034 Accident (1) Warm Healing Department: Have you ever tried to get on a certain bus on a certain day and drive somewhere aimlessly?I tried it, on a bright afternoon.There were not many people on the bus, and the bus slowly passed the path covered with golden ginkgo leaves, and the bright sunlight illuminated the pulse of the autumn leaves.In this way, the camera left scenes of city scenery, either leisurely or moving...

Try it, enjoy an unknown journey when you are still young, and don't let down the happiness bestowed by time.


When Xia Lu's accident happened, Zhuang Nuanchen had just finished the work of stacking the fast-moving consumer goods in the supermarket. When she returned to the company, she saw the colleagues in the activity department chattering in private. Spread out wisely, those who are busy with the plan are busy with the plan, and those who are busy talking on the phone talk on the phone.

Zhuang Nuanchen noticed that the atmosphere was a bit weird, but because she still had a plan to do, she didn't think about it. Just after turning on the computer, Ai Nian threw a pack of snacks to her, stretched out her hand and sat down beside the swivel chair.

"Xia Lu is suspended this time." She sighed.

The computer screen flickered for a moment, and the faint light reflected Zhuang Nuanchen's slightly dazed side face. "What's wrong with her?" Could it be that the colleague's strangeness just now has something to do with Xia Lu?

Ai Nian looked worried, "She offended the client, that Wan De, you know."

Zhuang Nuanchen nodded, Wande is a company specializing in sports equipment, the event planning has always been in charge of the third department, this project is not very big, just because we have cooperated with Dema for a year, if we renew the contract this year, it will actually be brand maintenance.

"The person in charge of Wande came to talk about contract renewal today, and Angel handed over this project to Xia Lu. The person in charge was fiddly when negotiating with Xia Lu. You also know Xia Lu's temper, and at the beginning he even tried to dissuade him. , Then he turned his back on him, threw the contract on the table, and said to the customer, get out, I won’t be you anymore! Of course, the person in charge of Wande couldn’t swallow this breath and went to Mr. Cheng to complain. It didn't take long before the whole company knew about it." Speaking of this, Ai Nian lowered his voice, "To tell the truth, Xia Lu is really trying to give us Party B a boost. We do things based on professional ability, don't think that doing public relations is just Laughing."

Zhuang Nuanchen can completely imagine Xia Lu's furious appearance. It is well known how difficult Wande is to serve. A plan has been repeatedly rejected. They are often criticized badly, or they often scold the media invited by the media department for being unprofessional, etc. Of course, such difficult clients are commonplace, but the most unbearable thing is the person in charge of Wande All the colleagues who have contacted or proposed to Wan De are disgusted with his hands-on behavior. Xia Lu has never contacted Wan De before, but he did not expect to ignite the fuse today.

"It's really Tai Sui these days." Zhuang Nuanchen was also worried and murmured softly.First she stepped on a landmine, and now it's Xia Lu's turn. I don't know if she really offended Tai Sui or Xia Lu was infected by her.

This weekend she lived in dire straits, and Jiang Moyuan's status as a "waiter" triggered an unprecedented war in her family!First, my aunt made phone calls and continued to bombard her, and then my cousin went all the way home and took her out of the bed, and negotiated with emotion and reason. When the parents called, the two elders burst into tears, asking her to say goodbye to the waiter and then try to get along with Cheng Shaoqian.

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