036 The Right Man (1) Jiang Moyuan got up and took his coat and put it on. The well-tailored suit jacket made his spine straighter. "What ben wants is very simple. He just wants to make money. Ben already knows about Mr. Nan's use of Cheng Shaoqian. Although I am indeed inclined to Demar Communications, I can't guarantee whether this company will win in the end."

Zhou Nian nodded, he has been with Jiang Moyuan for many years, he has long been used to his style of doing things, and he deeply believes in his decision.

"What time is the dinner?" Jiang Moyuan asked.

Zhou Nian raised his wrist and took a look, "It's almost time for us to rush there now. President Xu of the Development Bank is already on his way."

"Let's go." Jiang Moyuan nodded, the key is to establish a good bank relationship after listing.

————————— Gorgeous dividing line——————————

A press conference almost exhausted Zhuang Nuanchen to death. After the media dispersed, she lay on the press box like a dead dog with only the strength left to breathe.In the past few days, she has to go to the supermarket to stare at Duitou following the event, and also complete the work of the brand conference that she was in charge of before, and more importantly, the case of Biaowei. She finally let Jiang Moyuan relax. Putting all her energy into planning, coupled with Sister Mei's high-pressure policy, the continuous overtime has left her with only half her life left.

Due to the lack of manpower, the director of the second department generously lent Ai Nian and others to come to help. In addition, Xia Lu also came, but she seemed to be absent-minded. The company's opinion on her handling has not yet been settled. Xia Lu was out of his mind like a frightened bird all day long.

When the venue was almost cleared up, Ai Nian came over, stretched out his hand to pat Zhuang Nuanchen and said with a smile, "The press conference is over, won't your department go out to celebrate tonight?"

Zhuang Nuanchen raised her head lazily, "Sister Mei can't wait for us to work 24 hours a day. Where is the celebration? If there is such a celebration time, I would rather go home and sleep."

"How can you find a boyfriend because you are always at two o'clock and one line? Why don't you go out to parties more?" Ai Nian sat down and thought about it, "If it's really impossible, can I sign up for you on If You Are the One?"

Zhuang Nuanchen squinted at her, "Are you serious?"

"Really." Ai Nian held back her smile, and looked at her seriously.

Zhuang Nuanchen reached out and scratched her face.

"Why?" Ai Nian was surprised.

Zhuang Nuanchen said seriously, "Put a mole on the corner of your mouth and you will be a queen."

"Fuck you." Ai Nian couldn't help laughing.

The two were chatting and laughing, but they could only hear a voice from behind, "Excuse me, who is Miss Zhuang Nuanchen?"

Zhuang Nuanchen looked back and saw that his eyeballs almost popped out. It was a man, holding a large bouquet of white roses with Milan grass. The white and green were really pretty, but they were too ostentatious. All the colleagues immediately gathered around gossip. This made Zhuang Nuanchen very embarrassed.

She stepped forward and said hesitantly, "I am."

"Oh, here is your bouquet, please sign for it." It was a flower delivery employee, who was still wearing work clothes with the name of the florist printed on it.

"For me?" Zhuang Nuanchen's mouth was wide open in astonishment, she hasn't received flowers for many years, who is so powerful and so "watching" her whereabouts?

After signing, colleagues all wondered who made such a big deal. Zhuang Nuanchen put the flowers aside and took the exquisite card in the center of the bouquet. There was no blessing on the card, only a name on the signature. The pen writing was vigorous and powerful, but Ying froze her eyes.

"Let me see who is the right one." Ai Nian snatched the card and said with a smile.

"Ai Nian, don't—" Zhuang Nuanchen got up subconsciously to grab it, but it was already too late, she saw Ai Nian staring at the name on the signature with obvious daze on his face...

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