Jiang Moyuan returned home, and was just about to change his shoes when he vaguely heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen. He was startled, put down his briefcase and rushed into the kitchen without saying a word.

It was the sound of frying spoons hitting the marble floor.

The instigator was Zhuang Nuanchen.

What Jiang Moyuan came in saw was this scene: Zhuang Nuanchen wearing an apron, holding a thick stack of papers in one hand, and stopped in mid-air with the other, staring at the frying spoon, standing motionless in the middle of the kitchen.

He was stunned, and after watching it for a long time, he realized, did she want to cook?

"Nuannuan, you..."

Only then did Zhuang Nuanchen come to her senses, quickly picked up the frying spoon, and smiled awkwardly at him, "That... actually slipped my hand just now."

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Moyuan glanced at the others, the chopping board was full of colorful ingredients, "Cooking?"

"Yeah, you can wait for a big meal tonight, don't worry, you'll be fine soon." Zhuang Nuanchen was full of confidence, and then looked at him and yelled, "Ah, why did you come in with your shoes on, hurry up Go change your shoes."

Jiang Moyuan felt an indescribable warmth in his heart, he pursed his thin lips slightly, and turned to go to the entrance to change his shoes.

In the kitchen, there was another sound of ping-pong-pong.

After Jiang Moyuan changed his shoes, he went upstairs and changed into casual clothes and came down. He stood at the door of the kitchen and watched her busy. After a long time, he couldn't help but ask, "Nuan Nuan, are you sure you know how to cook?"

Zhuang Nuanchen looked down at the menu, and glanced at him, "Of course, I cooked for myself when I was in Tongzhou." After speaking, she raised her head, looked at him and explained, "I, although I am more I don’t know the skills of a chef, but I still know how to cook ordinary home-cooked dishes. But what I cook tonight is not ordinary home-cooked dishes, they are all heavyweight hard dishes, the kind that combines Chinese and Western, I have never done it before, of course It's a little messy."

"Show me the menu." Jiang Moyuan stretched out his hand.

Zhuang Nuanchen handed it to him, and he took a glance at it, and couldn't help laughing, "The preparation of these dishes is very complicated, can you do it?"

"Of course, are you hungry? If you are hungry, eat something else to fill your stomach." Zhuang Nuanchen took the menu from his hand and asked softly.

Jiang Moyuan shook his head and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, what are you doing?" She was surprised and grabbed him.

"Help you, what if you blow up the kitchen?" Jiang Moyuan held back a smile and washed his hands.

"No, no, go out, I can't perform well when you are here." Zhuang Nuanchen hurriedly said, pushing him to the door, "Don't worry, I'm already familiar with the tools in the kitchen. There will be no problem. But then again, you are very particular about food, I have never seen many tools in the kitchen."

"Many of them are used to make western food, and the nanny will cook them occasionally." Jiang Moyuan explained.

"Oh." Zhuang Nuanchen took out the olive oil and looked back at him.

He leaned against the door frame, looking at her with a half-smile.

"Oh, you go out, it will smell of oily smoke for a while." She waved her hand at him.

Jiang Moyuan pursed his lips, "Can't I just watch the battle?"

"No." Zhuang Nuanchen started to adjust the oil according to the recipe as he said, and mixed the prepared ingredients one by one, making it look good, "I originally wanted to give you a surprise, no Thinking of you coming back so early today."

The smile on Jiang Moyuan's lips widened, watching her back and forth, he had never seen her wearing an apron, and today was the first time.She simply tied her long hair into a ponytail and wore beige home clothes. The cartoon pattern on the home clothes was covered by the apron. It seemed that the apron was also newly bought, and it was her favorite light-colored plaid pattern. She was clean like this Refreshing, the appearance of lowering the head and preparing the seasoning is very serious.

He didn't leave right away, and stood there looking at her for a moment.

When my heart was swept by the warm tide, I couldn't help but step forward lightly and hug her gently from behind.

"I smell like oil, let go." Zhuang Nuanchen turned her head and said eagerly.

"I don't dislike it." Jiang Moyuan smiled lowly, his handsome nose lightly touched her hair, and said sincerely, "Thank you."

He had never felt this way before. When he came home from work, his wife was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. There was light yellow light in the room. This light was like this feeling in his heart, warm and satisfying.Ever since he became sensible in Switzerland, what he saw was the busy private chef at home. His parents were so busy that sometimes they didn’t even have time to go home for a meal; when he was studying abroad , Everything in life is taken care of by himself. After a long time, he has long been accustomed to this kind of life style of doing things by himself.

But today, Zhuang Nuanchen silently gave him a warm feeling, he understood that with her, this is home.Seeing Zhuang Nuanchen like this, he really realized how amazing his wife is. He gave her a house, and she could give him a home.

Burying his head deeply beside her ear, he sighed with satisfaction.

Zhuang Nuanchen's heart was throbbing faintly, the warm breath from the man's sigh made her ears itch, she couldn't help shrinking her head and smiling, "Thank you? Why don't you go out? I can't cook while you are here. "

"Let me do it." Although Jiang Moyuan was moved, he remained rational. He was really afraid that she would cut off her hand after being careful.

"Silly girl, I'm afraid you want to hurt yourself." Jiang Moyuan looked down at her and smiled.

"As long as you don't stare at me here, I will be nervous." Zhuang Nuanchen said and pushed him out of the kitchen.

Laughter spread across his eyes.


This state of life is what most families will have.

The husband comes home after a tiring day, takes a shower, sits comfortably on the sofa and reads the evening paper or news on TV, while the wife is busy in the kitchen, with the faint smell of food floating in the air, and the children sit on the carpet Playing with toys.

Thinking of this, Jiang Moyuan put down the newspaper in his hand, and looked at the place next to the sofa thoughtfully. If there are some children, it would be great to let them play there. Nuan Chen likes fireplaces, and he will open a fireplace in the living room. The figures of the children should be such a pleasant scene.

Thinking of this, the smile on the corner of his lips widened even wider.

An hour later, dinner was finally ready.

The restaurant has also been decorated to be full of New Year's atmosphere, bright red and joyful.

The dishes served one by one naturally looked festive. All kinds of unnamed dishes looked very attractive and smelled good.Zhuang Nuanchen took off her apron and sat across the dining table, introducing the names of various dishes to Jiang Moyuan.

Jiang Moyuan listened very seriously, and nodded while smiling.

When he really moved his chopsticks, he also ate happily.

Zhuang Nuanchen didn't eat all the time, and after seeing him taste one by one, he hurriedly asked, "How is it? How does it taste?"

Jiang Moyuan smiled softly, "Very good."

"Really?" Zhuang Nuanchen was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth, she took the chopsticks and said triumphantly, "I just said that these dishes are not difficult for me at all, I think it didn't take much effort when I learned how to cook home-cooked dishes .”

Jiang Moyuan was also in a good mood, and nodded, "Well, my wife has always been smarter than ordinary people."

Zhuang Nuanchen was praised almost to the sky, took a mouthful of vegetables and stuffed them into his mouth, after chewing a few mouthfuls, his smile stagnated.

"Oh my God..." She hurriedly tasted a few other dishes, and after a few mouthfuls she was about to cry, "Why is it so bland?"

Jiang Moyuan smiled without saying a word.

Zhuang Nuanchen put down the chopsticks, ran to the kitchen "deng deng deng", and returned to the restaurant with a sad face for a long time, "It's over, I forgot to put the salt." As he said, he stretched out his hand to take it back and redo it.

"It's good, eating less salt is also good for your body." Jiang Moyuan smiled and held her back, "It's authentic."

Zhuang Nuanchen stared at him, "It's delicious even though it's not tasty."

"I tasted very good." Jiang Moyuan smiled softly.

Zhuang Nuanchen pursed her lips and sighed heavily.


At around nine o'clock, Zhuang Nuanchen took a shower and was just about to watch one or two episodes of a TV series, when she heard a sound downstairs, she hurried downstairs.

Jiang Moyuan just came out of the kitchen with a bowl of noodles in his hand, and frowned when he saw her coming down, "Why aren't you wearing slippers?"

"What are you doing?" She followed to the sofa and asked curiously.

"It's just right, eat the noodles." Jiang Moyuan put the noodles on the coffee table, took a pair of slippers and put them beside her, "You don't eat much tonight, how can you sleep soundly when you're hungry?"

Zhuang Nuanchen looked at the udon noodles in the bowl, tears almost came down, and said awkwardly, "You are almost becoming a roundworm in my stomach." She was indeed hungry, and wanted to find something to eat in the kitchen.

The dishes she cooked were eaten by Jiang Moyuan, which made her feel guilty.

"Let's eat." Jiang Moyuan smiled and sat beside her.

Smelling the smell, Zhuang Nuanchen came forward, picked it up, took a mouthful, stared wide-eyed, took another sip of the soup, turned to look at Jiang Moyuan, "It tastes really good."

"Eat more if you like it." Jiang Moyuan took a newspaper and smiled.

Zhuang Nuanchen buried her head in the bowl, ate it all up in a short while, and then lay down on the sofa and sighed, "How can you make udon noodles so delicious?"

"Want to know?" Jiang Moyuan roughly finished browsing the news on the evening paper, and after putting it down, he looked at her with slightly raised eyebrows.

"Well, otherwise it would be too much of a blow to my female dignity." It took her most of the day to prepare a table of dishes, but she was defeated by his simple bowl of udon noodles, and she felt sad thinking about it.

The smile on Jiang Moyuan's lips grew wider, "No problem, I can teach you, but..."

"But what?"

He leaned closer to her, with a sexy arc on his thin lips, "Please comfort me first."

Zhuang Nuanchen was taken aback.

Before he could react, Jiang Moyuan picked her up and walked upstairs to the bedroom.

"Hey, why are you like this? I'm tired today, okay? Why do I want to comfort you instead?" Zhuang Nuanchen saw desire in his eyes and protested in his arms.

Jiang Moyuan laughed heartily, "Then let me comfort you instead, it's the same."

"Jiang Moyuan..."

The voice of the woman protesting finally disappeared in the bedroom.

After a while, the bedroom was full of beautiful scenery.

The panting of the man and the panting of the woman are intertwined, rippling on this winter night...

—————————— Gorgeous dividing line———————————

When the door of the hotel room opened, the man was only wearing a bath towel.

Xia Lu walked in with a calm expression.

The man pulled her into the bedroom, sat on the bed, and patted her buttocks with his big hand, "Little fairy, have you missed me during this time?"

Xia Lu didn't dodge, but he didn't speak either.

"I brought you a present when I came to Beijing this time." The man handed her a gift box and said with a smile, "See if you like it."

Xia Lu took the gift box, but put it aside without even looking at it.

The man snorted softly after seeing this, "It's a priceless gift inside, I got it back from the auction, why don't you even look at it?"

"I don't want it." Xia Lu finally spoke, and said something lightly.

The man was taken aback for a long time before he smiled again, "What's the matter with you? All right, if you don't like it, I'll change it for you. Go take a shower. I can stay in Beijing for a week, so I can spend this week with you. accompany me."

Xia Lu didn't move.

"What's wrong?" The man frowned at her.

Xia Lu lowered his eyes and pondered for a while, then took out something from his bag and put it in front of him, "These are for you."

When the man saw that it was a check, he was even more puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"The money in this check includes the car, designer bags, shoes and clothes you bought for me. I have sold them all, and now I will return them all to you." Xia Lu's tone was very cold, "As for you For the ones that I spent on my body, I think I have almost recovered in bed during this time."

"Xia Lu, are you going to part ways with me?" The man smiled disapprovingly, took out a cigar, lit it, sat on the sofa and looked at her.

"Yes, I've had enough of this kind of life." Xia Lu remained expressionless.

The man sneered, "You're brave enough, do you know that I'm the only one who dumps a woman, and no woman has ever dared to dump me."

"I know." She replied mechanically.

The man squinted his eyes, blew out a smoke ring, and asked for a long time, "Who is he?"

Xia Lu was taken aback, "What?"

"Who is the man who is taking care of you now?" He suddenly raised his voice, with obvious displeasure on his face.

Xia Lu also frowned, "You misunderstood, I just want to live alone now, no man, no one to take care of me."

The man smiled coldly after hearing this, "Why, are you pretending to be noble now? Xia Lu, let me tell you, even if you have separated from me now, you are still my mistress! Do you think I can trust your words? Tell me obediently who he is , otherwise I will find out and make him feel better!"

"Whatever you want, if you think so, you can regain your self-esteem. I came to see you and I just want to make a clean break with you besides paying you back." Xia Lu took a deep breath and looked at him, "I've had enough of this Days, I am not the only woman by your side, so it’s okay to lose me.”

The man stood up and walked in front of her, "That's right, there are my women all over the world, and anyone I call can come to accompany me. But Xia Lu, do you know what I like about you?" He lifted Hands, big hands fell on her neck.

Xia Lu clenched his fists and said nothing.

"I just like the way you always don't answer, and I also like the way you play wild on the bed. I haven't played with you enough, do you think I will let you go?" After the man finished speaking, he closed his big hand hard .

The woman's slender neck was tightly locked.

He is getting harder and harder.

Xia Lu didn't even move, her face was flushed red, and the force on her neck was so strong that she couldn't breathe, but she still didn't make any struggle, and closed her eyes tightly.

The hostility in the man's eyes became more and more serious.

When she was about to suffocate, he let go suddenly and threw her onto the bed.

Xia Lu was lying on the bed panting heavily, and every time he took a breath, his trachea felt like it would burst.

"I understand, you just want to tear down the bridge after crossing the river." The man stood beside the bed with a colder smile, "Why, have all your father's gambling debts been paid off?"

Xia Lu slowly got up from the bed, gritted his teeth and looked at him, and said heartlessly, "Yes, so I don't want to live by being your mistress anymore." The reason why she agreed at the beginning was all because she wanted to pay off for her father. Gambling debts, her father didn't have any serious work in his life. When he was old, he learned to gamble. In the end, he owed a butt of debts and borrowed usury. It was a vicious circle, and the gambling debts became more and more.

The man looked at her with disdain, "Jianren, do you think you are still a girl from a good family? I have slept with you so many times, and now you want to get rid of it?"

"You and I have always just dealt." Her tone turned cold.

"Okay, you want to leave me, okay, I want to see if you have the determination." The man smoked a cigar and handed it to her, "Come on, prove to me how brave you are to walk out of this hotel gate .”

Xia Lu looked down at the cigar, which was as thick as a man's finger. The red cigarette butt looked like a beast with its mouth open, and his breathing was slightly rapid. He looked up at the man's disdainful face, gritted his teeth, and snatched the cigar without saying a word. Raise your hand and press it on your shoulder!

The cigarette butt hits the skin directly, which is the sound of the muscle being burned.

Xia Lu was so painful that he was sweating, he didn't even scream, he bit his lip, his shoulder was bleeding, and his lip was bleeding from her biting...

The man was stunned, he stood still and forgot to move.

It wasn't until the cigarette butt was extinguished by blood that Xia Lu threw the cigar in front of him. The sweat on his forehead flowed down to his cheeks, and the tears kept rolling in his eyes, but he couldn't let them fall.

"Now, can I go?" The voice was weak, but the eyes were extremely firm, red like blood.

The man swallowed, and stared at her with wide eyes.

"I owe you nothing. From now on, you will be you and I will be me. Neither of us will know each other." Xia Lu clutched his arms, and there was still the smell of burnt meat floating in the air, faintly, like A dirge.

Determination, sometimes terrifying, can make the pain forgetful.

The man looked at her for a long time before he said, "Crazy... What a lunatic."

Xia Lu finally smiled, without saying anything, picked up his bag, turned around and walked out of the hotel.

The man clenched his fists angrily.He has never been played by a woman like this in his life, damn it!

The ashtray slammed on the wall, and the ash fell with a "bang", scattered all over the carpet.

The man's eyes are as terrifying as a tiger.

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