The picture of the three people (1) The car, like a wild horse that has run free, is driving rapidly on the road.

Zhuang Nuanchen held onto the handrail firmly, watching him limping and overtaking one car after another was terrified, and couldn't help but say, "Gu Mo, drive slowly."

"Finally willing to call me by my name?" Gu Mo snorted coldly.

Seeing that he was not in a good mood, Zhuang Nuanchen didn't continue to speak, but only hoped that he could arrive at the hospital safely.

It was a little dull in the carriage.

Until, the ringtone of the mobile phone pierced the dull air.

Zhuang Nuanchen rummaged through her bag in a hurry, took out her mobile phone and saw that it was Jiang Moyuan calling, subconsciously glanced at Gu Mo, and for a moment didn't know whether to answer the call or not.

Just thinking about it, the car stopped with a "squeak".

Zhuang Nuanchen's whole body rushed forward according to the inertia, but Gu Mo pulled her over with one hand, and then snatched her mobile phone.

"Gu Mo—" She was startled, and immediately stepped forward to grab it.

Both wrists were suddenly bound by Gu Mo, unable to move.Holding her mobile phone in the other hand, after seeing the caller ID clearly, her face became more condensed and quickly froze.

He glanced at her, with obvious displeasure and anger in his long and narrow eyes.

"Gu Mo..." Her teeth chattered slightly, not knowing what he was going to do.

Gu Mo's jaw was tense, and under her horrified gaze, he suddenly pressed the answer button.

"No..." Zhuang Nuanchen murmured subconsciously, but she didn't know why.

Due to the close distance, she heard Jiang Moyuan's voice on the other end, which was as deep as velvet, "Nuan Nuan, why did it take me so long to answer the phone?"

Her face was extremely pale!

Including Gu Mo's!

Compared with her expression, Gu Mo's face was livid and almost murderous. He stared at her through gritted teeth, and spoke into the microphone word by word, his voice was as cold as an ice cube——

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for taking care of my girlfriend, but from today on, I will take good care of her and don't bother you!"

Zhuang Nuanchen stared at him, stunned.

But her ears were still open, she heard the other end of the microphone was silent for a while, and then, Jiang Moyuan spoke, but although the voice sounded deep and indifferent, it also cooled down a lot——

"Where is she?"

"Stay with me, she is my woman, she can only be with me!" After Gu Mobing said this coldly, he hung up the phone and turned off the phone.

Zhuang Nuanchen broke free from his restraints, and stared at him incredulously, "Are you crazy?" She and Jiang Moyuan were just friends, why did this Gu Mo say such nonsense to him?

"Distressed?" The sneer on Gu Mo's lips was even worse, he suddenly raised his hand to grab her chin, and shouted, "Zhuang Nuanchen, please remember, even if I am crazy, you will drive me crazy!"

"Let go, it hurts!" Tears were about to fall from her strong fingers.

Pain flashed across Gu Mo's eyes, he quickly let go of his hand, took a deep look at her and didn't speak again, stepped on the accelerator and drove the car away.

——————————— Gorgeous dividing line —————————————

In front of the hospital bed, Zhuang Nuanchen saw Gu's mother again, but unlike six years ago, Gu's mother is now skinny and skinny, with many tubes inserted into her body, all kinds of instruments cannot be named, and the ward is full of people. With the sound of "tick-tick" machine.

"Nuanchen, you're here..." She opened her eyes with difficulty, and when she saw Zhuang Nuanchen, the smile came from her heart.

Zhuang Nuanchen is a kind girl. Even if she knew the truth, she couldn't help but feel sad after seeing Gu's mother like this. She hurriedly sat down and held her hand, "Aunt Gu, why are you like this?"

How healthy Aunt Gu was six years ago.

Mother Gu's fingers were dry, but she still held her vigorously, and tried to force a smile, "It's uremia, which has caused nerve and bone complications. It may be retribution, let me live here every day, relying on expensive The equipment is still alive, and every hemodialysis is painful."

"Auntie, now that medicine is very advanced, you will be fine."

"Silly girl, you still can't comfort people just like before." Gu's mother smiled and said softly, "This disease can't be cured anymore. Living is not only a waste of money but also painful. Sometimes I think, why not give it to me?" One-shot euthanasia."

Zhuang Nuanchen held her hand tightly, her nose felt sour.

"I heard from Gu Mo that your father is also in this hospital." Gu's mother spoke slowly, weakly but seriously, "I really want to visit your parents and apologize to them sincerely. Back then, it was really embarrassing They're gone, and you, Nuan Chen, Auntie is very bad and despicable, using you to make Gu Mo give up..."

Tears flowed down Zhuang Nuanchen's eyes, and his throat was blocked. He listened to Gu's mother tell the story of the year, which was the same as what his father said, but when Gu's mother said it, she was the same as her. , burst into tears.

"I thought it was a good thing to let Gu Mo leave, but it's a pity that he hasn't been very happy in the past six years." Gu's mother looked at Zhuang Nuanchen with sad eyes, "As a mother, I see him smiling the happiest It was when he was with you when he was in college. I still remember that time I asked him to take you home for dinner. Gu Mo, a kid, is serious about everyone. I could see clearly that time at the dinner table. , He looks up at you after two mouthfuls of food, his eyes and brows are full of happiness, now that I think about it, I committed a crime at the beginning."


"I know that Gu Mo can't let you go, and I know that he will look for you as soon as he returns to Beijing." Mother Gu sighed, "The thing I am most proud of in my life is that I gave birth to a son named Gu Mo, and the thing I regret the most is destroying him with my own hands. I want Gu Mo to study abroad to receive the best education, but in the second year after we went abroad, your Uncle Gu died in an accident, and at the same time, I was also found to be sick The situation, just like this, Gu Mo has taken on all the burdens of the family until now. Nuan Chen, it’s not that he doesn’t want to look for you. He hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in the past six years. Just looking at your photos in his wallet is a whole night. , I know, he can't forget you."

Zhuang Nuanchen covered her mouth and was already sobbing.

She doesn't know, doesn't know anything.

"Nuan Chen, it's Auntie who is sorry for you, but Auntie is still very selfish to ask you for one thing. This is why I want Gu Mo to bring you here today." Mother Gu said while holding her hand.

"Auntie, tell me." She choked up.

Mother Gu's eyes became even colder, "Gu Mo doesn't know what happened back then, Nuan Chen, please, don't tell him the truth, at least don't let him know that it was his mother who ruined his happiness."

Tears were like broken beads, falling on the bed sheet one by one, Zhuang Nuanchen closed her eyes and nodded, how could she tell him?Even if she knew the truth, she never hated anyone, maybe some things are destined, and the past will always be a vicissitudes.

"So, can you be with Gu Mo?" Gu's mother looked at her, pleading, "He has always loved you and never changed. He came back to Beijing just for you."

"Auntie, he...he hates me..." She clenched her fists tightly, can she go back to the past?Can it all be done from scratch?She didn't know, but every time she thought of Gu Mo's eyes, she was afraid.

Gu's mother shook her head and smiled wryly, "Gu Moxian has never expressed his feelings since he was a child. He fell in love with you the first time he saw you in junior high school. Why is he willing to hate you? Even if he hates, it's because he loves you too much."

Zhuang Nuanchen looked at Gu's mother quietly, her heart was already overwhelmed, the pain was mixed with unknown excitement, and anxiety and helplessness, all mixed together, she didn't know what it was like... …

————————— Gorgeous dividing line——————————

Gu Mo has been guarding the door of the ward.

When Zhuang Nuanchen came out of the ward with red eyes, his eyes softened slightly, he wanted to step forward to hug her but held back, stood there motionless, looking at her quietly.

She raised her head, met his eyes, and quickly lowered her head again, clasping her hands subconsciously.She didn't go forward either, standing not far away, there was an aisle between the two of them, neither wide nor narrow, just enough to accommodate the two shadows.

After a long time, Zhuang Nuanchen couldn't help raising her head, but when she was about to speak, she was forced back by his cold eyes. Gu's mother's words echoed in her ears, but how could she have the courage?It's like chasing him actively in college, but now, I really don't have the courage to ask her to take the initiative anymore, and the words "let's be together" can't be blurted out.

"What did my mother tell you?" Gu Mo finally spoke.

Zhuang Nuanchen suppressed the throbbing in her heart, and said softly, "It's nothing, just catch up on the old days."

"Really?" Gu Mo stepped forward slowly, approached her, and finally stopped in front of her.

The familiar sunlight fell on her breath, and she subconsciously leaned back, closing her eyes and not knowing what to say.

Behind her was the wall, and in front of her was Gu Mo. The narrow space almost made her breathless. The next moment, Gu Mo lifted her chin, and his eyes met hers.

"Are you crying?" She frowned slightly.

Zhuang Nuanchen didn't shake his head, and it didn't matter if he didn't shake his head. He could only stare blankly at him, pursing his lips tightly.

Seeing that she didn't answer, he mistook her for disgust, so he frowned even deeper, let go, and his tone became colder, "Zhuang Nuanchen, how are you thinking?"

She was stunned.

"Biaowei's activities would not be possible without the new economy!" He sneered, his eyes darkened scary.

Zhuang Nuanchen's heart sank, "Gu Mo, why did you do this? I was the one who was sorry for you back then, but you can't take revenge on me because of work, right? Even if we're together, we won't be happy."

Gu Mo's deep pupils shrank, he raised his big hand to wrap around the back of her neck, and ordered her to look up at him, and just like that, the two of them stared at him for an instant.His breathing was a little short, and his eyes looked even more excited.

"You think I'm making this request to revenge you? Nuan Chen—" The previous sentence almost growled, but when her name was called, Gu Mo's tone suddenly became lighter, and his eyes showed helplessness The pain of words lowered Jun's face, "If I say I still love—"


In the corridor, a deep and powerful voice completely interrupted what Gu Mo was about to say, reverberated through the space, and got into Zhuang Nuanchen's ears.

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