038 was stunned when he liked to see her, Cheng Shaoqian couldn't help chuckling, Zhuang Nuanchen realized it, and hurriedly said, "Oh, Mr. Cheng, what do you want to ask?"

Cheng Shaoqian leaned forward slightly, his elegant aura wafted in the air. "Have you ever thought about it, in fact, you and I can try."

"Try? Try what?" She asked stupidly, without turning her head.

Cheng Shaoqian hooked his lips, "Try to be together, try to fall in love."

"Ah?" Zhuang Nuanchen nearly knocked over his drink with a trembling hand, stared at the man across from him dumbfounded, and swallowed hard, "Mr. Cheng, stop joking..."

"Why is this a joke?" Cheng Shaoqian's eyes flickered, but he quickly covered it up and smiled, "I'm unmarried and you're unmarried. It's normal to be together."

Zhuang Nuanchen still stared at him and didn't speak for a long time.Cheng Shaoqian did not look away, and looked at her calmly, as if waiting for her to answer.After a long while, Zhuang Nuanchen suddenly couldn't help laughing out loud, "I see, didn't you embarrass you that night? How about it, can't I apologize to you? Stop teasing me, leader."

Cheng Shaoqian's smile was a little helpless when a leader called her. He didn't smile, but just stared at her and asked, "Do you have someone you like?"

This time the question hit the nail on the head, and Zhuang Nuanchen's heart ached, his eyes darkened, he took a sip of the drink pretending to be calm, but he still confessed, "It's not like, it's love."

Cheng Shaoqian was a little surprised, a trace of gloom made him a little uncomfortable, but after seeing Zhuang Nuanchen's forced smile, he felt pain in his heart, and asked softly, "What kind of person is it?"

"A...very, very good person." She murmured softly, maybe it was Cheng Shaoqian's sincerity, or maybe it was the intoxication of the night, this was the first time she mentioned her past in front of the opposite sex, "He and I are My college classmate, I love him so much that my heart hurts..." Speaking of this, his voice was slightly choked, and he quickly took a deep breath, and smiled brightly at Cheng Shaoqian——

"It's okay to lose love, at least it's good to have it once, isn't it?"

Cheng Shaoqian looked at her, pity flashed in his eyes, he didn't say anything, and comforted her pretended strength with a smile...

————————— Gorgeous dividing line ———————————

Time will not leave too much preparation, especially for someone like Zhuang Nuanchen.

Just when she still couldn't get rid of the ambiguous "shadow" of that night, the business banquet trip with Jiang Moyuan was still scheduled.

When the car drove out of the community, Jiang Moyuan couldn't help shaking his head after looking at Zhuang Nuanchen, who was always awkward, and said in a low voice, "Have you eaten?"

She shook her head and leaned against the back seat, trying to keep a certain distance from him.

Today he is still dressed formally, pure black shirt, pure black suit, trousers, tie, cuff buttons and tie clips of the same color, a natural sense of authority, she found that he seems to only like dark colors, this deep color Even if he does nothing, it can bring her a great sense of pressure.

Jiang Moyuan held back a smile all the time, raised his lips, reached out but took a delicate box, opened it and handed it to her.The rich cheese smell filled Zhuang Nuanchen's taste buds, she exclaimed, "Why is there a piece of cake?"

"Eat something first, don't be hungry." Jiang Moyuan didn't explain the origin of the cake, and then handed her a bottle of water, with a natural and considerate gesture, as if taking care of a greedy child.

Zhuang Nuanchen is a typical sweet tooth, especially when faced with such a tempting piece of cheesecake when he was hungry, he snatched it away and forgot about the nervousness and embarrassment towards Jiang Moyuan. , One bite down, and half of the cake fell off.

The driver of the car glanced at the rearview mirror and was startled. When he passed the cake shop just now, Mr. Jiang got out of the car to choose the cake. He thought it was Mr. Jiang, but it was for Ms. Zhuang, but...how she ate it kinda...

Jiang Moyuan ignored the driver's eyes, and kept his eyes on Zhuang Nuanchen's face. Seeing her eating happily, his heart felt a little relaxed, and the deep tenderness gradually gathered in the bottom of his eyes, and the smile stained his lips, "Eat slowly, Drink some water."

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