unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 331 To Kunlun

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 330 Heading to Kunlun

To Kunlun

"It's just a guru in the fusion stage. I tell you that this deity has killed even the strong ones in the Mahayana stage. Don't say that you are just a little guy who is out of the body. You simply don't do it, and you don't stop. I will kill you first, and I will kill you. Kunlun is full of sects." " After Murong Feng finished speaking, the blue light in his eyes flickered, and he wanted to kill him.

"Brother Murong, let Xueyan deal with this person! Xueyan has been practicing for several years, and I just use him to try my hand and see how powerful my good soul is." Fairy, fluttering like a fairy, calm and peaceful.

When Murong Feng saw Xueyan's arrival, there was a bit of a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Xueyan, you are really punctual, this is one of the enemies of my Huaxia clan for hundreds of millions of years, kill him! Don't feel guilty, this It's their way that owes us, and we're just charging some interest for our ancestors."

Xueyan's body was covered with golden light, and a huge golden wheel appeared behind her head, like a scorching sun, shining all over the sky, Murong Feng's heart was shocked, this is the Great Sun Tathagata Heart Sutra!Sure enough, the dead dog didn't have any secrets, and it came from such a powerful attacking method. This time, the Kunlun Taoist sect has some games.

"As big as the Tathagata palm." The corner of Xueyan's mouth sipped lightly, and the golden giant hand stretched out about a hundred feet, and slapped Xiaoyaozi directly in front of him. The power of the blow twisted the void, tore the air, and made a loud sound There was a loud explosion, and a terrifying vacuum belt appeared. Xiaoyaozi's eyes were terrified, and the flying sword under his feet swung a thousand sword shadows, hitting the huge golden palm print.

The shadow of the Thousand Swords turned into shattered pieces, and the golden giant palm also dimmed a bit. Xueyan's combat experience is not very rich, so it is difficult to control under one blow. Even so, Xueyan has absolute suppression on Xiaoyaozi, after all, there is a difference of one full Realm!

Seeing that he was invincible, Xiaoyaozi already had the intention of retreating, so he shouted loudly: "Shangqing Shenleijue." With a pinch of his fingers, blue clouds gathered in the sky, and there was a blue thunderclap in the sky, and the blue thunder light shook In the void, Murong Feng's heart trembled, how could the Kunlun sect even have Lei Jue, the town sect of the Taoist sect of the Shangqing Dynasty.

Xueyan retreated in the air, and immediately swept across the cyan clouds in the void with her giant palm. The giant cyan thunder flickered in the void, and directly bombarded the giant palm. "Boom" the cyan and golden power exploded in the air, and countless energies scattered like It was as gorgeous as fireworks, and the snow and smoke retreated tens of meters in a row to resolve the impact of this force.

However, Xiaoyaozi retreated several hundred meters in a row, was strongly shocked in the void, and vomited blood. After all, the Great Sun Tathagata Heart Sutra is not one of the powerful methods. Of course it's powerful, but it's only during the distraction period that it can exert its powerful power.

"Shangqing God Leijue, do you still have many good things that Kunlun sent you? Xueyan, kill him quickly, he has no strength to fight. After killing him, we will go to Kunlun to loot. There are a few powerful celestial treasures that I don’t use myself, but I can leave them to our future brothers! Haha!” Murong Feng laughed wildly, and he suspected in his heart that the Kunlun School was the source of the ancient Taoist sect, and that the three sects of the Taoist sect were their branches.

Xiaoyaozi's eyes showed resentment, Xueyan made seals with his hands, and the huge sun radiated intense light, giving people a calm and gentle feeling, but Xueyan's heart was extremely peaceful, and he shouted: "Daddy!" Sun Heart Sutra, transforming power into yang, covering the sky with light, beheading all things and destroying them."

The little golden sun quickly enveloped Xiaoyaozi, but Xiaoyaozi had no strength to fight back at all, his body was instantly destroyed, and the purple Nascent Soul escaped, Murong Feng instantly transformed into a huge hand, and directly grabbed it in his hand, showing a cold With an incomparable smile, he said: "You are looking for death, hehe! Prepare to leave the most essence of energy for the uncle!"

When the words fell, Murong Feng directly obliterated his consciousness, and instantly threw him into the small world, using the law of space to suppress him, "Xueyan, how does it feel to kill people? The oppression of our ancestors, think about our people, think about our ancestors."

Xueyan's face was extremely cold, and said: "Brother Murong, I don't have any sense of guilt. Everyone related to the Taoist sect should be damned. It's not you, Brother Murong. Now I have no chance to go home. Sharp weapon, kill all those who stand in the way of big brother becoming the supreme emperor, even if they are immortals, Xueyan will definitely kill them all."

Murong Feng sighed, Destiny Twins is a tragedy, born to kill for the sake of killing, is an endless way of killing, I don't know if it is right or wrong to teach him the way of Buddhism and martial arts, and I will definitely give you freedom in the future, if I really become the heavens The emperor of the myriad worlds, the world of the heavens, the billions of stars, you can choose.

"Qingqing, you stay and take care of Yue girl, don't let her destroy the villa, Xueyan and I went to rob Kunlun, it's time to slaughter them all, Xueyan, you go and inform Shaolin and Wudang Let them lead the disciples who are above the third rank, and when Kunlun meets, I will go first." After saying that, Murong Fenghua galloped away like a purple shadow...

Xueyan's speed is abnormally fast, heading towards Shaolin...

Murong Feng hurried towards Kunlun Mountain, but when he arrived near the ancient battlefield of Changping, he was suddenly startled by a burst of resentment, what was it, and how could there be such a strong resentment, this is Changping, Is it the place where Bai Qi killed 40 Zhao troops? Could it be that the souls of these soldiers are immortal and have become ghosts?

Murong Feng stood in the void, but he was on the sidelines, he didn't dare to get close at all, if there was a powerful ghost king inside, it would be the existence of a Sanxian, and he couldn't deal with it with his realm, and it seemed to be surrounded by a powerful force. Sealed by the seal, although the resentment was exposed, it did not spread.

These vicious ghosts are all good things!If there is no ghost king, bringing him into the small world will expand the small world a lot!The small world's nature of swallowing everything, ghost aura is also a good material!Forget it, let's sweep Kunlun first, and then slowly find a way to deal with the fierce spirits here.

Thinking of this, Murong Feng didn't stop here, and headed directly towards Kunlun. When Murong Feng arrived at the Tanggula Mountains, there were already many people staying here. Yimu and Qingfeng each had dozens of monks, trails, and snow. Yan, seeing Murong Feng's arrival, all the people from the two factions said: "Welcome Patriarch."

Murong Feng nodded, which was a response, and said in a deep voice: "Yimu, Qingfeng, the small space of Kunlun is there, I heard that you have a combined master, you just deal with the old Taoists below the fifth level, and leave the rest to me and Xue." Yan, I want Kunlun Wonderland, I want to devour them all."

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