huge monsters almost covered the sky.

Huge tentacles suddenly stretched out to the ground, rolled up those Dread Beast mechs, and flew back and forth in the air, crushing the Dread Beasts with the huge force of the tentacles, splashing colorful metal fragments into the sky, and Aigner's driver had to escape urgently to save his life.

Elus operated the mech to avoid the tentacles that were constantly reaching out to the ground to wrap around her, and at the same time swung the metal sword to slash at these nasty things, and gradually retreated.

The cannons in the line of defense opened fire to cover the withdrawal of the remaining Dread Beast mechs, so as not to be annihilated under the attack of these silkworm chrysalis.

At this time, more sickle monsters were ejected from the silkworm chrysalis, as if there were inexhaustible things in the silkworm chrysalis.

Moreover, more silkworm chrysalis are pouring in from outside the atmosphere, braving artillery fire and continuing to recklessly send more reptiles to the ground.

Almost the entire continent was covered by these reptiles, leaving only the Daxueshan area, the last line of defense composed of intelligent creatures on the planet, and the continent of Atlantis, which had drifted in the center of the ocean, had not yet fallen.

At this time, there was a rumbling sound from inside the earth, and then countless cracks appeared on the surface. The surface suddenly collapsed, and hot magma gushed out, instantly submerging the team of scythe monsters, and countless hateful monsters fell into the deep cracks on the surface. , was thrown to death, squeezed to death, and melted by the hot magma.

The sky was wrinkled by the strong wind, and the lightning and the rain poured down. The silkworm chrysalis were shaken by the hurricane, and they collided with each other and made a terrifying sound.

At this time, Quarris said to Elus: "Retreat immediately, I hope we can block them."

Elus said, "You guys are late!"

Firelord Sorena said: "While we kill the enemy, we must also proceed carefully, lest you be harmed!"

Elus smiled and said: "Then we will withdraw from the battlefield, and these guys will be handed over to you."

Lord Albert of the land said: "Retreat to the second defense circle, the ground there is firm and solid! The rest of the land will become a cemetery for burying these reptiles."

"That's the best!" Elus hurriedly led Aigner to retreat across the board. At the foot of the snowy mountain, the Canaanites and Sumerians built high stone walls, waiting for the arrival of these monsters.

Seeing Aigner's retreat, they hurriedly opened the gap and let these tired fighters retreat into the defensive circle for rest.

At this time, a white line appeared on the horizon, and the line became clearer and clearer, and everyone could see what it was.

That was the surging sea water, and the water lord Sisera appeared in the huge waves. She used infinite power to submerge all the reptiles along the way under her body, and the giant beasts in the water continued to attack the intruders. Fact punishment.

A large area of ​​land was submerged, and the reptiles had nowhere to retreat. They had to watch the sea swallow them up, and the water was covered with corpses.

However, the side effect of the seawater submerging everything was that a large number of dinosaurs on the planet were not spared. Sisera could not stay for too long. She hastily withdrew her divine power and retreated the seawater back into the ocean, leaving only the muddy ground and mountains of piles. There are reptiles and dinosaurs dead bodies, too many to distinguish between each other.

At this time, the monster's first wave of attack was suppressed, and the silkworm chrysalis were also shot down in the subsequent spore fire, and the rest all withdrew from the atmosphere and returned to the mother body.

Elus breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the sky return to calm, but then he discovered that Aigner had suffered heavy casualties, and almost lost the combat effectiveness of the first office.This has never happened in the attack against the Erin people!

It's not because of the other party's high technology, but because the number of the other party is too large, you can't estimate the base number of the other party at all. She doesn't know whether her compatriots can always maintain high fighting spirit in the next battle. After all, this war just began.

The three big guys in the outer space continued to spray silkworm chrysalis into the atmosphere after hibernating for a while. The gaps between them are all filled by those ugly silkworm chrysalis.

More scythe monsters, flying insects, and large reptiles were sprayed out, and once again landed on the ground, roaring and crowding, and came straight to Daxueshan. Their goal was very clear, the Daxueshan Shrine.

On the high wall of the second line of defense, Xeras could see clearly. He turned his head and glanced at the Canaanites who were already waiting in formation inside the wall, and he knew in his heart that he should play the second battle.

As soon as he thought of this, his blue eyes burst out with a bright light, and a breath of energy floated around him. All the Canaanites felt the spiritual power emanating from the leader's body, and they were all excited. At the same time, I am also ready to die with these monsters!

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