047 Caught Su Yan (1) Coming out of Tanghui, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and it is almost twelve o'clock.

The vicinity of Gongti is still lively, and nightlife will always spread to every corner.

The three of Zhuang Nuanchen drank a little too much, but they were still sober. They supported each other and walked on the street. There were a lot of people taking taxis nearby, so they had to go farther.

Thursday, close to the weekend, so people are crazy.

Xia Lu couldn't get over his excitement, and sang to the starry sky: We are all good children, the kindest children, miss those who hurt us.

Zhuang Nuanchen was also infected by her, and continued to sing with Ai Nian, we are all good children, the cutest children, together, weep for happiness...

The three of them laughed and missed the time when they were in college.

Two foreign men came across, staggering and looking like they had drunk too much.One of them came forward to strike up a conversation lewdly, Zhuang Nuanchen ignored it, and took Xia Lu and Ai Nian to walk a few steps quickly.

The man didn't intend to give up, and stepped forward to stop them.

"Let's make friends." He looked drunk and bit his blunt Chinese.

"Go away!" Zhuang Nuanchen frowned displeasedly, and stretched out her hand to push him.

The other foreigner was more sober, and hurried forward to grab his companion, but this person threw him away and put his hand on Zhuang Nuanchen's shoulder, "You have character, I like it."

"You like multiple farts, let go!" Xia Lu broke the foreigner's hand unceremoniously.

Ai Nian chimed in, "Stay away from us, or we'll call the police!"

But the foreigner took it as a joke, giggled, stretched out his hands to hug Zhuang Nuanchen, lowered his head, his mouth was about to stick.


With a slap in turn, Zhuang Nuanchen's palm ached from the slap, and then Jiu Jin raised his leg to make up for it with a roundabout kick, one kick between his legs.

"Ah—" The scream sounded horrible, and the foreigner covered his lower body with his hands, and fell to the ground after jumping a few times.

His companion was also frightened, and it took him a long time to react and hurried forward to help him. The man's face was pale, and his cheeks were blushing. He pointed at Zhuang Nuanchen but couldn't say a word.

"Try again, I'll beat you until you can't take care of yourself!" She shook her fist vigorously, adding an English translation for fear that they wouldn't understand.

The two left in a hurry, perhaps they had never seen the tough side of Chinese women.

"Okay, you, roundabout kick." Xia Lu hooked her and raised his fingers.

She laughed, and exaggeratedly flicked her long hair, "You shouldn't be merciful when dealing with this kind of person."

Ai Nian shook his head, "How dare you, this is the embassy area, you are not afraid of making headlines."

"Let's go up, let's see who will lose face!" Zhuang Nuanchen said with a smile, and clenched his fists again, "This is China's territory, where is it the turn of these foreigners to be arrogant?"

"Good job!" Xia Lu was so drunk that his eyes blurred, and he smiled even more happily.

"We—" It feels good to be a hero, Zhuang Nuanchen was a little flustered, and yelled loudly at the streets where cars were passing by, "We will drive the foreign devils out of China!"

"Haha, are you drunk? What are you yelling for?" Ai Nian patted her, "What about the Qing Dynasty?"

"It's so cool to shout like this." She said to the two of them, her bright eyes flashed with pleasure.

Xia Lu was itchy by what she said, so he decided to give it a try. He wrapped his hands around his mouth like a microphone, and shouted, "I want to marry a rich man!"

Only in this way can she have a chance to control her own destiny.

Ai Nian giggled, then shouted——

"I want to be a full-time wife, a happy full-time wife!"

After shouting, the two looked at Zhuang Nuanchen.

She stopped, and the autumn leaves fell in her hair.

The coolness of the autumn night floated on her lips, and her eyes looked a little moist between the alternation of street lights and car lights, like fine mist flickering.

The long-term depression turned into a ball of motivation, hovering in the chest cavity and finally rushing out of the throat!

"Gu Mo—" The trembling voice almost pierced the sky, like a mournful cry from the bottom of my heart, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry—"

Attract the attention of those around you.

Ai Nian and Xia Lu walked up to her and hugged her. The three of them stood quietly under the ginkgo tree without saying a word.They all understand that from the moment they step out of the campus, all emotions can be suppressed by the impetuous environment. The more entangled their hearts are, the heavier the pain will be. pain.

After a long time, Xia Lu broke the sad atmosphere and deliberately laughed, "It's so old-fashioned, you think Gu Mo can hear it? Forget it, child, Zhao Benshan said it well, first love doesn't understand love at all."

"Haha, what are you talking about?" Zhuang Nuanchen hugged her, reached out and pinched her face, "You're still talking about me, aren't you more old-fashioned? You think you can fall into a rich man by shouting at the sky ? Or drop a cheat book?"

"What should I do?"

"Teach you." Zhuang Nuanchen blinked at her, the tears had been carefully put away, a smile bloomed on his lips, and he pointed to the cars on the street, "Anyone who has the money can just look at the cars. After getting the car, I rush forward and get knocked down on purpose, and after I have the first contact, I guarantee that I will marry a rich man."

Ai Nian slapped her, "It's a bad move, what if it's just the driver inside?"

"That's also a driver for rich people. If you hit someone, the owner of the car must come forward, right?" Zhuang Nuanchen smiled and dodged, standing under the ginkgo tree, with a sly look on his innocent face.

Xia Lu glared at her, "You are really cruel, what if I am hit and disabled?"

"Why did you hit so hard? When you hit the side of the car, you fell down immediately, and Ai Nian and I immediately ran over to help. Now that the traffic is so slow, how could you be hurt?" After finishing speaking, she covered her lips Can't help laughing.

"You deserve a beating, don't you? How could you come up with such an idea?" Xia Lu deliberately smirked at her.

Zhuang Nuanchen also smiled happily, the moonlight shifted, a leaf flew to the opposite side of the street lightly, her eyes swept lightly, froze for a moment, and then rushed into the sea of ​​cars.

"Hello, Nuan Chen—"

"Warm morning—"

Ai Nian and Xia Lu didn't expect it, they shouted at her back anxiously, and then rushed into the traffic.

The slow traffic flow became noisy due to sudden accidents, and the sound of cars sounded one after another, which was even more crisp on this autumn night.

"Squeak—" A car slammed on the brakes suddenly.

The corner of Zhuang Nuanchen's clothes rubbed against the front of the car and floated over. Because of the unstable center of gravity, she clapped her hands on the front of the car.

"Nuan Chen—" Ai Nian rushed forward first, "Are you injured? Let me see."

Xia Lu also squeezed in. Seeing that her arm was not injured, her fear turned into anger, "Are you crazy? Even if I don't believe your words, you don't have to demonstrate it yourself?"

Her words had no effect, Zhuang Nuanchen's gaze was still searching, and after seeing the tall figure again, he threw away Ai Nian and Xia Lu vigorously, without even looking at the owner of the car, he rushed across the street impatiently,

Ai Nian was taken aback, Xia Lu also screamed, "Is that... Gu Mo?"

Across the street, the man's slender and perfect figure was faintly hidden by the rustling ginkgo leaves.

Zhuang Nuanchen had already run over, only a few steps away from the man.

The white linen long-sleeved shirt, shadowed under the golden ginkgo leaves, she saw the boy under the pear tree again in a trance, holding a ukulele and playing a moving love song after another.

"Gu Mo..." finally called out the name in her heart, and the name that had been lingering for six years spread out with the air, and she heard the sound of her heart pounding.

The man in front paused.

She subconsciously clenched her fists.

The man finally turned around, with a strange face. "Miss, are you calling me?"

The autumn wind blew up suddenly, and her heart was also blown away. At this moment, she seemed to be relieved, but then disappointed...

"I'm sorry, I... recognized the wrong person." Her voice was low, like a baby bird on a branch, weak.

The man smiled politely, turned and left.

In the air, it is slightly cool.

Just like when she turned and left six years ago.

Is six years a long time?

Long enough to make her recognize the wrong person?

Zhuang Nuanchen's eyes were full of sadness, she didn't know if it was for herself or to wipe away the time.

Looking back, I saw Ai Nian and Xia Lu standing motionless on the side of the road, with a car parked beside them. That car looked familiar.

Ai Nian desperately waved at her with an anxious expression on his face.

Xia Lu was embarrassed.

The car door was slightly open, and the owner stood beside the car door. His figure was tall and strong, and the luxurious suit depicted the man's handsome and broad back. A few ginkgo leaves floated behind him, intertwined with the colorful lights of the street lights, reflecting his black hair, exuding animal The sheen of the fur.

Across the street, Zhuang Nuanchen was stunned like a fossil, unable to take a step forward for a long time.

It took a few minutes before she came over here, struggling at every step.

The owner of the car is Jiang Moyuan.

Just barely touched her.

It was he who said, how easy is it to find someone in such a big city?He's lying, just like tonight, she can meet him just by hanging out with friends.

Jiang Moyuan's car was parked on the side of the road so that the cars behind could continue to move forward.Xu Shi came out to do errands. He was dressed very formally. He wore a pure black suit with a smoky gray shirt. His meticulous attire showed his masculinity.

He stood there, waiting very patiently. The autumn wind picked up and slightly blew the corners of his clothes, but his eyes were a little colder, not as calm and indifferent as before, and the brows seemed to be slightly frowned. .

A trace of surprise flashed across Zhuang Nuanchen's heart.

He, is he angry?

But when she stepped forward bravely, Jiang Moyuan's expression was as calm as ever, as if it was just a mistake.

Actually, Zhuang Nuanchen didn't have enough courage to face him, ever since that day at the beach.

in fact……

She was a little afraid of this kind of feeling, this kind of... the feeling of being slightly secretly happy when she saw him.

Just about to say hello to him, Jiang Moyuan said unexpectedly, his deep voice was as intoxicating as the night, "You dropped something." After speaking, he spread his big hands, and there was a string of exquisite bracelets lying quietly in his palms.

Zhuang Nuanchen touched his wrist subconsciously, the bracelet was lost, but how could it fall into his hand?He raised his eyes and glanced at him, his fresh eyes flashed lightly, and his tone was a little indifferent, unlike usual.

Ai Nian stepped forward to touch her, followed by a flash of light on her head, she forgot that she didn't wear makeup tonight!

"Thank you..." Zhuang Nuanchen didn't know if he recognized him, but felt that this kind of encounter was embarrassing enough, her heart skipped a few times, and she hurriedly reached out to grab it.

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