Planet Rebirth

Chapter 98 The Death of Xerath

Xerath is a veteran Phoenix warrior. He participated in the last world war and fought alongside Aignar and the Sumerians against the invasion of the Erin.

Today, most of the phalanx under the city wall are young and vigorous warriors of the new generation. They are well-trained, fear death as home, and eagerly look forward to fighting the enemies outside the wall to the end.

Xerath stared at his subordinates, he took a deep breath, raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, at this time all the Canaanites focused their attention on the leader.

Xerath raised his arms and shouted, "Canaanite warriors! We don't have the power of gods like angels, and we don't have high-tech combat weapons like Aignar. And what we Canaanites have Bone and blood and firm faith, relying on the two most precious gifts that God bestows on our race, we will be invincible and able to defeat any enemy who dares to stand in front of us!"

"Gobadai!" A terrifying roar erupted from the Canaanite army formation, and the roar shook the entire earth.

And just behind the Canaanites was the Sumerian army, and they were also ready for battle. When the Canaanites rejoiced, another son of Molly, the current supreme commander of the Soviet-American coalition forces, Kerry, quietly Said to his elder brother Anos: "It was definitely a stupid decision for my father to absolutely attack the Canaanites! We don't have the firm belief that they have. I really can't find a reason to defeat them."

Anos' face was sinking, and in his heart he was still suffering from the death of Sites, but he was helpless in the face of God's actions.

Hearing what his younger brother said, he snorted contemptuously and said, "The reason for defeating the Canaanites is very simple."

The younger brother asked, "What is that?"

Anos said: "The Canaanites were also Sumerians once, and we are the same kind."

Kerry quickly understood what his brother meant, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He asked, "What are we going to do?"

Anos smiled and said to his brother: "This time you are the supreme commander of the Soviet-American coalition forces, of course I will obey your orders."

Kerry said with a smile: "Come on brother, I don't care about this battle, I just want to hear your opinion on the future."

Anos looked at the Canaanite phalanx and said: "Maybe this will be the last time we fight together! One day we will have an understanding with them. But it is not the time yet, because we still have to face the common enemy."

Kerry saw the tide of scythe monsters and huge reptiles approaching the second defense circle, and he asked Anos: "Can we win?"

Anos turned his head and looked at the shrine on the Daxue Mountain behind him, and then said to his brother lightly: "He hasn't collapsed yet, which means we still have hope. The angels are still high above, waiting to clean the battlefield for us !"

Just as he was speaking, Xerath spread his wings and flew in front of Anos and the Kerry brothers. After he landed, he bowed reverently and said, "Dear Your Highness, the battle is about to begin. We Canaanites can Responsible for the main attack, I hope the Sumerians can do their best to defend the flanks.”

Kerry was young and a little unconvinced and kept saying behind his back: "Do you think the Sumerian dragoons are just for display?"

Xerath looked in the direction of Kerry's finger, and saw the endless Sumerian warriors wearing armor and holding weapons, riding on the restless velociraptor, their aura was no less than that of the Canaanites in front of them.What's more, a large number of mages have also been incorporated into the army formation, which will provide the necessary magic assistance for the upcoming battle.

Anos stopped his younger brother from further speaking, and he said to Xeras: "Dear Canaan leader, we will respect the wishes of you and your subordinates, and give you the main attack position, and we will take care of the flanks and backup. responsibility."

"That would be the best!" Xerath flew up and said, "God is with us!"

"God is with us!"

Looking at the back of Xeras going away, Anos sneered, and then said to his younger brother Kerry: "We must do our best to support those Canaanites."

"Are you really going to do this?" Kerry disagreed with his brother's words.

Arnos said: "God is watching us, don't make him angry at this time."

"Understood brother." Kerry manipulated the horned dragon under his crotch to turn back to the army formation behind him and said, "We will talk about the matter between us and them later. Today we must fight side by side."

Xerath returned to his army formation. At this time, the black tide of scythe monsters had arrived. The leader stood at the forefront of the army formation without hesitation, and shouted loudly: "Gobadai! "

All the Canaanites began an impassioned battle dance before the battle: "Obadai! ho! ! aqikukosiqoaolusaximu! wow! gobadai! ho! ! Wokuxiyigobadai! ho! "

The shouts shook the heavens and the earth, and at the same time shocked the opponents. When they saw the dance of the Canaanite army, the overwhelming aura swallowed mountains and rivers, they couldn't help but stop and carefully observe these creatures with absolute faith.

At this moment, there was a brief silence on the ground, both sides were watching each other, saving their own strength, just after that.

The roars that shook the world erupted from both sides at the same time, and the two torrents surged and collided instantly.

Xerath rushed to the forefront of the team, flapping his wings and holding a polearm, he was the first to rush into the scythe monster's team.These nasty reptiles surrounded him in an instant, and slashed at him with a huge scythe.

The phoenix warrior swung his weapon to fend off all attacks, and stabbed those scythes who dared to charge up with his sharp blade skillfully and quickly.

Not long after, a mountain of monster corpses piled up beside him, and Xerath's body was splashed with green juice, which was corroding his body, but he forgot the pain and continued to fight bravely.

Suddenly, the ground under his feet collapsed, and a huge reptile sprang out from the ground. The huge pincers clamped his left leg firmly, and brought him into the air.

After a brief panic, Xerath adjusted his posture, and stabbed the pincers hard with the sharp blade of the long-handled weapon.The reptile roared, and its pincers loosened slightly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xerath got rid of his comfort, jumped onto the reptile's tentacles, immediately spread his wings and pounced on the reptile's head, stabbing fiercely on the reptile's head.

The long-handled weapon sank deeply into the reptile's head, Xerath shook his wings and plummeted downward, and the inertia drove the weapon to open a huge wound on the reptile's head.

The green juice gushed out, he didn't care about dodging, and flew away again, concentrated his mental strength, and punched a powerful iron fist, knocking this behemoth to the ground.

Then he took advantage of the situation and rushed up again, swiping the long-handled weapon in the air, the reptile's huge head fell to the ground, and the huge corpse fell down at the same time.

Seeing the phoenix warriors killing a huge reptile alone in their hands, all the phoenix warriors shouted loudly, their morale greatly increased.

When Xerath fell to the ground, the pain in his left leg made him unable to support himself, and he knelt on the ground with one leg.

He saw the blood from the wound on his left leg, and the pain invaded his body, he clenched his teeth and stood up again.

Suddenly, with the cold wind blowing behind him, Xerath turned around instinctively, and a sharp sickle slashed down. He dodged to the side, but due to his heavy injuries, his movements were slow, making the sharp sickle inserted deeply into his chest.

The scythe howled, ready to continue stabbing at Xerath with the other scythe.

At this moment, Austin rushed over, beheaded the scythe monster, and saved Xerath.

Austin saw that the wounds on Xerath's body were too deep, blood was gushing out continuously, and the leader was dying.

Austin shouted: "Boss! You have to hold on!"

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