Giants Dream II: Ukulele Contract

046 The Bitter Taste of Youth

046 The Bitter Taste of Youth Cheng Shaoqian did not immediately refute her words after hearing her words, but just looked at her quietly, slowly, her beautiful eyes gathered obvious appreciation, her answer somewhat surprised him, in this materialistic world In such a society, it is not easy to see such true temperament.

"Nuan Chen, I want to tell you a fact, a fact that you have to accept even if you don't agree with it." After a long time, he said, his tone was tolerant, even a little earnest, "When there is no conflict of interest, all friendships are great , once the interests are involved, how long can the friendship last?"

Zhuang Nuanchen looked up at him, "There are exceptions to everything. I, Ai Nian, and Xia Lu are college classmates. We spent the four years together. We went to work outside the school together, and spent the most precious four years of youth together." They accompany me when I am happy, and they will never leave when I am in pain. When I graduated from university, Xia Lu found a job first, and the school did not let us continue to live. Ai Nian and I all squeezed into Xia Lu’s rental She didn’t even complain, and said with a smile that if Ai Nian and I couldn’t find a job for the rest of our lives, she would support us for the rest of our lives. The three of us experienced each other’s happiness and happiness. Pain, we have never been separated even when we cried or laughed, this is our friendship, no matter how others change, I believe the three of us will not change."

Cheng Shaoqian looked at the firmness in her eyes, and kept looking at him, so close to looking into her heart, and she also stared at him, motionless, like a new force fighting against the old traditional ideas.

"Okay, I take back what I just said, and I hope your friendship will last forever." He smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

"Then Xia Lu's resignation letter..." She is such a stunned young man, did she just educate the leader like this?

"This is her decision, and the company will respect her decision. Of course, if she comes back voluntarily, I will give more consideration." Cheng Shaoqian looked at her with a businesslike look and added, "But Nuan Chen, your tirade today is not in vain."

"I'm sorry, I know I was too reckless." She added an apology. The leader likes to see his subordinates subdued, so he can think about it, which shows that Xia Lu still has hope to stay in Dema.

Cheng Shaoqian seemed to see her little trick, and pursed his lips, "If you don't get Biaowei's cooperation tomorrow, it's not too late to say sorry to me."

"I will definitely get it!" Zhuang Nuanchen became stubborn.

"Okay." Cheng Shaoqian smiled.

Only now did she realize that she had been fooled, and he actually provoked her, bit her lip, "Mr. Cheng, then I'm going out."

Cheng Shaoqian nodded.

Zhuang Nuanchen turned around and was about to open the door when Cheng Shaoqian suddenly said behind him, "Nuanchen..."

She turned back and looked at him.

Cheng Shaoqian looked at her with a strange look in his eyes, and after a pause of two seconds, a smile appeared on his lips, "I admire you very much." Is it just appreciation?Only he himself understood that she was really special when he saw her for the first time.

Zhuang Nuanchen didn't expect him to say that, he was taken aback for a moment and then smiled, "Thank you."

"Go to work, tomorrow, come on." Cheng Shaoqian said softly.

Zhuang Nuanchen nodded vigorously, smiling like a flower.

—————————— I am the gorgeous dividing line——————————

At 03:30 in the afternoon, Zhuang Nuanchen received the notice of the meeting and was about to enter the meeting room with her notebook in her hand when she happened to bump into an angel. After seeing Zhuang Nuanchen, she hurried forward to stop her, and asked in a low voice, "You Are you looking for Mr. Cheng?"

Zhuang Nuanchen was taken aback, this company really has no secrets, so she could only nod her head.

"What does Mr. Cheng mean?" Angel asked quickly.

"Uh... this." Zhuang Nuanchen was hesitating whether to tell the truth, when Sister Mei happened to come over for a meeting, seeing her frowned at being pulled by Angel, she said harshly, "Zhuang Nuanchen, Did you not receive the meeting notice?"

Zhuang Nuanchen quickly ran into the meeting room, but she was more or less grateful for Sister Mei's appearance, otherwise she really wouldn't know how to answer angel.

The content of the meeting was nothing more than tomorrow's bidding. Sister Mei went through the bidding proposals made by Zhuang Nuanchen and Gao Ying over and over again, and then improved the proposals through group discussions, carefully digging into the content of each page, and there was no room for error.

After nearly three hours of the meeting, after everything was arranged properly, Sister Mei looked at Zhuang Nuanchen, "You will be the speaker when the proposal is made tomorrow, and Gao Ying will cooperate."

Zhuang Nuanchen was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at Qi Yuanyuan. Generally speaking, Qi Yuanyuan was responsible for the proposal work. She is a senior account manager and she has full experience in communicating with customers.

"Sister Mei, this arrangement is unreasonable." Qi Yuanyuan couldn't hold back, she frowned and said, "Zhuang Nuanchen doesn't have much experience in communicating with customers, what if something goes wrong tomorrow? There are not only two people who go to bid Department and Department Three, as well as people from Aussie’s PR, I heard that Oss’s director personally proposed, how could Zhuang Nuanchen be able to compare?”

Others also started talking.

After hearing this, Gao Ying rolled her eyes, and immediately objected, "I disagree with Yuanyuan's point of view. Nuan Chen has a strong affinity and logical thinking. In addition, she personally watched every page of the plan. She is The person with the most qualifications to propose, besides, if it wasn't for Nuan Chen, Dema wouldn't even get the right to bid." After finishing speaking, he tugged at the corner of Zhuang Nuanchen's clothes privately, signaling her to speak up and fight for the opportunity.

Zhuang Nuanchen didn't reply, she narrowed her eyes and frowns.

Why didn't she understand Gao Ying's intentions?As the keynote speaker, Qi Yuanyuan didn't have the slightest chance for Gao Ying to perform. In order to stand out, Gao Ying had to speak to her.

Sister Mei lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and exhaled, ignoring other people's opinions, her phoenix eyes fell on Zhuang Nuanchen, "Nuanchen, tell me whether it is okay or not."

Clean and tidy, it has always been Sister Mei's style.

The meeting room was eerily quiet, and everyone was looking at her with all kinds of eyes.

Qi Yuanyuan is jealous.

Gao Ying looked forward to it.

She raised her head and stared at Sister Mei quietly, "Okay."

"Okay, everyone go back today and have a good rest, and the meeting is over." Sister Mei didn't seem to worry that she would refuse, she announced directly, and then added, "Nuan Chen, you stay here."

Everyone leaves the conference room.

"Sister Mei." She closed the notebook and waited for Sister Mei's instructions.

Sister Mei pinched her cigarette, but said lightly, "It's not your turn to worry about Xia Lu's affairs."

She was stunned.

"After you make such a fuss, someone will naturally protect her." Sister Mei stared at her.

Zhuang Nuanchen's brows froze, "Sister Mei, you mean Angel? But Angel has never wanted Xia Lu to leave."

"How do you know whether she wants Xia Lu to stay or leave? Are you her?" Sister Mei sneered, and got up to pick up her laptop. "Nuan Chen, in this self-absorbed environment, managing yourself is the key."

She said the same thing as Cheng Shaoqian.

The tempered glass in the conference room refracted the light of the setting sun, falling on Zhuang Nuanchen's face, her plain face was glowing with the light of egg white, she was lost for a moment...


Autumn is more thorough at night.

The golden ginkgo leaves on both sides are spread all over the floor, desolate and cool.

Tang Hui, however, became more lively every night, in this golden area full of foreign embassies.

The feasting and feasting were all placed outside the box.

Xia Lu ordered a small package, and ordered two dozen beers in addition to the ktv, the three of them ate, sang and played truth or dare, and Zhuang Nuanchen lost.

"Tell me, what kind of man do you want?" Ai Nian was a little drunk, and touched her with a silly smile.

She frowned, put her fingers in her long hair for deep thought, and said after a long time, "Sunshine, refreshing, like white clothes, tall, thin and childish."

"You're still talking about Gu Mo." Xia Lu and Ai Nian said in unison.

"Yeah, haha..." Zhuang Nuanchen was also a little drunk, laughing so hard that her branches trembled.

Today she is completely bare-faced, with thick long hair wrapped around a small, thin and soft face, her long eyelashes flickering, and her smile is as clear as a girl next door.

"Zhuang Nuanchen, can you live a promising life? Don't listen to Nan Youxuan's nonsense. She and Gu Mo have always been hardcore. She told you that Gu Mo came back to stimulate you and take revenge on you. You are so stupid! Dang." Xia Lu slapped her, then grabbed her hand, "Hey, the bracelet is pretty, where did you buy it?"

Zhuang Nuanchen waved her hand, took a sip of beer and did not answer.

She usually has a lot of jewelry, but she only likes this one, not because of Jiang Moyuan, but because of its cleanliness and elegance.

"Don't talk about me, talk about yourself, Xia Lu, are you going back to the company or not? Mr. Cheng let go." Putting down the beer bottle, she frowned.

Xia Lu smiled and waved his hands, "I don't want to hurt anyone."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Ai Nian also came over, "Xia Lu, you have to stay anyway, because I might have to leave."

Zhuang Nuanchen was shocked.

Xia Lu also stared at her suspiciously.

Ai Nian said, "I have worked hard in Beijing for the past few years, and now I have nothing. My family has been urging me to go back. My mother said that all my former elementary school classmates got married, bought a house, bought a car, and look at myself Daughter, I don’t even have a stable house.”

"What about you? Do you want to go back?" Zhuang Nuanchen's eyes were full of reluctance.

Ai Nian shook her head, "To be honest, I really don't want to."

"Then fight to the end and show the family members a better life!" Xia Lu raised his beer bottle and shouted.

"I don't know what will happen. It depends on what the army means. In short, I spend one day with you in Beijing, so Xia Lu, you are not allowed to leave." Ai Nian also raised his glass.

"Life is like duckweed, don't worry, even if I leave, I will always harass you, because you are my best friends." Xia Lu blushed and looked at Zhuang Nuanchen, "You also Work hard, you must succeed tomorrow, Nuan Chen, really, if you succeed, I will be very happy, cheers!"

Zhuang Nuanchen felt uncomfortable, but still held up the cup and clinked it vigorously.

Life gathers and disperses like duckweed, so why are she, Ai Nian, and Xia Lu not rootless duckweed?in the city.

The three of them had another drink, but it was not for drinking, it was just because they were in a mood.

Xia Lu sang a song, which was soft and pleasant to the ear. When the chorus was sung, the other two also followed suit. All three of them could sing this song.

Leaving, this moment feels like it won't be forgotten.

Friends, hug and bid farewell tomorrow.

It's rare, and there is no sadness, reluctance or concern.

Relive yesterday, a lot of fun.

Once, every day we met to find beauty.

Intoxicated, beautiful stories encourage each other to chase.

Once, looked at the sky and cried to sleep together.

Speaking of parting, they also smiled at each other.

Farewell and still believe, we will meet again in the future.

Before we meet again, cherish and love yourself.

Parting at the best moment without tears.

Just promise a certain year, a certain day and a certain place.goodbye.

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