045 Resignation The day shop on the horizon sprinkles the sea surface, the translucent seawater refracts the dazzling light layer by layer, the ripples rippling like fish scales, and a few wisps of water swaying through the intimacy of men and women, piercing through the bridge of the man's straight nose After that, it was lightly reflected on the woman's dense eyelashes.

Zhuang Nuanchen's struggles were completely lost in the man's overly aggressive behavior. She was panting, but she could only rely on his breathing. Her lungs were full of men's good-smelling breath, faintly as if penetrating through the blood, filling the air. Touching her internal organs.

She had to admit again that Jiang Moyuan's kissing skills are very good. After being strong, he will be lingering and attached. His domineering tongue grabs her tongue, and sucks and bites her lips from time to time, causing a slight tingling pain in the numbness. Sensation, the man's menacing aura brought strong stimulation, her struggling hands subconsciously relaxed, and slid down to her side, her brain was groggy, and her body was a little limp.

But Jiang Moyuan hugged her, his arms filled with the strongest strength, melting her whole body into his majestic chest, melting continuously, Zhuang Nuanchen even felt that she was gradually getting smaller... smaller and smaller... …

On such a beach, under the warm autumn sun, she is almost nestled in Jiang Moyuan's arms, allowing him to pluck her lips over and over again, allowing him to fill her body with his own. breath.

As the sun rises and shifts, the sea becomes clearer.

The slender figure of the man wraps around the helpless and delicate figure of the woman, both of which fall on the delicate white sand, the man's strong arms clasp the woman tightly, the woman wears a man's coat, and bears the man's passionate kiss on her back. It is so beautiful, so beautiful that the wind on the sea is still, and it seems that I am also emotionally admiring this picture like a frozen cartoon.

After a long time, Jiang Moyuan let her go, the black eyes staring at her were too deep, like the color of sunny desire, reminiscent of the sea in the middle of the night, and his firm chest heaved slightly.Zhuang Nuanchen supported his chest, her slender waist still couldn't break free from the shackles of his arms, she lowered her face and dared not look at him, her black eyebrows were stained with doubt, but the red glow spread all the way to her neck.

Jiang Moyuan stretched out his hand to pinch her slender chin, looked at her with a faint smile on his thin lips, and said softly, "Are you scared by me?"

She managed to suppress her palpitations and shortness of breath, but she still lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Compared with nervousness and fear, Zhuang Nuanchen was more puzzled, she didn't know why the two of them had developed to this point, and she didn't know what he wanted in this behavior?


Impossible, he was born so excellent, how could he fall in love with an ordinary person like her...

Jiang Moyuan saw that she hadn't spoken and didn't force it. He stretched out his hand and took her head to lean against his chest, breathing quietly, which belonged to her.

The waves patted gently, soaking Zhuang Nuanchen's ankles, but she could no longer feel the coldness of the sea water, on the contrary, the heat from her body was slightly relieved, because in his arms, she was like being in a stove...

—————————— I am the gorgeous dividing line——————————

Zhuang Nuanchen spent the few days after the forced kiss incident in a daze.Sometimes when she was working on a case, the scene at the seaside popped up in her mind, Jiang Moyuan, which made her realize that all successful men are strong, but his strength seems to be far better than others.

For more than a year, Jiang Moyuan in her eyes was polite and polite to everyone, with a gentle and calm personality. His calmness made her always believe that he was harmless, gentle, and considerate. His strangeness has even exceeded imagination.

If the first kiss was involuntary, the second was intentional, and thinking about it now still upsets her.

In addition to Jiang Moyuan's affairs, Zhuang Nuanchen has to be tortured by her parents all the time. Her respected parents are afraid that she will keep arguing with the waiter and make trouble, so they call almost every other day, wishing to force her to go on a blind date immediately, but Fortunately, my aunt didn't worry about her anymore. After asking her parents, I found out that the business of my cousin's hotel is not good these days. It seems that the business is in trouble. It seems that I am looking for investment everywhere. If I want to come, my aunt will also start to worry about the eldest son. , so I have no time to talk to her.

That's good, at least Zhuang Nuanchen is clean, but I plan to visit my cousin after I've been busy for a while, if she can help, I'll try my best to help, after all, she is a relative, although she doesn't have much ability .

In the past few days, Sister Mei issued a compulsion order, and the bidding is about to begin. All departments are basically working overtime to cooperate with each other. The conferences and seminars have never been interrupted. Zhuang Nuanchen and Gao Ying are also working hard. The bidding plan has been revised many times, but with Jiang Moyuan's reminder, she has a certainty in her mind. Of course, the emotional appeal he mentioned is just a direction. Emotional penetration from the outside in.

Of course, she has also communicated with Jiang Moyuan in private these days, but it was all for work, and she kept silent about what happened at the beach that day. First, she thought it was just a kiss that didn’t need to be so pretentious, and second, it was getting closer and closer. In the days of bidding, every minute of her was like a battle. The competition came not only from Aussie PR, but also from the second and third parts of the event, especially Angel's team. Unfortunately, Angel is best at assault operations, and she has a good relationship with the company's brand department and media department. Their department's plans are often unconventional. During the last bidding, Sister Mei suffered a big loss from her.

In the afternoon, colleagues who had eaten returned to their workstations in twos and threes. Zhuang Nuanchen realized that it was already 01:30 p.m. after finishing the explanation of the plan. After taking out a bag of potato chips, he sat down, stretched his waist, and took a sip of coffee lazily.

Just as the bag of potato chips was opened, Ai Nian walked in, and frowned upon seeing this, "You didn't eat at noon?"

Zhuang Nuanchen took a bite of potato chips, "I don't have time to eat them, I'm bidding tomorrow, and Sister Mei's knife is on her neck." Sighed, "Fortunately, the company has a conscience, and usually prepares chips for employees. I ordered so many snacks, otherwise it would be too troublesome to order food."

"I'm going to be bothered to death by you, have you received Xia Lu's text message?" Ai Nian sat down.

"Is Xia Lu not in the company? Are you free to send some text messages? My mobile phone has been in my bag and I have no time to look at it." Zhuang Nuanchen felt strange.

Ai Nian shook his head helplessly, "Xia Lu came to the company in the morning, handed in his resignation and left."

"What? Xia Lu resigned?" Zhuang Nuanchen's eyes widened. How could it be possible?She loves the job. "Is the company's punishment decided?"

"Xia Lu resigned on his own initiative, I didn't hear that it was the company's decision." Ai Nian sighed, "However, there are rumors among colleagues that Xia Lu lost an order, and the three departments will collectively deduct a lot of bonuses. "

"Then she can't resign, so what's the matter if she just resigned?" Zhuang Nuanchen became anxious when she heard this, "Where is she? She went home?"

"I don't know, don't go looking for her now, it's not too late to ask her after seeing her in the evening, she invited us to Tanghui."

"Still thinking about going to Tang Hui?"

"Don't get too excited. Xia Lu just submitted his resignation letter. Whether Mr. Cheng can approve it is another matter. Even if it is approved, Xia Lu will not leave until the end of the month." Ai Nian reminded her softly.

Only then did Zhuang Nuanchen realize, "Did the resignation letter be sent to President Cheng's office?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Ai Nian looked at her strangely.

Zhuang Nuanchen didn't speak any more, and ran out of the coffee room in a hurry.

"Hey, Nuan Chen—"


When Cheng Shaoqian put down the phone, Zhuang Nuanchen barged in, he was taken aback, and smiled when he saw it was her, "What's the matter?" He wasn't angry that she came in without knocking.

"I'm sorry." She was so impatient that she forgot to knock on the door.

"Sit down." Cheng Shaoqian pointed to the sofa.

How could Zhuang Nuanchen have the heart to sit down and chat slowly?Walking up to Cheng Shaoqian, he worked up his courage and asked, "Xia Lu submitted his resignation on impulse, Mr. Cheng, please don't approve it."

After hearing this, Cheng Shaoqian raised his eyebrows slightly, took an envelope from the side of the desk, and raised it, "You mean this?"

She glanced at it, a letter of resignation.

"This is Xia Lu's decision. Did you come to me to intercede for her or did she repent?" Cheng Shaoqian put the resignation letter aside and looked at her calmly.

"I believe this is Xia Lu's impulse, Mr. Cheng, you don't know how much Xia Lu likes this job."

Cheng Shaoqian smiled, "Nuan Chen, you have to be clear, Xia Lu offered to resign on his own initiative, it's not the company's decision."

Zhuang Nuanchen bit her lips and looked at him, "I heard that the company decided to deduct the bonus of the third department. How is it different from voluntarily dismissing her?" Let's talk about the leaders of the department.

Sure enough, Cheng Shaoqian narrowed his eyes slightly, "You are quite well informed."

Zhuang Nuanchen noticed that the atmosphere was different, lowered her eyes, and said in a low voice, "In short, I think the company's way of handling this is inappropriate. If Xia Lu leaves for this kind of thing, how can he still work in the same industry? This circle It’s not a big deal if it’s small or not, once there is a negative impact, it will cast a shadow on her future career.”

The afternoon sun fell on the face of the man opposite. He looked majestic but harmless.After a long time, the man suddenly smiled, got up and walked in front of her, looking at her with great interest.

Zhuang Nuanchen was inexplicably looked at by him, subconsciously took a step back, but his big hand landed on her shoulder very forcefully, his tone suppressed a trace of helplessness as much as possible, "Zhuang Nuanchen, haven't you ever thought that Xia Lu is gone?" It's also a good thing that you have one less competitor."

"I haven't thought about it." She met his eyes and expressed her thoughts clearly, "I just want to achieve my ideals with my best friend. Mr. Cheng, maybe in your opinion, competition produces benefits, and the rules of the mall game are So, but I think friendship is the most valuable.”

★★★It's on the shelves, happy and unhappy children's papers should read the article, and happy and unhappy children's papers should also read the article.The [-]-character base is on the shelves today, and we will continue to add updates to see your support. The more enthusiastic you are, the faster I can code words. All rewards for monthly tickets will be accepted. Girls who like Jiangye Silver people, where is your passion?Master Jiang is here!

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