033 Yexia (4) "Hmm..." Zhuang Nuanchen's eyes widened instantly and she subconsciously recoiled. The man's unexpected move made her breathing even more difficult, and the alcohol also rushed up, making her dizzy and dizzy. not working. ┠26nbsp;┨

It's normal for her to be drunk after a few mouthfuls of Moutai, but Jiang Moyuan is sober and knows what he's doing. When he noticed the woman in his arms shrinking back, he reached out and grabbed the back of her head, locking her tightly in his arms. The rich fragrance between the woman's lips and teeth catalyzed his aggressive behavior, and he felt that the soft lips in his mouth were like warm jade, so smooth and greedy.

Jiang Moyuan's kiss went from a light taste at the beginning to a deeper and more domineering one, all the way entangled her startled little tongue, grabbing the juice in her mouth, the faint scent of wine revealed a hint of coolness, making him even more intoxicated.

When the man's kiss became more and more dangerous, Zhuang Nuanchen realized that instead of pushing him away, she was a little bit immersed in it. This discovery made her heart skip a beat, and she jumped for no reason. Feeling panicked, her drowsy brain seemed to clear up a bit. She pushed his chest open forcefully, her masculine lips trembling slightly, showing weakness, "Mr. Jiang, don't be like this..." She could hear her heartbeat pounding The sound of the eardrum made me uneasy every now and then.

He actually kissed her?

In the past year or so, they had been ambiguous, but they were limited to kissing foreheads and hugging hands. To put it bluntly, they were just acting in front of people.But there are only him and her tonight, how can he...

Jiang Moyuan didn't pull away to leave, still locked her in his arms, staring at her slightly trembling lips, his eyes slowly moved away, and met his eyes full of horror.She raised her hand again, clasped her small face with her big and generous hand, her slender fingers seemed to be enjoying the smoothness of her skin, and her movements looked very gentle.

Zhuang Nuanchen's body shrunk no longer, but she couldn't avoid the warmth of his hands, and quietly stretched out her hands to fumble for the car door.

There was a faint smile on his thin lips, and there was a half-smile at the end of his eyes. This smile was warm and elegant, and his deep and thick voice was like the sound of heaven, "Who is Gu Mo?" He heard it twice in one night.

Zhuang Nuanchen trembled a little when she heard this, and subconsciously turned her face away after staring at him for a long time, but he slightly tightened his grip on her, smiling, the elegant smile spread from his lips to the bottom of his eyes, tenderly With more obvious strength, she had to look at him.

Panic and bewilderment filled her eyes, her cherry lips trembled helplessly like clear wings, she looked into his black eyes, her heart felt cold, maybe...he was not as gentle as he appeared on the surface.

However, he doesn't have the right to dissect her heart openly!That name has long been deeply buried in her heart, and every time she faces it, it is a bloody pain!Zhuang Nuanchen gritted her teeth hard, and smiled at him——

"It's late, I... I'm going to rest!" After saying this, there was a "click" between her fingers, she quickly opened the car door, and jumped out of the car as if fleeing.

Before he could take two steps, there was the sound of the car door closing behind him, and then the man's low voice fell like a rock, "Stop."

Zhuang Nuanchen looked like a car whose brakes had been throttled in an emergency. She was stuck in place, looking back at the man who had got off the car like a hedgehog. After the cool wind blew, her mind became clearer. She came over and took a few steps back, breathing heavily.

Jiang Moyuan couldn't laugh or cry because of her vigilance, he stood there and looked at her gently, motioned for the things in his hand and tried to speak softly, "Do you want the bag?"

Zhuang Nuanchen opened her mouth, and quickly stepped forward to take the bag from the man's hand. Seeing that he didn't make things difficult for her, she took a deep breath and said cautiously, "Thank you." She turned around and wanted to leave.

Jiang Moyuan stretched out his hand to hold her, and said with a gentle smile, "I'll take you up."

"No, no need, Mr. Jiang, you...you should go back to rest earlier." Zhuang Nuanchen stammered, and broke free from his big hand and ran away quickly.

The autumn leaves fall lightly, slightly covering the woman's figure, and the night is full of dreams.

Jiang Moyuan stood where he was and didn't leave right away. Seeing her fleeing like a rabbit, his thin and cool lips could not help but touch a little, an indescribable warmth melted into his heart, flowing slowly, as if he wanted to melt the deepest part of his heart. Cold and warm...


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