037 Meals (1) After Jiang Moyuan hung up the phone, Zhou Nian looked at him incredulously, and put the document in front of Jiang Moyuan after a long time. "Does Miss Zhuang owe Mr. Jiang your money?" It wasn't that he wanted to gossip, but Jiang Moyuan's words and attitude surprised him just now.

"She thought she owed me money." Jiang Moyuan opened the document with long fingers, and Jiang Moyuan said something without raising his head, but couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Zhou Nian raised his eyebrows slightly, "The last time you were at Pangu Grand View?" He just heard Jiang Moyuan mention "rent".

Jiang Moyuan smiled lightly, and said softly, "That girl is quite naive sometimes."

The anniversary is clear, and I can't help but smile. In fact, Jiang Moyuan has friendship with the developer over there. Because Zhuang Nuanchen suddenly passed out that night, the person in charge knew that Jiang Moyuan had brought her here, so he specially called out a There is no so-called rent for a vacant house.Seeing that Jiang Moyuan was in a good mood when he mentioned Zhuang Nuanchen, he thought about it, and tentatively said, "Miss Zhuang is sometimes quite childish, which is different from Miss Sha Lin."

Jiang Moyuan's hand holding the pen froze for a moment, and the smile on his lips also became frozen, but he returned to his usual calmness in just a moment, making people mistakenly read it wrong, and signed his name on the document with a big stroke of the pen.

————————— Gorgeous dividing line——————————

The red lights of Chang'an Avenue became one piece again, and the night was torn apart by the neon lights.

In front of the computer, Zhuang Nuanchen was wearing exaggerated big headphones and listening to heavy metal music, but her eyes were staring at the big bouquet of roses on the table in a daze. After returning to the company from the press conference, she sent two emails to the client, and she remained in a daze, deafening The music also failed to pull her out of the fugue.

The delicate roses are like warm jade carvings, with a charming luster. Zhuang Nuanchen stared at them and changed her posture, tilting her head and frowning together. In fact, this bouquet of flowers can be given to anyone, but it is that What Jiang Moyuan sent really made her feel weird, and she couldn't tell where it was.

He was competing with Hua when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Zhuang Nuanchen was startled, turned around to see Cheng Shaoqian, hurriedly took off the earphones, got up in a panic, "Cheng, Mr. Cheng..."

Seeing her flustered look, Cheng Shaoqian was stunned for a moment, "Scared you?"

"Ah?" Zhuang Nuanchen blinked, slightly embarrassed, "Uh...no..."

"Why don't you leave?" Cheng Shao raised his lips and smiled, his bright white teeth looked healthier.

Zhuang Nuanchen glanced at Chang'an Avenue, "At this time, sitting on anything will kill half a person."

Cheng Shaoqian was amused by her, her bright eyes looked very harmless, "Then come with me."

"Huh?" She froze.

"Subordinates work hard, it seems not too much for the boss to treat guests to a meal, right?" Cheng Shaoqian looked at her sincerely.

Zhuang Nuanchen is a typical person who doesn't like to get too close to the leader. After thinking about it, she was about to decline politely, but Cheng Shaoqian seemed to have read her mind, stretched out her hand and pulled her, "Let's go."

She didn't react for a while, and after being dragged away by him for a few steps, she realized, "Wait, my bag..."


Sanlitun, the beginning of nightlife in Beijing.

The village divides the old bar street in Beijing and the bars scattered in the corner where foreigners gather. One is full of feasting and drinking, and the other is slow blues. Beijing is an inclusive city, where different cultures and languages ​​all get along peacefully in this city.

Different dishes, large and small, are also distributed around the village, and North Street is a paradise for western restaurants.

"The steak here is very good, let's try it." After the appetizers were removed, when the main course came, Cheng Shaoqian took the initiative to introduce it.

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