Looking up at a text message, Cheng Shaoqian on the opposite side didn't seem to be paying attention, so he pressed the call to cut off the call calmly, and quickly sent a text message: It's not convenient to answer the phone now.

Putting the phone in his pocket, Zhuang Nuanchen took a sip of the red wine from the wine glass, cleared his throat but didn't know what to say.Cheng Shaoqian seemed to be amused by her embarrassment, and said leisurely, "It seems that your friend is more nervous than you."

Zhuang Nuanchen subconsciously turned her head back. Not far away, Ai Nian was drinking tea on the surface, but in fact, her eyes stared at this side from time to time like a radar scan. She couldn't help but smiled and shrugged her shoulders, "Ai Nian is the biggest My wish is to marry a good family."

Cheng Shaoqian raised his eyebrows, maybe he didn't expect her to say that, and the smile lines widened, "Then you have to actively cooperate, you can ask me about my situation."

His straightforward words made her at a loss, her red lips parted slightly, and just as she was about to speak, the phone in her pocket vibrated twice again.

"I'm sorry." After an embarrassing smile, she took out her mobile phone and saw a text message: At eight o'clock tomorrow night, in the banquet hall of Pangu Grand View Hotel, a colorful dress is enough.

Zhuang Nuanchen paused, thinking that tomorrow is the weekend, took a deep breath, and quickly replied with one word: OK.After putting the phone away, she bit her lip and focused on the blind date again.

After eating this meal for nearly two hours, Cheng Shaoqian was mostly talking, Zhuang Nuanchen was listening, and occasionally expressed a little opinion. After dinner, Cheng Shaoqian insisted on sending her home.

She originally wanted to decline, and wanted to use Ai Nian as a shield, but when Ai Nian heard Cheng Shaoqian's offer to send her home, she was as happy as winning a lottery, and ran away in no time, making Zhuang Nuanchen dumbfounded.

The night covered the whole city. It was past ten o'clock, and the air was still filled with residual heat. From the North Third Ring Road, passing the Jingtong Expressway, the car slid along the side road into a residential area. Different from the nightlife in the urban area, the residential area was extremely quiet. Yes, occasionally people who come back at night pass by, and there are cicadas sitting on the surrounding poplar trees, and they are still screaming non-stop in the middle of the night.

Cheng Shaoqian turned off the ignition, looked around the neighborhood through the car window, and looked at Zhuang Nuanchen who was sitting in the passenger seat, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, "You live here?"

Zhuang Nuanchen nodded.

"This is outside the Fifth Ring Road, far away from where you go to work." The well-known Dema Group is located near the International Trade Center, occupying a prime location in the CBD, and living here means that she has to get up very early to go to work every day .

Zhuang Nuanchen naturally saw the doubt in his eyes, and smiled softly, "That's right, so thank you for sending me back today, at least it can save me the time of rushing to the subway." His doubts are justified, She has a rich aunt, and her cousin is in the hotel business. Everyone thinks that she should live a better life, but the cousin is the cousin, she is her, and no one likes to recognize poor relatives.

Seeing her open the car door, Cheng Shaoqian couldn't help reaching out to grab her.Zhuang Nuanchen looked back in doubt, he smiled lightly, "What's your phone number?"

She was slightly taken aback, then smiled, "I know what kind of person my cousin is, Mr. Cheng, in fact, both of us know in our hearts that we are not from the same place, let's forget about the phone call."

"I think you're quite cute." Cheng Shaoqian didn't look angry at all.

Zhuang Nuanchen couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, "How do you know I'm cute?"

Cheng Shaoqian let go and looked at her black eyes filled with a smile, "I'd rather make my face look like a ghostly talisman to avoid a blind date, isn't such a girl cute?"

Hearing this, she bit her lip subconsciously, with an embarrassed expression, "That...goodbye." After finishing speaking, she fled as if getting off the car, thinking how clever her methods were, but it turned out that someone had already seen through her.

"Miss Zhuang—" The window of the car fell, the moonlight flowed, and the soft light fell on the man's handsome cheeks.

Zhuang Nuanchen stopped in her tracks and looked at him.

Cheng Shaoqian didn't bother to ask for her phone number anymore, but a trace of obvious doubt slipped through his black eyes, and he seemed to be thinking about how to say the next thing.Zhuang Nuanchen stood there and waited for a long time but did not see him speak, so he could only ask, "Mr. Cheng, is there anything else?"

"Your cousin's hotel..." He frowned, and after thinking about it for a few more seconds, he said slowly, "Let your cousin pay attention recently."

"What?" She didn't understand his words.

Cheng Shaoqian frowned deeper, looked at her meaningfully and said, "Someone may intend to buy his hotel."

His words were very solemn, not as if he was joking, but Zhuang Nuanchen's heart felt cold for no reason, and he froze on the spot for a long time, unable to recover...

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