Giants Dream II: Ukulele Contract

035 shareholders' rebound

035 Shareholders’ rebound (1) In Standard Dimension International, the four-hour shareholder video conference was serious and dull.

A large expanse of sunset was falling outside the window, dragging the last bit of its tail and gradually sinking into the sea of ​​clouds, the scattered peripheral light came in, lightly reflected on Jiang Moyuan's solemn side face, the sharpness in his eyes replaced the usual gentleness.In the conference room, he was sitting upright, and after reporting the performance figures for the first half of the year to all shareholders, the time had already reached seven o'clock in the evening.

Standard Dimensions started out with auto parts, initially as a small company.After several years of development, the company decided to start the management model of professional managers to expand the industrial chain. When Jiang Moyuan first took office, the old man in Biaowei was hesitant when he saw that he was young, but he began to make drastic changes not long after he took office. Using his expertise in fund-raising and financing, BD was able to go public independently in the fastest time possible.

The old people and the first batch of employees of Biaowei International all owned the original shares of the company, and shareholders with more than a certain amount of shares set up a general meeting of shareholders. They did not dispute his ability to work.

"Mo Yuan, we have also considered your proposal to position Standard Dimension as a strategic investment group. Of course, we have no objection if it can really bring benefits to shareholders and shareholders, but we still have concerns. From the day of listing, it is equivalent to jumping into the crocodile pool, if the group transforms, will it bring too many risks?" In the video, an old shareholder asked a question.

Jiang Moyuan leaned on the back of the chair, took a sip of coffee, put it down, and crossed his fingers casually to answer decisively, "IPO itself has risks. Without risks, how do you make money? Since you have entered the crocodile pool, you can only do the biggest one." If you are a crocodile, you have no choice. If Biaowei Industry wants to develop and expand favorable investment projects, it is equivalent to buying double insurance. Now Dema Group and Blu-ray have also been listed, especially Dema Group has made a lot of noise this year. There are two powerful competitors chasing us, we can only advance but not retreat. Ben agrees with this matter, and he must have clearly expressed his meaning to everyone."

Ben is the boss and the largest investor of Standard Dimensions International. He has both Chinese and British nationalities. He lived in China for a period of time. Even in his later years, he never forgot the Chinese style. This is why Jiang Moyuan could easily persuade him to develop the Chinese market.

The shareholders nodded. They naturally knew Jiang Moyuan's style of doing things. Ben was the boss, but he lacked the wolfishness of a businessman. Jiang Moyuan was different. Fast and ruthless, with keen insight into the investment market and decisive decision-making power, he is like a wolf, always plundering and occupying positions that are invisible to the other party, and never misses.

"Mo Yuan, I heard you mentioned Dema Group, and I remembered something." Another shareholder looked serious, "This morning, the planning department sent a group email, and you agreed that Dema Communications can obtain the bidding right? "

Jiang Moyuan smiled lightly after hearing the words, raised his hand and rubbed his chin, the new stubble felt very sexy, "Yes." It was just a simple word.

The other side of the video exploded, "It stands to reason that we shouldn't worry about you taking care of the group, but this time your approach is outrageous! Let's not talk about you, the chief executive, directly intervening in the planning department's procedures, just talk about the other party You should not agree with Dema Communications. You don’t know that Dema Communications is a subsidiary of Dema Group. You know that Dema Group has intersected and competed with us in the industrial chain since it went public. At this time, you choose What does it mean to cooperate with Party B of the rival company? This is just your personal behavior, and Ben doesn't know about it!"

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