Giants Dream II: Ukulele Contract

048 Jiang Moyuan's Invitation

048 Jiang Moyuan's Invitation (1) Several people were talking, the crowd was a little noisy, and someone exclaimed again.

Zhuang Nuanchen looked over and couldn't help but want to be amazed.

The lounge is facing the corridor of the company. When the elevator door opened, Jiang Moyuan came out, followed by a few senior executives. It didn't look like he was dressed formally last night. He was only wearing a white shirt in the company, and he looked very refreshing. .As he was walking, he was explaining matters to the anniversary around him. He was walking very fast, and the people behind him had to speed up to keep up.

The exclamation came from the lounge, after all, not many people had seen Jiang Moyuan.

Zhuang Nuanchen found out for the first time that he looks great in a white shirt, and his strong bones make the shirt look stylish. Generally speaking, men whose height and shape do not meet the requirements rarely dare to wear white shirts , being short or fat or too thin doesn't look good in clothes, Jiang Moyuan is a typical clothes hanger.

Angel immediately stepped forward, took out his business card and handed it to Jiang Moyuan, and said something with a smile.

Jiang Moyuan stopped not far away, with an indifferent smile on his lips, and obvious alienation in his eyes, and he responded politely.

Ai Nian stepped forward and said to Zhuang Nuanchen in a low voice, "Isn't it too obvious? Mr. Wang did what she did before, but Mr. Jiang would?"

Zhuang Nuanchen didn't speak, but bit her lip.

Over there, after Jiang Moyuan said a few words, he suddenly turned his gaze to this side, looked around, and landed on Zhuang Nuanchen's face accurately.

The moment her eyes met, she immediately lowered her head.

Strange, what is she guilty of?

After a while, she only heard Jiang Moyuan raised his voice slightly, "What time will the bidding start?"

"Mr. Jiang, it's 10:30." One of the executives replied.

"Notify the planning department, I will participate." Jiang Moyuan said lightly and left.

Several executives looked at each other in blank dismay, and immediately followed after seeing Jiang Moyuan walking away.

There was a lot of discussion in the lounge, Angel came back after getting bored, and sat on the side without saying a word.

Gao Ying looked nympho, "Mr. Jiang is so handsome, I wish I were his girlfriend."

"Shut up your drool." Ai Nian slapped her, then smiled and said, "Which man with a better appearance is not a playboy?" She seemed to be telling Gao Ying, but she actually looked at it. Zhuang Nuanchen, "Maybe everyone else is married, and they are just playing with girls in the mainland, so you can't judge people only by their appearance."

Ai Nian has always been resistant to Jiang Moyuan, because she saw the bouquet of flowers, and Zhuang Nuanchen kept hemming and hawing to her, she was afraid that her good friend would be deceived by a beast in clothes.

Zhuang Nuanchen could hear the meaning behind what she said, but just smiled and said nothing.

"It's really strange, the bidding meeting, why did Mr. Jiang participate in it in person? Wouldn't it be enough if someone from the planning department was here?" Gao Ying ignored Ai Nian's nonsense, and frowned and muttered.

Yeah, it's weird...

Even Zhuang Nuanchen felt strange.

——————————— gorgeous dividing line————————————

The bidding will begin, and everyone will sit in turn.

Aussie PR was at the front, and there were two PR companies in the middle. Dema was at the bottom, and Zhuang Nuanchen was at the bottom.

Gao Ying was a little dissatisfied with the ranking, "It's not fair, Biaowei is obviously towards Aussie."

Zhuang Nuanchen looked down at the information and said nothing. She understood Gao Ying's dissatisfaction. The bidding order of PR companies is very important. From the ranking order, we can see how much Party A attaches importance to it.

Furthermore, each bidding plan is not clear in a few words, and some even talk for more than an hour. In this way, no matter how physically strong the decision-maker is, he will inevitably suffer from visual and auditory fatigue, so whoever ranks first will often Very favorable.

Dema is a company that directly obtained the bidding right without the planning department, and it is normal for the planning department to take the opportunity to do something selfish.

The conference room was very quiet, and the director of Aussie's public relations was also stepping up preparations. The woman looked only in her 30s, but her gestures were extremely elegant and calm. Zhuang Nuanchen secretly envied her. It would be great if she could learn this calmness anytime soon. .

Just as he was thinking, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

Jiang Moyuan really participated in the bidding meeting on time.

The people in the planning department got up one after another, he motioned for everyone to sit down, and he sat down too.

"Let's get started." The words were clean and neat, and it could be seen that he didn't like wasting time.

The person in charge of the planning department nodded and signaled Party B to start the proposal.

The PR director of Oss got up, the projection was turned on, and she walked to the big screen to kick off the bidding.This person's voice is crisp and clear, and it can be seen that she is a woman who has experienced many battles. She always has a smile on her face.

Zhuang Nuanchen has been focusing on Aussie PR since the beginning. They used high-tech as the key point to spread out the overall publicity package, and they have always made the professional characteristics of Aussie PR.

Listening, she was a little distracted.

Subconsciously looked at Jiang Moyuan who was sitting in the middle. From this angle, he could see his perfect side face, tall nose, thick brows, outlined softly by the morning light, and his cheeks were sharp like a knife of a god. As carefully carved.He listened very carefully throughout the whole process, his eyes never shifted, his whole face was expressionless, calm and determined, just like usual.

Zhuang Nuanchen was slightly disappointed, but why she was disappointed was not clear for a while.

The whole morning was given to Oss PR and the next company. The plans of the other two companies were similar, and there was nothing new about Oss.When it was time for Dema, the planning department interrupted the process unexpectedly, and the person in charge looked at Jiang Moyuan and said, "Boss Jiang, do you want to take a break at noon before listening to the next plan?"

There is suspicion of deliberation, but it is also reasonable.

Gao Ying gritted her teeth, "What does this person mean? He must be sick."

Zhuang Nuanchen still didn't speak, just turned her head and looked at Jiang Moyuan quietly.

Jiang Moyuan raised his wrist and took a look, with a calm expression, "Since there is the last company left, let's continue."

The tone is calm but authoritative.

Her heart skipped a beat for joy, and her uneasiness and irritability disappeared.

"I'll bring you some coffee." Jiang Moyuan took a glance and paused for a while.

The people in the administration department hurriedly followed suit, and after a while, the conference room was full of mellow aromas.

From preparing the coffee to pouring it, there was actually a delay of more than ten minutes, but in these ten minutes, Zhuang Nuanchen felt that his attention and concentration had returned.

People's mental states are divided into stages, especially for those who propose. The initial waiting is full of tension. After a few hours, it will change from tension to relaxation, and then to fatigue. When it is your turn, you may not be able to perform at your best. Effect.

If Jiang Moyuan hadn't ordered the administration department to prepare coffee just now but continued directly, then she would have been exhausted when she went up to make a proposal, but after a pause, she felt really good after taking a sip of coffee, and her nervousness was gone , only vigorous energy.

I have to say that she would like to thank Jiang Moyuan.

When she put down the coffee cup, she raised her eyes and glanced at him, unexpectedly, he was also looking at her, his eyes seemed to reveal a trace of understanding, and his thin lips were slightly raised.

His fingers trembled slightly, and he hurriedly looked away to gather his mind.

Did he see what she was thinking?

So, he just did it on purpose?

She didn't dare to think too much, could he be for her?

Angel proposed first, and the starting point of her plan was also high-tech design, suggesting that all promotional packaging and landing activities should be carried out around this theme. Zhuang Nuanchen watched her proposal nervously, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Old and hot, Angel's plan is indeed impeccable. She used channels and methods that Aussie PR cannot match, and even the Aussie PR people can't help but nod.

Gao Ying was nervous at the side, and touched her, "Nuan Chen, how did the third part's plan be so perfect? ​​Have we deviated from the topic?"

Zhuang Nuanchen had been cheering herself up, and after hearing the words, she took a deep breath, "Everything can only be explained when there are results." As he said this, his eyes turned to Jiang Moyuan. The information he gave her was very clear, but Will something change?

After Angel's case was brought up, some people present couldn't help applauding. Jiang Moyuan clapped his hands symbolically, but still didn't have much expression on his face.

When it was the turn of the second part, Ai Nian and Xiao Nan worked together to complete the proposal, but after all, Ai Nian was facing a client for the first time, and he nervously misplaced the proposal many times, causing Xiao Nan to stare at him in anger.

As time passed, Zhuang Nuanchen's heart beat faster and faster. When Ai Nian was seated, Gao Ying touched her, "It's our turn."

It seemed that everyone's eyes were on her. She stood up and clenched her fists secretly. Zhuang Nuanchen had never received so much attention. When she stood on the proposal stage, everyone's eyes were less than that person's. scorching hot.

Yes, he was sitting directly opposite her. This time, his gaze fell on her undisguisedly, calmly and far-reaching. Standing on the stage, she was actually nervous. When Gao Ying made gestures for her, she was still Daze.

"Miss Zhuang, can we start?" The attitude of the planning department was a bit cold.

Zhuang Nuanchen squeezed her fingers vigorously, she could hear the dissatisfaction of the other party, his eyes met Jiang Moyuan again, he nodded slightly towards her, his eyes unexpectedly had a powerful soothing power, like a kind of encouragement, the corners of his lips The smile seemed to deepen slightly.

She didn't dare to think too much, she only thought that she was delusional.

Because at this moment, she is not his "banquet lover", but he is her judge, and his decision is enough to change the fate of her and her entire department.

Thinking of this, she tried her best to eliminate the tension that was already in her stomach. She let out a sigh of relief, and she looked at Gao Ying, "Let's start." To change your destiny, not only do you have to meet someone who can change your destiny, but more importantly, you have to Have the ability to persuade this person to change your destiny.

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